Barry Shapiro’s NMR Newsletters Index

Thanks to Dr. Vera Mainz, former director of the NMR lab at U of Illinois Urbana Champaign, this index is almost complete. An excel version can be downloaded here.

1958October1Exact Integral Values in the NMR-Spectroscopy of Any SubstancePrimasH.
1958October1Introduction, Subject Matter, Practical ConsiderationsShapiroB.
1958October1Introduction, Subject Matter, Practical ConsiderationsBothner-ByA.
1958November2Comments on Systems of Standardization as Set Forth in Issue #1ReillyC.
1958November2Correction To: The X3AA'X3' Case (See Issue 3, pg 11)Naar-ColinC.
1958November2Correction To: The X3AA'X3' Case (See Issue 3, pg 11)Bothner-ByA.
1958November2Defense of Scheme for Standardization as Set Forth in Issue #1ShapiroB.
1958November2Defense of Scheme for Standardization as Set Forth in Issue #1Bothner-ByA.
1958November2External ReferencingZimmermanJ.
1958November2Gallium TriethylCornell UniversityN
1958November2Gallium TriethylBrownsteinS.
1958November2Suggestions on System of Standardization Set Forth in Issue #1SheppardN.
1958December3The X3AA'X3 CaseBothner-ByA.
1958December3The X3AA'X3 CaseNaar-ColinC.
1958November2Varian Nuclear Resonance Workshop (1958) Idea ExchangeTiersG.
1958December3ASTM Committee E-13 - MinutesBrownsteinS.
1958December3ASTM Group on ReferencingLauterburP.
1958December3F-19 Resonance in CF3-CF2-CF2HWaughJ.
1958December3Method of Estimating Chemical Shifts in Substituted MethanesShooleryJ.
1959January4Calculation of the Average Anomalous Solution Shift for Proton Resonances in Aromatic SolventsBothner-ByA.
1959January4Clarification of the "Tau-System"TiersG.
1959January4Isobutylene, cis and trans-Butene-2Bothner-ByA.
1959January4Isobutylene, cis and trans-Butene-2Naar-ColinC.
1959January4Tetramethylsilane SpectraLauterburP.
1959January4Tetramethylsilane SpectraShapiroB.
1959February5Announcements Concerning MellonmrShapiroB.
1959February5Announcements Concerning MellonmrBothner-ByA.
1959February5C-13 Isotope Effect on F-19 ShiftsLauterburP.
1959February5Comments on Previous IssuesChamberlainN.
1959February5Ethylene SulfiteLauterburP.
1959February5Method of Correction to True Position of Lines When They Fall Too Close TogetherSaundersM.
1959February5Purification of Me4SiWilbergK.
1959February5Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Organic LiquidsBoveyF.
1959February5Stabilization of Base LinesLauterburP.
1959March6Interpretation of High-Resolution NMR Spectra. The AB Case.HoffmanR.
1959March6Procedure for Measuring Small Quantities of Organic Materials in Spherical SamplesRichardsR.
1959March6Proton Nuclear Resonance Shielding Values, Tau, for Some Organosilicon CompoundsTiersG.
1959March6Spectra of Cyclobutanone, Dimethyl Beta,Beta-diethylglutarate, Dimethyl 3,3-diethyloxetane-cis-2,4-dicarboxylate and Dimethyl 3,3-diethyloxetane-trans-2,4-dicarboxylateWilbergK.
1959March6Spectra of Cyclobutanone, Dimethyl Beta,Beta-diethylglutarate, Dimethyl 3,3-diethyloxetane-cis-2,4-dicarboxylate and Dimethyl 3,3-diethyloxetane-trans-2,4-dicarboxylateNistB.
1959April7A Relationship Between Chemical Shifts and Substitutent ConstantsLauterburP.
1959April7Purification of Commercial Me4SiShapiroB.
1959April7Purification of Commercial Me4SiBothner-ByA.
1959April7Reply to Letter on Symbols & Referencing by Shoolery - This IssueShapiroB.
1959April7Reply to Letter on Symbols & Referencing by Shoolery - This IssueLauterburP.
1959April7Reply to Letter on Symbols & Referencing by Shoolery - This IssueBothner-ByA.
1959April7Suggestions for Compound Symbol NotationsShooleryJ.
1959April7Toluene "Line" Not Acceptable as Reference SignalShapiroB.
