8th Winter School on Biomolecular Solid-State NMR

Start date: January 11, 2026
End date: January 16, 2026
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
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This pedagogical meeting is aimed at students and postdocs in solid-state NMR as well as more senior scientists in related fields who are interested in entering this vibrant field. Our goals are to provide a focused week of teaching of the core concepts and practices in the increasingly multifaceted and complex field of biological solid-state NMR spectroscopy, and to encourage information sharing among different laboratories. Topics to be covered include: Basics of solid-state NMR: orientation-dependent NMR frequencies, MAS, tensors and rotations, density operator and its time evolution, decoupling and recoupling techniques, and average Hamiltonian theory Multidimensional correlation spectroscopy, non-uniform sampling, techniques for resonance assignment and measurement of structural restraints in biomolecules Paramagnetic solid-state NMR techniques Techniques for enhancing sensitivity of solid-state NMR: dynamic nuclear polarization and 1H detection Solid-state NMR techniques for measuring molecular motion Solid-state NMR techniques for structural studies of oriented membrane proteins Solid-state NMR spectra simulations in SPINEVOLUTION Beyond spin 1/2: NMR of quadrupolar nuclei Basics of NMR probe design In addition to lectures, problem sets and discussion sessions will be given at the meeting.