conference dates: July 25-29, 2022
conference location: Copper Mountain, Colorado
The Rocky Mountain conference started as a meeting on Analytical chemistry involving SSNMR, EPR and analytical techniques. In 2010 the meeting was focused solely on Magnetic Resonance and included SSNMR and EPR sessions, where SSNMR meetings take place once in two years, alternating with the Alpine European meeting. It is the largest SSNMR meeting in North America and attracts researches involving both theory, methods and applications. The meeting supports special prizes: The Laura Marinelli Award ( for an excellent poster presentation by a student/post-doc, and the Vaughan Lecturer (, which is awarded to a leading scientist in the field of SSNMR. The identity of the winner is only exposed in the meeting, and past recipients include many leading scientist in the field. A session is dedicated to the Vaughan lecturer, who gets to select several speakers. The meeting also awards travel stipends for students in order to encourage their participation.