September 27-30, 2022, Milano, Italy
ISMAR will support the Italian-French International Conference on Magnetic Resonance, jointly organized by the Italian (GIDRM) and French (GERM) Magnetic Resonance Societies. The conference will take place 27-30 September 2022 in Milan (Italy) and will bring together ~250 experts from different fields of magnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic resonance, using solution and solid state spectroscopy as well as imaging and relaxometry techniques.
The organisers are willing to foster participation of young colleagues (PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, young researchers) through the award of a limited number of attendance grants and low-priced rooms.
Further information (registration and abstract submission procedure, programme of the conference, list of invited speakers, how to apply for attendance grants, how to reach Milan, etc) can be found on the conference website: