January 14th, 2025 by Lisa Stocker
My lab at UT Southwestern in Dallas has four open postdoc positions in physics/engineering to advance hyperpolarization methods
with parahydrogen, chemistry to work on new molecular imaging tracers using stable isotopes
and molecular imaging using deuterium MRI and hyperpolarization with parahydrogen.
The advertisements links are listed below.
Please send you applications and inquiries directly to:
Looking forward to your application!
Stefan Gloeggler
Links to full advertisements:
UT Southwestern |
Medical Center |
The future of medicine, today. |
January 13th, 2025 by Lisa Stocker
The annual symposium of the UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research Facility takes place on Wednesday 19th March. This is a hybrid in person (at the University of Warwick) and online event. Registration is required (by 5th March for in person attendance, or by 13th March for online attendance):
There is also a solid-state NMR workshop (with an Introductory lecture on key concepts and techniques in solid-state NMR and NMR crystallography, including spectral interpretation and analysis, and a practical demonstration at 1 GHz) taking place in person the day before on Tuesday 18th March:
THE SYMPOSIUM ON 19th March 2025
Programme (times are UK time)
10:30-11:00 Registration
Morning Session (Chair: Prof. Frédéric Blanc, University of Liverpool)
11:00-11:45 Prof. Mark Smith, University of Southampton, “NMR of Materials: Observations on Metal Diborides and of 53Cr, together with some Reflections of Establishing a National High-Field NMR Facility and its Impact on Observing Low-gamma Nuclei in Inorganic Solids”
11:45-12:10 Dr. Sonja Egert, St Andrews University, “Local Structure of a Silica-Based Industrial Catalyst: Towards a Surface Model”
12:10-12:35 Benjamin Rhodes, University of Cambridge, “17O NMR Spectroscopy reveals CO2 capture mechanisms and dynamics in hydroxide-based materials”
12:35-13:45 Lunch
First Afternoon Session (Chair: Prof. Phil Williamson, University of Southampton)
13:45-14:00: Prof. Steven Brown, University of Warwick, “Update on the UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research Facility”
14:00:14:45 Dr. Ian Taylor, The Francis Crick Institute, “tbc”
14:45-15.10 Ananya Singh, University of Warwick, “Probing Fungal Cell Wall Composition: A Structural Journey through glucan Layers and Mutant Variability”
15:10-15:40 Coffee break
Second Afternoon Session (Chair: Prof. Sharon Ashbrook, St Andrews University)
15.40-16:05 Dr. Colan Hughes, Cardiff University, “CLASSIC NMR – Crystallization and Beyond”
16:05-16:50 Dr. Sabine Hediger, CEA Grenoble, “DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR: recent developments for more sensitivity, selectivity and resolution”
16:50 End of symposium
Steven P. Brown
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom EUROPE
Tel: 00 44 24 76574359
Fax: 00 44 24 76150897
email: S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
Warwick group webpage: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/
Researcher ID: http://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/F-8765-2014
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2069-8496
“My research career has greatly benefitted from freedom of movement in the European Union. I find it tragic that UK researchers and UK citizens are now to be deprived of this opportunity.”
January 10th, 2025 by Lisa Stocker
French version at the end.
An assistant professor position (Maitre de conferences) in biochemistry is offered in Amiens at the University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) in the lab “Enzyme and Cell Engineering, Molecular Recognition and Biocatalysis UMR 7025 CNRS.
Contact : nicola.damelio@u-picardie.fr , catherine.sarazin@u-picardie.fr and isabelle.gosselin@u-picardie.fr
Job profile
Research: The candidate will demonstrate a solid expertise in biophysics applied to the structural study of biomolecules in relation to their interactions, either within reaction systems or with biological targets. He/she must demonstrate strong knowledge of one or more spectroscopic techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) liquid and/or solid or circular dichroism (CD). Experience in light scattering techniques (SEC-MALS, DLS) and/or electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) would also be a major asset.
Depending on their skills and interests, the candidate will be free to integrate into one of the two research themes developed in the laboratory.
- Valorization of the whole plant
These research activities consist in developing innovative and sustainable strategies for the fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass and its enzymatic (hydrolases, oxidoreductases) and/or microbiological transformation. This research opens up the way to various applications such as the production of bioproducts, biomaterials and biofuels. In addition to these applied aspects, the biophysical approach will contribute to advancing the molecular understanding of the strategies implemented.
- Biomimicry and molecular interactions
These activities aim to understand the mechanisms underlying the interactions between natural compounds and their biological targets or biomimetic systems, including cell membranes. The objective is to develop new active molecules for various applications in the medical field (antibiotics, antifungals and anticancer agents), or agricultural (molecules stimulating defense mechanisms in plants). Peptides and their derivatives are privileged research axes.
A positioning at the interface of these two themes will be encouraged in the medium or long term, thus allowing the future teacher-researcher to build a multidisciplinary research profile.
The writing of a research project describing the insertion within the laboratory is requested for the constitution of the application file.
Keywords: biophysical techniques, structural study, molecular interactions, biorefinery, biomimicry
Teaching in biochemistry: The teaching of the biochemistry/microbiology SVT department (Science de la Vie et de la Terre) covers, at the undergraduate level (from L1 to L3), general and structural biochemistry, biological macromolecules, biochemical analysis techniques, and enzymology. Complementary teaching for the Master of Chemistry (speciality biotechnologies of natural resources) is also to be considered: extraction and purification of biological molecules and structural biology. Teaching will be in French, especially at undergraduate level.
Responsibility for teaching units and involvement in innovative pedagogical projects are expected.
Indications on the salary can be found here.
GEC laboratory in Amiens
The Unit of Enzyme and Cell Engineering, Molecular Recognition and biocatalysis (GEC), has acquired national and international recognition in the field of biotechnology. The GEC develops approaches combining the optimization of bioresource use and plant metabolism, as well as the creation of bioinspired or mimetic materials. To develop these projects, the GEC has access to several platforms: molecular biology, electron microscopy, a greenhouse, and an analytical platform. In the latter, MS (LC/MS, GC/MS, and MS/MS) and NMR (300, 400, 500, and 600 MHz with automatic sampler) instruments are available for solid-state and liquid experiments.
In the context of current societal demands, the Unit pays particular attention to applied research and the valorization of the results of its multiple research activities.
Amiens and its surroundings
Amiens is the main town of Picardie, part of Hauts-de-France region, situated just north of Paris. Its cathedral is visited by 800000 people each year and it is the tallest gothic church and the largest cathedral in France (UNESCO world heritage). The town is crossed by numerous canals, making it one of the "Venice of the north". Floating gardens (Les Hortillonnages) are set over a course of 65 km of irrigation canals. Amiens also hosts one of the largest university hospitals in France. The University brings into town about 25000 students, animating its atmosphere. Its location, close to the north coast, Lille and Paris (Paris can be easily reached by train in about 1 hour), makes it a quiet and interesting place to live.
How to apply
Applications are submitted electronically via the GALAXIE website. Candidates are selected after examination of admissible applications (qualified by the Conseil National des Universités for the position of assistant professeur or equivalence (équivalence) for some foreign PhD).
Selected candidates will be called for an interview in French language. The candidates must be able to speak French at an advanced level, allowing them to undergo the selection interview.
Apply from March 4 to April 4 2025 (4 pm, Paris time)
Key dates of the hiring process can be found here.
Start date: September 2025
POSTE DE MAÎTRE DE CONFÉRENCES EN BIOCHIMIE (permanent, à partir de septembre 2025) à paraître lors de la campagne d’emploi synchronisée.
Un poste de maître de conférences en biochimie est proposé à Amiens à l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) dans le laboratoire « Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire, Reconnaissance Moléculaire et Biocatalyse UMR 7025 CNRS.
Contact : nicola.damelio@u-picardie.fr , catherine.sarazin@u-picardie.fr and isabelle.gosselin@u-picardie.fr
Profil de l'emploi
Recherche : Le.la candidat.e présentera une solide expertise en biophysique appliquée à l’étude structurale de biomolécules en lien avec leurs interactions soit au sein de systèmes réactionnels soit avec des cibles biologiques. Il.elle devra démontrer une maîtrise d’une ou plusieurs techniques spectroscopiques telles que la résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) liquide et/ou solide ou le dichroïsme circulaire (DC). Une expérience en techniques de diffusion de lumière (SEC-MALS, DLS) et/ou en microscopie électronique (MEB, MET) sera également un atout majeur.
Selon ses compétences et sa sensibilité, le.la candidat.e aura toute liberté de s’intégrer dans l’une des deux thématiques de recherche développées au laboratoire.
