There will be a summer school (if situation allows) on the Theory of NMR at Youth hostel Schloss Windischleuba (40 km South of Leipzig/Germany) from Sun/26 March (evening) to Sat/1 April (morning) 2023 supported by the ISMAR. The school is the 2nd in a cycle of four schools and will be dedicated to relaxation theory: Basics of NMR, basic quantum mechanics, Hamiltonians, Liouville space and super operators, Redfield theory, correlation functions and spectral density functions, relaxation pathways, relaxation mechanisms, relaxation in solids, relaxometry, paramagnetic relaxation, thermalization, Lindblaad formalism.
Invited are MSc and PhD students as well as postdocs from all over the world.
Teachers: Christian Bengs (Univ. Southampton), Matthias Ernst (ETH Zürich), Amir Goldbourt (Tel Aviv University), Paul Schanda (IST Austria).
Organizer: Jörg Matysik (Univ. Leipzig).
Further information:
Fee for participation = 420 EUR.
Entire program, teaching materials, excursion, food and full accommodation are included.
Participants pay for transport by themself.
For travelers from far, with generous support of ISMAR, we might provide a grant by dropping the fee for participation.
Max number of students = 45.
Deadline for application = Sun 16 Oct. 2022.
Decision on participation within a month.
Participants are expected to stay the full period.
For application, please provide in the text of an e-mail: (1) last name, (2) first name, (3) gender f/m, (4) e-mail, (5) name and postal address of home institution, (6) head of laboratory, (7) food veg/nonveg/other, (8) arrival date, (9) departure date, (10) about three sentences describing your research project, (11) about three sentences on your motivation to participate, (12) any further information, (13) requesting grant: no/yes&reasons.
Please send your e-mail for application to: