Organizers: Ann McDermott (Columbia U.), Francesca Marassi (Medical College of Wisconsin) and Robert Griffin (MIT)
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to encourage your students, postdocs, and senior associates to attend the 7th Winter School on Biomolecular Solid-State NMR, which will be held on January 7-12, 2024, in Stowe, Vermont. As were the previous successful Winter Schools, this pedagogical meeting is aimed at students and postdocs in solid-state NMR as well as more senior scientists in related fields who are interested in entering this vibrant field. We will provide week-long on instruction focused on the core concepts and techniques of the increasingly complex and multifaceted field of biological solid-state NMR spectroscopy, and provide opportunities for interactions and information sharing among different laboratories. Topics to be covered in the 7th Winter School include:
- Basics of solid-state NMR: orientation-dependent NMR frequencies, MAS, tensors and rotations, density operator and its time evolution, decoupling and recoupling techniques, and average Hamiltonian theory
- Multidimensional correlation spectroscopy, non-uniform sampling, techniques for resonance assignment and measurement of structural restraints in biomolecules
- Paramagnetic solid-state NMR techniques
- Techniques for enhancing sensitivity of solid-state NMR: dynamic nuclear polarization and 1H detection
- Solid-state NMR techniques for measuring molecular motion
- Solid-state NMR techniques for structural studies of oriented membrane proteins
- Solid-state NMR spectra simulations in SPINEVOLUTION
- Beyond spin 1/2: NMR of quadrupolar nuclei
- Basics of NMR probe design
In addition to lectures, problem sets and discussion sessions will be given at the meeting.
Speakers: The following have agreed to serve as lecturers:
Philip Grandinetti (Ohio State)
Bob Griffin (MIT)
Mei Hong (MIT)
Christopher Jaroniec (Ohio State)
Joanna Long (University of Florida)
Francesca Marassi (Medical College of Wisconsin)
Ann McDermott (Columbia)
Guido Pintacuda (ENS Lyon)
Tatyana Polenova (Delaware)
Bernd Reif (Tech Univ Munich)
Chad Rienstra (U of Wisconsin)
Robert Tycko (NIH)
Venue and transportation: The meeting will be held at the beautiful and historical Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont. Stowe is accessible from airports in Burlington, VT, Manchester, NH, and Boston, MA. A block of rooms has been reserved at the lodge. We anticipate space for ~70 attendees.
Cost: Room and board will be free for attendees. The registration fee is $1150 for academic attendees and $1350 for industrial attendees.
Application: Interested students and postdocs should send the following application materials as a single PDF fileto: The application materials include: (1) a CV, (2) publication list, and (3) a 1-page description of your current research and your statement of interest in attending the Winter School. Please indicate your gender in the CV for the purpose of hotel room assignment. Please name this application file as
AdvisorLastName_YourLastName_WS2024app.pdf. For example “Hong_Smith_WS2024app.pdf”.
Application deadline: Friday, October 6, 2023. Given the limited number of available spaces, it may not be possible to accommodate applications received after this date.
Please distribute this announcement to members of your research group as well as to colleagues who may be interested in attending or sending their group members.
With kind regards,
Ann, Francesca & Bob