(i) Valorisation de la plante entière
Ces activités de recherche consistent à développer des stratégies innovantes et durables pour le fractionnement des biomasses lignocellulosiques et leur transformation enzymatique (hydrolases, oxydoréductases) et/ou microbiologique. Ces recherches ouvrent la voie à des applications variées telles que la production de bioproduits, de biomatériaux et de biocarburants. Outre ces aspects applicatifs, l'approche biophysique contribuera à avancer dans la compréhension moléculaire des stratégies mises en œuvre.
(ii) Biomimétisme et interactions moléculaires
Ces activités visent à comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents aux interactions entre des composés naturels et leurs cibles biologiques ou des systèmes biomimétiques, y compris les membranes cellulaires. L'objectif est de développer de nouvelles molécules actives pour diverses applications dans le domaine médical (antibiotiques, antifongiques et agents anticancéreux), ou agricole (molécules stimulant les mécanismes de défenses chez les plantes). Les peptides et leurs dérivés constituent des axes de recherche privilégiés.
Un positionnement à l’interface de ces deux thématiques sera encouragé à moyen ou long terme, permettant ainsi au.à la futur.e enseignant.e-chercheur.se de se construire un profil de recherche multidisciplinaire.
La rédaction d’un projet de recherche décrivant l’insertion au sein du laboratoire est demandée pour la constitution du dossier de candidature.
Mot-clés : techniques de biophysique, étude structurale, interactions moléculaires, bioraffinerie, biomimétisme
Enseignement en biochimie : L’enseignement du service de biochimie/microbiologie du département SVT, UFR des Sciences, couvre, au niveau licence (du L1 au L3), la biochimie générale et structurale, les macromolécules biologiques, les techniques d’analyse biochimique et l’enzymologie. Des enseignements complémentaires au niveau du parcours Biotechnologies des Ressources Naturelles du Master Chimie sont également à envisager : extraction et purification des molécules biologiques et biologie structurale. L'enseignement se fera en français, notamment en ce qui concerne l'enseignement de niveau licence.
A terme, des responsabilités d’unités d’enseignement et d’implication dans des pratiques d’innovation pédagogique sont attendues.
Des indications sur le salaire peuvent être trouvées ici.
Laboratoire GEC à Amiens
L’Unité Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire Reconnaissance moléculaire et biocatalyse (GEC), a acquis au cours des quadriennaux successifs une reconnaissance nationale et internationale dans le domaine des biotechnologies. Le GEC développe des approches combinant l’optimisation de l’utilisation des bioressources et du métabolisme des plantes ainsi que la création de matériaux bioinspirés ou mimétiques. Pour développer ces projets, le GEC a accès à plusieurs plateformes: biologie moléculaire, microscopie électronique, serre et plateforme analytique. Dans cette dernière, des instruments MS (LC/MS, GC/MS et MS/MS) et RMN (300, 400, 500 et 600 MHz avec échantillonneur automatique) sont disponibles pour des expériences à l'état solide et liquide.
Dans le contexte des demandes sociétales actuelles, l'Unité porte une attention particulière à la recherche appliquée et à la valorisation des résultats de ses multiples activités de recherche.
Amiens et ses environs
Amiens est la principale ville de Picardie de la région Hauts-de-France, au nord de Paris. Sa cathédrale est visitée par 800 000 personnes chaque année et c'est la plus haute église gothique et la plus grande cathédrale de France (patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO). La ville est traversée par de nombreux canaux, ce qui en fait l'une des "Venise du Nord". Des jardins flottants (hortillonnages) s'étendent sur 65 km de canaux d'irrigation. L'université attire environ 25 000 étudiants en ville, animant ainsi son atmosphère. Son emplacement, près de la côte nord, de Lille et de Paris (Paris est facilement accessible en train en 1 heure environ), en fait un lieu de vie calme et intéressant.
Le dépôt des candidatures s’effectue par voie électronique sur le portail GALAXIE. L’audition des candidat.es sélectionné.es après examens des dossiers recevables (personnes qualifiées aux fonctions de maître de conférences ou équivalence pour certains doctorats étrangers) a lieu en français.
Candidature du 4 mars au 4 avril 2025 (16h, heure de Paris)
Les dates clés du processus d'embauche peuvent être trouvées ici.
Date de début : septembre 2025
Nicola D'Amelio
Unité de Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire UMR 7025 CNRS
Université de Picardie Jules Verne
33 rue Saint-Leu - 80039 Amiens, France
tel: +33 3 22 82 7473
portable: +33 (0) 603283867
website GEM: http://www.cbmn.u-bordeaux.fr/gem-membranes-accueil
January 9th, 2025 by Lisa Stocker
The Frueh lab in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, offers a post-doctoral position to investigate how dynamic multidomain proteins remodel their conformations through post-translational modifications, ligand binding, and domain interactions. A major objective is to predict how mutations affect the conformational landscape of dynamic proteins to provide a rational basis for engineering them.
Our efforts focus on nonribosomal peptide synthetases, which are molecular assembly lines that synthesize a wealth of natural products with pharmaceutical, agricultural, or ecological applications (e.g., antibiotics, pesticides, surfactants). Our results will pave the way for producing novel derivatives of biologically active natural products with improved properties.
We seek a motivated, independent candidate who finds excitement in creative problem-solving and interdisciplinary science, who embraces designing novel approaches to overcome experimental obstacles, and who is not afraid to challenge established mechanisms when the theory and data warrant it. The successful candidate will integrate and develop approaches that combine novel NMR experiments, computational methods, and state-of-the-art single-molecule techniques. We also employ chemo-enzymatic and protein design methods to control post-translational modifications and tune function. These functional studies are assayed through product formation (e.g., HPLC-MS) or quantitative binding methods (e.g., fluorescence anisotropy, ITC, or SPR). We are especially interested in candidates with expertise in NMR spectroscopy or single-molecule techniques, but equally welcome applicants who are eager to gain skills in these areas while bringing complementary expertise in enzymatic studies, computational biology, or advanced biochemical assays. Candidates with a strong desire to learn and innovate across disciplines will find abundant opportunities to broaden their expertise through collaborations and training.
The laboratory has preferred access to a 600 MHz Bruker spectrometer equipped with a QCI cryoprobe and is a major user of AVANCE NEO 800 MHz and 600 MHz spectrometers. The equipment needed for single-molecule studies is available, and experts in the field will provide guidance or supervision. We have access to extensive departmental equipment (CryoEM, ITC, MALS, DLS, SAXS, CD, etc.) and facilities (MS, synthetic chemistry, etc.) and a 950 MHz spectrometer at the University of Maryland, 15 minutes away. The candidate should be a highly collaborative team player who will embrace the collegial and dynamic framework of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute.
The successful candidate will join a small and collaborative group with a track record of determining dynamic molecular mechanisms in nonribosomal peptide synthetases (Frueh et al., Nature 2008; Mishra et al., Science Advances 2022; Gnann, Marincin et al., Curr. Op. Chem. Bio. 2022) and designing NMR methods. The latter include NMR approaches to identify fleeting molecular events during enzymatic reactions (Goodrich et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015; Arya et al., Met. Mol. Bio. 2023) or to rescue enzymatic activity (Marincin et al., J. Magn. Res. 2022), and developing novel NMR methods to overcome spectroscopic challenges (Harden et al., Met. Mol. Bio. 2018; Kancherla et al., Concepts Magn. Res. 2018; Kancherla et al., J. Phys. Chem. 2021). https://frueh.med.jhmi.edu/
Interested candidates should submit a CV and a personalized cover letter, as well as either the name and contact information of two references or two letters of reference to dfrueh1@jhmi.edu.
We welcome individuals from all backgrounds and are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where diverse perspectives continue to drive innovation and discovery.
Dominique Frueh
Associate Professor
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
Hunterian 701
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD, 21212
Phone: 410-614-4719
Administrator: Tamra Chaillou, tchaill1@jhmi.edu
Course coordinator: Mikalah Mack mmack6@jh.edu
January 8th, 2025 by Lisa Stocker
Dear colleagues,
I’m pleased to share an exciting postdoctoral opportunity on behalf of Alexander Milbradt and Mark Bostock at AstraZeneca,
based in Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
This collaborative project, which involves my group at the University of Vienna,
focuses on using solution NMR in combination with cutting-edge computational methods to uncover
and structurally characterise novel inhibitors for various mutants of the key oncoprotein RAS.