1959April7Toluene "Line" Not Acceptable as Reference SignalBothner-ByA.
1959May8Angular Dependence of Electron-Coupled Proton Interactions in CH2 GroupsKarplusM.
1959May8Angular Dependence of Electron-Coupled Proton Interactions in CH2 GroupsGrantD.
1959May8Angular Dependence of Electron-Coupled Proton Interactions in CH2 GroupsGutowskyH.
1959May8Comments on Nomenclature & Referencing ProceduresChamberlainN.
1959May8Comments on the "Delta" Symbol Discussed by Shoolery etc. in #7SchneiderW.
1959May8Drawings of Magnet Cooling-Water SystemRobertsJ.
1959May8Spectra of Oxygen HeterocyclesStoutG.
1959May8Studies on Olefine Molecules Bonded to Metal AtomsPrattL.
1959May8Work on Ethanol SpectrumRogersM.
1959June9C-13 Splittings in Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectra. I. Hydrocarbons II. Bonding in Substituted MethanesPritchardD.
1959June9C-13 Splittings in Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectra. I. Hydrocarbons II. Bonding in Substituted MethanesMullerN.
1959June9External ReferencingLauterburP.
1959June9External ReferencingShapiroB.
1959June9External ReferencingBothner-ByB.
1959June9Field Gradient CoilsBothner-ByA.
1959June10Analysis of Spectra from Some Simple EpoxidesReillyC.
1959June10Polymer NSR Spectroscopy. II. The High Resolution Spectra of Isotactic & "Atactic" Polymethyl MethacrylateTiersG.
1959June10Polymer NSR Spectroscopy. II. The High Resolution Spectra of Isotactic & "Atactic" Polymethyl MethacrylateBoveyF.
1959June10Requirements to Be Met by Papers Concerned with NMR Spectral DataTiersG.
1959August11IBM 704 Computation of NMR SpectraBothner-ByA.
1959August11Low Temperature Probe ModificationSutcliffeL.
1959August11Low Temperature Probe ModificationFeeneyJ.
1959August11Magnet Cooling SystemRitcheyW.
1959August11Measurements & Analysis of 2,4,5,6 TetrafluorophenylenediamineThomasL.
1959August11Sohio Turbine - Probe Insert Alignment ToolRitcheyW.
1959August11Spectra of cis & trans Butene Oxide & Propylene OxideBrownsteinS.
1959August11Spectra of the Isomeric a,Beta-dimethylcinnamatesJackmanL.
1959August11Spectra of the Isomeric a,Beta-dimethylcinnamatesLownJ.
1959August11Suggestions for Other Authors Study of NMR Spectrum of MethylacetyleneShooleryJ.
1959August11The Separation of Closely-Spaced Bands by the "Wiggle Beat" MethodLeeJ.
1959September12Molecular Orbital Approximation to Spin Coupling of Vicinal ProtonsConroyH.
1959September12NMR Spectra of Methyl ThiophenesWeinbergI.
1959September12Prep. for DeuterochloroformCurpheyT.
1959September12Probe Insert c Bushing for Minimizing Sample RequirementsMartinR.
1959September12Proton NSR Spectroscopy. XI. A Carbon-13 Isotope EffectTiersG.
1959September12Study of Ionization of Citric AcidRobertsJ.
1959October13ABX3 Case - Study in Correction c the Spectrum of N-methylformamideKowalewskiV.
1959October13Determination of Relative Signs of Coupling Constants in the ABX and Related CasesGronowitzS.
1959October13Determination of Relative Signs of Coupling Constants in the ABX and Related CasesHoffmanR.
1959October13Fluorine NSR Spectroscopy. II. A "Distant" Carbon-13 Isotope EffectTiersG.
1959October13Long-Range Methyl Couplings and Substituted ThiophenesHoffmanR.
1959October13Long-Range Methyl Couplings and Substituted ThiophenesGronowitzS.
1959October13NMR Study of Acetaldehyde-Water MixturesSogoP.
1959October13NMR Study of Acetaldehyde-Water MixturesLombardiE.
1959October13Proton Resonance Spectra of PorphyrinsBradleyR.
1959October13Proton Resonance Spectra of PorphyrinsBeckerE.
1959November14Conversion of Spectrometer from 40 to 60 mc A. Effects on Spectra B. Sample RequirementSlompG.
1959November14External Referencing of SamplesPetrakisL.
1959November14External Referencing of SamplesSederholmC.
1959November14Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of Aluminum Trimethyl DimerMullerN.
1959November14Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of Aluminum Trimethyl DimerPritchardD.
1959December15NMR Spectra of Hydrocarbon GroupingsSheppardN.
1959December15Table for Analyzing Spectra of the ABXn TypeWhippleE.
1959December15The Orientation of Substitution Reactions in Trimeric Phosphonitrilic ChlorideWhiteR.
1960January16Aqueous & Ionic Solutions: Reliable Proton Nuclear Resonance Shielding Values by Internal ReferencingKowalskyA.
1960January16Aqueous & Ionic Solutions: Reliable Proton Nuclear Resonance Shielding Values by Internal ReferencingTiersG.
1960February17Preprint & Comments on: "Group Contributions to the Chemical Shift"PrimasH.
1960February17Preprint & Comments on: "Group Contributions to the Chemical Shift"ArndtR.
1960February17Preprint & Comments on: "Group Contributions to the Chemical Shift"BommerP.
1960February17Preprint & Comments on: "Group Contributions to the Chemical Shift"ErnstR.
1960February17Rate Processes & NMR Spectra. III. Proton Exchange & Hydrolysis of AmidesSaikaA.
1960February17Substituted Olefines - Chemical Shifts & Coupling ConstantsRichardsR.
1960February17Technique for Analyzing NMR Spectra - Suitable for Use c a Digital ComputerReillyC.
1960February17The Determination of Double-Bond Character in Cyclic Systems. V. Proton Chemical Shifts in Chelated Derivatives of Benzene, Naphthalene, and PhenanthrenePorteA.
1960February17The Determination of Double-Bond Character in Cyclic Systems. V. Proton Chemical Shifts in Chelated Derivatives of Benzene, Naphthalene, and PhenanthreneHunsbergerI.
1960February17The Determination of Double-Bond Character in Cyclic Systems. V. Proton Chemical Shifts in Chelated Derivatives of Benzene, Naphthalene, and PhenanthreneGutowskyH.
1960March18Coil DesignShaferP.
1960March18Cyclic Systems; Measure Nuclear Shielding Parameter Relative to C6H12 0.5 Mole % in CCl4 as Solvent SystemReevesL.
1960March18Hydrides of Non-Transition ElementsPotterP.
1960March18Hydrides of Non-Transition ElementsPrattL.
1960March18Method of Interpreting SpectraHoffmanR.
1960March18NMR Study of the Isomeric PinocamphonesKnightS.
1960March18NMR Study of the Isomeric PinocamphonesErskineR.
1960March18Polyethylene Plug for Sample TubesLauterburP.
1960April19Experimental Points: Teflon Caps and Special Tubes for: Very Hygroscopic Liquids, Volatile Liquids, and Small Samples. Monitoring the Coil Temperature.GillespieR.
1960April19Experimental Points: Teflon Caps and Special Tubes for: Very Hygroscopic Liquids, Volatile Liquids, and Small Samples. Monitoring the Coil Temperature.OubridgeJ.
1960April19Observed & Calculated Spectra of Olefinic Hydrogens in PropyleneNaar-ColinC.
1960April19Observed & Calculated Spectra of Olefinic Hydrogens in PropyleneBothner-ByA.
1960April19Scheme for Standardization of SpectraAndersonW.
1960April19Scheme for Standardization of SpectraJohnsonL.
1960April19Scheme for Standardization of SpectraShooleryJ.
1960May20Change in IBM 704 ProgramWaughJ.
1960May20Change in IBM 704 ProgramJohnson JrC.
1960May20Chemical Shifts in Chelate StructuresChaudetJ.
1960May20Method of Comparing Spectrometers (By Description of Instability)HughesT.
1960May20Proposal of Modifications of Scheme for Presentation of NMR Spectra (#13 Shoolery) Schoolery Scheme = Me4Si as Internal ReferenceChamberlainN.
1960May20Quadrupole Broadening - f1 & C1BrownsteinS.
1960May20Results on NMR Spectra of divinylmercury tetravinyl-tin and trivinylaluminumMooreD.
1960June21A Correlation of Proton Shifts in Substituted Ethylene c Group Dipole MomentsMandellL.
1960June21A Correlation of Proton Shifts in Substituted Ethylene c Group Dipole MomentsReddyG.
1960June21A Correlation of Proton Shifts in Substituted Ethylene c Group Dipole MomentsGoldsteinJ.
1960June21Double Resonance. Apparatus c Which Proton-Proton Spin Decoupling Can Be Carried OutJackmanL.
1960June21NMR Analysis of CF3CF2CFIClCrapoL.
1960June21NMR Analysis of CF3CF2CFIClSederholmC.
1960June21NMR Spectra of Some Fluorocyclohexane DerivativesSutcliffeL.
1960June21NMR Spectra of Some Fluorocyclohexane DerivativesFeeneyJ.
1960June21NMR Studies of Hydrogen Bonding I. Carboxylic AcidsPitzerK.
1960June21NMR Studies of Hydrogen Bonding I. Carboxylic AcidsDavis JrJ.
1960June21Signs of Coupling Constants (A3B2C + A3B2X Systems)NarasimhanP.
1960June21Signs of Coupling Constants (A3B2C + A3B2X Systems)RogersM.
1960June21Spectrum of a Fluorinated Oxazetidine Suggestions for Other AuthorsLeeJ.
1960June21Temperature Dependence of Some Chemical ShiftsSederholmC.
1960June21Variable Scale - Device for Calibration of NMR SpectraSlompG.
1960July22C-13-H Coupling ConstantsMullerN.
1960July22Coupling Constants from 1,1,4,4-tetra-methylcyclohexyl-cis-2,6-diacetateMusherJ.
1960July22Effect of Changes in Temperature on Field TrimmerLuValleJ.
1960July22The Coupling of Proton Spins by Pi-Electron InteractionsKarplusM.
1960July22The Energy Barrier between the Enantiomers of 1,2-DithianeCalvinM.
1960July22The Energy Barrier between the Enantiomers of 1,2-DithianeClaesonG.
1960July22The Energy Barrier between the Enantiomers of 1,2-DithianeAndroesG.
1960August23Application of the "Direct Method" in Analyzing NMR SpectraPrimasH.
1960August23Editor's NotesBothner-ByA.
1960August23NMR Studies of Hydrogen Bonding II. AlcoholsRaoO.
1960August23NMR Studies of Hydrogen Bonding II. AlcoholsPitzerK.
1960August23NMR Studies of Hydrogen Bonding II. AlcoholsDavis JrJ.
1960August23Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of PhloroglucinolWilsonD.
1960August23Results on Studies on Saturated Six Membered Ring CompoundsReevesL.
1960August23Results on Studies on Saturated Six Membered Ring CompoundsStrommeK.
1960August23Sample of Results from Modified IBM 704 Program. Comparison between Calculation and ExperimentWaughJ.
1960August23Structures of the 2 Isomeric Addition Products of 1,3-butadiene c Cobalt Hydrocarbonyl, Co(CO)4HJoynerT.
1960August23Structures of the 2 Isomeric Addition Products of 1,3-butadiene c Cobalt Hydrocarbonyl, Co(CO)4HMooreD.
1960August23Structures of the 2 Isomeric Addition Products of 1,3-butadiene c Cobalt Hydrocarbonyl, Co(CO)4HJonassenH.
1960August23Study of the Deuteration Process in Phosphorous & Hypophosphorous AcidsDiehlP.
1960September24API & MCA Projects - Revision of SpectraDantiA.
1960September24Application of NMR Spectrometry to Determination of Pyrazoline StructuresJonesW.
1960September24Application of NMR Spectrometry to Determination of Pyrazoline StructuresBreyW.
1960September24Automatic TimerRitcheyW.
1960September24Automatic TimerGrossmanH.
1960September24Changes in Varian Probe Assembly for Better Alignment & Smooth Rotation of Sample TubesBradleyR.
1960September24Fluorine Spectra of the Two Stereoisomers of PerfluorodecalinThomasL.
1960September24Fluorine Spectra of the Two Stereoisomers of PerfluorodecalinHomerJ.
1960September24Locked Oscillator System for Second Radio Freq. SourceBaldeschwielerJ.
1960September24Method for Assignment of Relative Signs of Some of the J-Couplings Used in Analysis of Spectra of ABX3 and ABX2 TypesKowalewskiV.
1960September24Method for Assignment of Relative Signs of Some of the J-Couplings Used in Analysis of Spectra of ABX3 and ABX2 Typesde KowalewskiD.
1960October251. Signs of Coupling Constants 2. Coupling Constants of Vinyl Fluoride 3. Vinyl Compounds 4. "Wiggle Beat" Method for Analyzing Spacings c in an Unsym. 4-Line Pattern 5. Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids 6. Ring Inversion Work 7. Proposal 8.SheppardN.
1960October25a) Examination of Proton Resonance Spectra of Methylindoles in aq. H2SO4 b) Correlation of Long-Range Coupling Constants & Molecular Information in DihalopropenesWhippleE.
1960October25Acetaldehyde Diethylacetal and Several Related Compounds Having Ethyl Groups Attached to Asymmetric CentersRobertsJ.
1960October25Effects of Solvents on Barrier HeightsRogersM.
1960October25Effects of Solvents on Barrier HeightsWoodbreyJ.
1960October25Fluorine Nuclear Spin Resonance Spectroscopy IV. A Silicon-29 Isotope EffectTiersG.
1960October25Magnet Shim CoilsZurcherR.
1960October25Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Olefins I. Propene, Butene-1, & Hexene-1Naar-ColinC.
1960October25Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Olefins I. Propene, Butene-1, & Hexene-1Bothner-ByA.
1960October25Ring Current Effects in Steroid SystemsCohenL.
1960October25Syn-anti Isomerism in Some KetoximesLustigE.
1960November26H'NMR Spectra of Deuterated Azulenes and Azulinum IonsLauterburP.
1960November26Modification of the R-F Unit of the Varian NMR SpectrometerWilson IIIC.
1960November26NMR of CF3CCl = CFCl IsomersReillyC.
1960November26O,O'-Diethyl methylphosphonothioateLancasterJ.
1960November26P.M.R. of the Porphyrins in Trifluoracetic Acid - Ring CurrentAbrahamR.
1960November26Program for IBM-709WilbergK.
1960November26Proton Magnetic Resonance, Structure and Stereoisomerism in Cyclic SulfitesPritchardD.
1960November26Proton Magnetic Resonance, Structure and Stereoisomerism in Cyclic SulfitesLauterburP.
1960November26Proton Spin Decoupling Experiments c Varian 60 Mc/sAbrahamR.
1960November26Rotational Isomerism in AlkylethylenesNaar-ColinC.
1960November26Rotational Isomerism in AlkylethylenesBothner-ByA.
1960November26Rotational Isomerism of AldehydesAbrahamR.
1960November26The C-13 NMR Spectrum of Tricyano-p-dithiino-[2,3-d]-2,1-isothiazole (TCS3)LauterburP.
1960November26The Effect of Magnetic Non-Equivalence in A2B2 NMR SpectraGutowskyH.
1960November26The Effect of Magnetic Non-Equivalence in A2B2 NMR SpectraGrantD.
1960November26The NMR Spectra of Pyrazole and N-Methyl PyrazoleWhiteR.
1960December27Analysis of ABC Spectra in AcrylatesArataY.
1960December27Analysis of ABC Spectra in AcrylatesFujiwaraS.
1960December27Analysis of ABC Spectra in AcrylatesShimizuH.
1960December27Long Range Proton Spin Coupling in Saturated SystemsRobertsJ.
1961January28Calibration of NMR Spectra by Means of an Audio Frequency Modulation SignalKlapperH.
1961January28Calibration of NMR Spectra by Means of an Audio Frequency Modulation SignalCottonJ.
1961January28Improving Base-Line Stability of V-4300-2 SpectrometerHugginsC.
1961January28NMR Spectra of ThiophenesGronowitzS.
1961January28NMR Spectra of ThiophenesHoffmanR.
1961January28Observed and Calculated Coupling Constants (In c.p.s.) for the Camphane-2,3-DiolsAnetF.
1961January28Proton NMR Spectrum in AnilineJohnsonL.
1961January28Proton NMR Spectrum in AnilineShooleryJ.
1961January28Spectra of Methyl-substituted BenzenesMackorE.
1961January28Spectra of Methyl-substituted BenzenesMacLeanC.
1961January28Suggestions for Proper NotationReillyC.
1961January28The Signs of the Proton-Proton Spin-Spin Coupling Constants in N-Benzylthieno [3,2-b] PyrrolePorteA.
1961February2940 Mcps. Proton High Resolution NMR Line Positions (H2O at 0); Comparison of Average Line Positions for Spectra Corrected and Uncorrected for Susceptibility (H2O at 0)SmithG.
