In addition to its regular biennial conferences, ISMAR provides sponsorship to smaller meetings, workshops, and schools in all areas of magnetic resonance, with emphasis on support for rapidly growing MR communities and younger scientists. ISMAR sponsorship may consist of financial support for students (travel and/or registration fees), travel support for a special ISMAR-sponsored lecturer, and/or free membership in ISMAR for two years for participants in the event. Sponsored events are advertised on the ISMAR website. In return for this support, announcements and written material associated with the event should include the ISMAR label, and event organizers should verbally acknowledge ISMAR's support during the event.
Requests for support should come from an active Regular Member of ISMAR, and should use this template. Requests should be submitted to the SECRETARY GENERAL of ISMAR at least six months before the event takes place. The ISMAR Executive Committee will consider these requests three times per year, with submission deadlines of March 1, July 1, and November 1. Since ISMAR has limited financial resources each year, requests should be submitted as far in advance as possible to maximize the chances of success.
Recipients of ISMAR support are expected to provide a brief written report to the Secretary General within six months after the event, describing the activities that took place (e.g., the conference program), the numbers of students, postdocs, and more senior scientists who participated, and the names, affiliations, and poster/talk titles of people who received financial support from ISMAR. The report should state explicitly how money from ISMAR was spent.