The Young Investigators in Magnetic Resonances (YIMRs) workshop is a scientific event organized by early-career researchers for their peers. The event aims at facilitating the exchange of scientific knowledge and expertise between PhDs, postdocs, and early-career researchers and at building a network between future generations of researchers in this field.
The workshop will be hosted at the University of Konstanz on 21-22 September 2023. To encourage the scientific exchange, all participants are invited to submit an abstract either for poster or oral presentation. Both the poster sessions and the talks will be moderated to facilitate the scientific exchange between attendees with different backgrounds.
We invite PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers and early/career group leaders from all over the world.
Invited speakers: JProf. Dr. Müge Kasanmascheff (CCB - TU Dortmund), Dr. Andrea Capozzi (EPFL, Losanne).
Organizers: Dr. Annalisa Pierro (University of Konstanz, DE), Dr. Alessio Bonucci (Lab. BIP, CNRS, Marseille, FR), Dr. Angeliki Giannouli (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, IL), Dr. Dinar Abdullin (University of Bonn, DE).
Further information:
Fee for participation = 100 EUR.
Program of the event, excursion, food and gala dinner are included.
Max number of participants = 60.
Opening applications: 1st March 2023.
Deadline for application = 1st August 2023.
Participants are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation.