Call for Anatole Abragam Prize Nominations 2025

Anatole Abragam made seminal contributions to both NMR and EPR and was a recipient of the ISMAR Prize and a Fellow of ISMAR. In addition to making superb scientific contributions, fostering young scientists was close to his heart.  With this in mind, ISMAR awards the “Anatole Abragam Prize” to young scientists at biennial ISMAR conferences (see  Bruker Biospin provides monetary support for this Prize. Previous Prize winners can be found here:

The Anatole Abragam Prize will be awarded at the joint ENC - ISMAR Conference on April 6 - 10, 2025, in Asilomar, CA, USD (

Candidates are eligible within seven years of completing their PhD (excluding career delays due to childbirth, illness, and other particular family circumstances). Any Regular Member or Fellow of ISMAR can nominate them.  The ISMAR Prize Committee selects the recipient on the basis of evidence of novel and significant contributions to magnetic resonance.

Preference is given to nominees who have made original and independent contributions to experimental or conceptual aspects of magnetic resonance beyond work performed with their research supervisors. The award aims to recognize and foster outstanding young scientists at an important point in their career.

We encourage you to nominate our outstanding young colleagues while considering a balanced gender representation. Nominations must be received by October 1, 2024, and should include the following documents assembled into a single pdf file:

  • Nomination letter (maximum of two pages)
  • At least one seconding letter (maximum of two pages).  No more than two seconding letters should be submitted.
  • Curriculum vitae of the nominee (including any career delays or extenuating circumstances impacting productivity)
  • List of publications and scientific presentations by the nominee

Please submit the nominations in a single PDF document to the Secretary-General,!

We look forward to seeing you in Asilomar