If you are passionate about NMR, elucidating protein-ligand interactions and advancing drug discovery,
this is a fantastic chance to contribute to impactful science in a dynamic and supportive environment.
For more details and to apply, please visit: https://lnkd.in/eGs9xiVz.
Please feel free to share this opportunity with anyone who might be interested.
Julien Orts
January 6th, 2025 by Lisa Stocker
Postdoctoral Position at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) – Developing AI tools for Biomolecular NMR and Structural Biology
A postdoctoral position funded through the SciLifeLab PULSE academic postdoctoral program is offered at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Swedish NMR Centre.
The primary focus of the project is to develop AI tools for biomolecular NMR and structural biology. Specific topics are NMR signal processing, spectra analysis, AlphaFold, disordered proteins. See relevant publications from our group at: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vsxf2LQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
The position provides access to the national supercomputer infrastructure and excellent NMR equipment at the Swedish NMR Centre (https://www.gu.se/en/nmr) .
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. awarded not earlier than March 2022 in Structural Biology, Biophysics, Machine Learning, or a related discipline, with a background in computations, AI, and/or biomolecular NMR. Students who just received or are expected to receive their PhD degree are encouraged to apply.
To apply:
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------Prof. Vladislav Y. OrekhovDepartment of Chemistry and Molecular BiologyUniversity of Gothenburgtel:+46 (0) 31 786 3886 URL: www.nmr.gu.se Post address: Delivery address:Swedish NMR Centre Swedish NMR Centre Gothenburg UniversityUniversity of Gothenburg, Box 465 Medicinaregatan 5C, 405 30, Gothenburg, Sweden 41390 Gothenburg, SwedenSweden---------------------------------------------------------------------
January 6th, 2025 by Lisa Stocker
We are excited to announce career opportunities at AI|ffinity, a company that combines the power of Artificial Intelligence 🧠 with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 🧲 to reshape the structural biology landscape and steer the future of drug discovery. 🧬🔬 Learn more at www.aiffinity.com.
🚀 With fresh investment secured, we’re scaling up our software development team. We currently have two open positions. The successful candidates will contribute to the development of AI|ffinity's integrated NMR-AI platform.
Position Role: Structural Bioinformatics-NMR Software Developer
Brief Description: This role focuses on protein(-ligand) structure determination and includes:
- Enhancing AI|ffinity’s 4D-GRAPHS software for automated chemical shift assignment. 4D-GRAPHS expands the applicability of protein NMR to proteins > 20 kDa and intrinsically disordered proteins.
- Adapting transformer-based deep learning models for protein structure prediction (e.g., OpenFold, Chai-1, Boltz-1) to incorporate experimental restraints from NMR, SAXS, and Cryo-EM.
- Establishing enhanced sampling molecular dynamics protocols for 3D structure ensemble generation using restraints from NMR, SAXS, and Cryo-EM experiments.
For an overview of this technology, watch our YouTube videos.
More information and applications at: https://lnkd.in/eG9Ffv8p
Position Role: Cheminformatics Developer
Brief Description: This role focuses on virtual screening, hit discovery, and hit-to-lead processes and includes:
- Developing deep learning software solutions that leverage 1D and 2D NMR data to enhance drug design algorithm performance.
- Providing computational and modeling support for drug discovery projects by applying AI|ffinity’s platform and other computer-aided drug design techniques to identify and develop small molecules in collaboration with industrial partners.
- Developing processes and customizable workflows that can be adapted across the drug discovery portfolio.
More information and applications at: https://lnkd.in/e25tjDyy
Thank you and best regards,
Thomas Evangelidis
Dr. Thomas Evangelidis
AI|ffinity s.r.o.
Twitter: tevangelidis, LinkedIn: Thomas Evangelidis
January 2nd, 2025 by Lisa Stocker
Postdoctoral Scholarship for Solid-State NMR Studies on Crystallization of Pharmaceuticals
at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University
Closing date: January 26, 2025.
The Department of Materials- and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) with about 160 employees is one of the largest departments at the Faculty of Natural sciences at Stockholm University (SU). The extensive research activities of MMK encompass both the development and characterization of large groups of (functional) materials, such as soft matter and polymers, biomaterials, self-assembled and porous materials, for primarily applications in Materials Science and Sustainable/Green Chemistry. The experimental characterisation techniques involve X-ray and neutron diffraction, electron microscopy, NMR and other spectroscopic techniques, along with modelling by computer simulations. Environmental aspects are an important part of the research activities.
