conference dates: August 5-12, 2022
Biozentrum Basel, Switzerland
The intention of the course is to provide practical training in important aspects of structural and dynamical analysis by NMR. The emphasis will be on setting up experiments on the spectrometer (optimizing parameters, pulse programs), on processing and analyzing the NMR data and on structure calculations in a hands-on fashion. It is impossible to also teach all the necessary theoretical background of modern NMR experiments in a few days. Therefore, the course is aimed at PhD students and postdocs who have some working knowledge of NMR theory, i.e. product operator formalism, and who understand the basic principles of NMR pulse sequences. Possible candidates should have the knowledge of NMR theory at the level of the book 'Protein NMR Spectroscopy' by Cavanagh et al. or similar.
- Pulse sequences for assignment and structural information: theory, practical set-up and use
- Multidimensional data processing
- Resonance assignment
- Relaxation: theory, experiments, data analysis
- Residual dipolar couplings: theory, experiments, data analysis
- Paramagnetic NMR: theory, experiments, data analysis
- In-cell NMR
- Structure calculation and evaluation