Project description
Project Leader: Prof. Mattias Edén, Email: mattias.eden@mmk.su.se
Efficient drugs for the treatment of diseases are a critical need for society. A crucial step in drug development is to obtain the optimal solid form of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), which is challenging because most active pharmaceutical ingredients are able to adopt different solid forms (polymorphs), crystalline as well as amorphous. It is therefore imperative to develop new crystallization methods.
This project is one part of a research program lead by Prof. Xiaodong Zou (PI), involving several research group at SU with a wide palette of expertise in material synthesis and characterization by experiments and modelling. The postdoc in the present project will perform structural studies involving routine as well as advanced magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR experimentation. These encompass (1) application and further refinements of a new NMR crystallography method yielding H-H internuclear distances and applied to APIs and cocrystals thereof. (2) Cocrystal formation studied in situ by MAS NMR.
Main responsibilities
We are inviting a self-motivated and creative individual to apply for a postdoc opening that will primarily involve application of advanced MAS NMR techniques (experimentation with dipolar recoupling and 2D correlation NMR). The selected candidate will contribute to the planning , execution, and dissemination the research. The postdoc will work closely with personnel that have expertise in synthesis and materials characterization by diffraction techniques and electron microscopy, as well as in computer modeling.
Qualification Requirements
The applicant should have a Ph.D degree in Chemistry (preferred), Physics, or equivalent, and a well-documented experience with MAS NMR experimentation. The degree must have been completed at latest before the the scholarship decision is made, but no more than 3 years before the closing date of the application period. An older degree may be acceptable under special circumstances: such reasons encompass sick leave, parental leave, elected positions in trade unions, service in the total defense, or other similar circumstances as well as clinical attachment or service/assignments relevant to the subject area.
Selection criteria
The selection will be based primarily on scientific excellence and well-documented experience of applying advanced MAS NMR techniques (dipolar recoupling and 2D correlation NMR experimentation). The ideal candidate is a self-motivated and creative person with a passion for solving challenging scientific problems. The applicant should have strong English skills, both orally and in writing, and an ability to interact and collaborate with colleagues.
The position is funded by a scholarship for up to two years that may only awarded to a non-Swedish citizen. The amount of the scholarship and the starting date is negotiable. Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.
Further Information
For more information, please contact the project leader Professor Mattias Edén; mattias.eden@mmk.su.se
The application should be written in English and must include
- Letter of interest, with a description of previous research interests and experience, in particular previous experience with advanced MAS NMR experimentation.
- CV and a list of publications
- Copy of PhD diploma
- the contact information of at least two references
Please send your application by email as a single pdf file: mattias.eden@mmk.su.se, with the reference “POSTDOC NMR” in the subject line. Reviewing of the applications will begin immediately.
You are welcome to apply!
Closing date: January 26, 2025
December 29th, 2024 by Lisa Stocker
Dear MR community,
The Institute of Process Imaging at Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, is currently looking for a full-time postdoc (3 + 3 years extendable) in the field of multiphase and reactive flow MRI working with our world-wide unique vertical 3T system which was recently inaugurated.
Link to the advert: https://stellenportal.tuhh.de/1dgvp
Link to our group: https://www.ipi.tuhh.de/
Application deadline: 31.12.2024
We are looking forward to receiving your online applications via the link at the bottom of the advert.
Best regards,
-- Prof. Dr. Alexander PennDirector, Institute of Process ImagingDean, School of Process EngineeringHamburg University of Technology, GermanyEmail: alexander.penn@tuhh.deTel: +49 40 42878 3801Web: www.ipi.tuhh.de
December 23rd, 2024 by Lisa Stocker
Dear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopists,
The Electron Paramagnetic Resonance group at Manchester are advertising for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in light-induced EPR.
The University of Manchester - Job Information | Apply for Research Associate in Light Induced Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Please do pass on this information to anyone you know who might be interested in this position.
Anyone interested is invited to contact alice.bowen@manchester.ac.uk and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the position and the projects currently running in my group.
The deadline for applications is 2nd January 2025 and the position is available to both international and UK based scientists.
Many thanks,
Alice Bowen
Dr Alice Bowen
Royal Society - EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow and Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellow.
Department of Chemistry, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL.
Email: alice.bowen@manchester.ac.uk