1961February29Determination of the Stereochemical Configuration of Various Oxime IsomersPage JrT.
1961February29Determination of the Stereochemical Configuration of Various Oxime IsomersJakobsenR.
1961February29Exchange Kinetics of Protons Between Benzyl Alcohol and Water in Dioxane/Water MixturesRichardsR.
1961February29Fortran Monitor System ProgramsWilbergK.
1961February29Improved Base Line Stability of Varian 40 Mc SpectrometerKnightS.
1961February29Improved Base Line Stability of Varian 40 Mc SpectrometerErskineR.
1961February29Modification of Varian TWL Insert; Measurement Technique for Chemical ShiftsHughesT.
1961February29Proton Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants [J(H-P-31)]StothersJ.
1961February29Substitution Effects in Proton Magnetic Resonances Spectra of Substituted BenzeneDiehlP.
1961March30Comment on Anet's Note on Coupling Constants (#28); Comment on Thomas' Note on Perfluorodecalins (#24)MusherJ.
1961March30Hindered Rotation in Inorganic Systems; Six-membered N-heterocyclicsLeeJ.
1961March30Mechanism for Fluorine-Fluorine CouplingPetrakisL.
1961March30Mechanism for Fluorine-Fluorine CouplingSederholmC.
1961March30Pen Reservoir for Varian G-10 RecorderBurkeJ.
1961March30Proton Chemical Shifts in Some PorphyrinsKoskiW.
1961March30Use of Proton Spin DecouplerManattS.
1961March30Use of Proton Spin DecouplerEllemanD.
1961March30Variable Temperature System for High Resolution WorkShaferP.
1961April31Broadening of Proton Resonance Due to N-14 Quadrupole RelaxationBaldeschwielerJ.
1961April31Broadening of Proton Resonance Due to N-14 Quadrupole RelaxationRandallE.
1961April31Comment on H-1 Magnitude, R.B. Williams-this issueStehlingF.
1961April31Determination of RF Magnetic Field Strength, H-1WilliamsR.
1961April31Line Separations for Protons in Symmetrical RetoximesLustigE.
1961April31Low Resolution Spectra of Paramagnetic Complexes of Transition Metal IonsPrattL.
1961April31Modifications of the Assignments of the F-19 NMR Spectra of Non-Geminal DihydrodecafluorocyclohexanesSutcliffeL.
1961April31Modifications of the Assignments of the F-19 NMR Spectra of Non-Geminal DihydrodecafluorocyclohexanesFeeneyJ.
1961April31NMR Spectroscopy of SteroidsSlompG.
1961April31Relative Conformational Energies for 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-dimethoxy-3,4-diphenylhexaneBrownsteinS.
1961May32C-13-C-H SplittingsMullerN.
1961May32IBM & Tau TablesWilbergK.
1961May32Magnet ConstructionSmithJ.
1961May32N-14-H SplittingSchleyerP.
1961May32N-14-H SplittingKuntzI.
1961May32N-14-H SplittingAllerhandA.
1961May32Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in Polymer Melts and SolutionsAndersonE.
1961May32Official Publication?MeleraA.
1961May32Paper PunchingWilson IIIC.
1961May32Selective BroadeningJardetzkyO.
1961June33Borate ComplexesRitcheyW.
1961June33Borate GlassesSwansonS.
1961June33Borate GlassesForslindE.
1961June33Circuit ModificationsFlauttT.
1961June33Epichlorohydrin - computationSwalenJ.
1961June33Epichlorohydrin - computationReillyC.
1961June33Instrument ModificationsWilson IIIC.
1961June33J(C-13-C-H) CorrectionMullerN.
1961June33Knight ShiftBennettL.
1961June33NMR StabilizerPrimasH.
1961June33Operating ProceduresMcNivenN.
1961June33Shielding CalculationGlickR.
1961June33Sign of JFreemanR.
1961June33Solvent Shift; Hydroxy Proline SpectraAbrahamR.
1961June33The Stereochemistry of Some Manoyl OxidesWenkertE.
1961June33The Stereochemistry of Some Manoyl OxidesBeakP.
1961June33Triphenylmethane DyesWilsonD.
1961July343 Cl-PyrridineKowalewskiV.
1961July343 Cl-Pyrridinede KowalewskiD.
1961July34Correction on Mellonmr Issue 33, pg. 23AbrahamR.
1961July34H-bonds, Biologicals, BX4 (0H)2CrDavisJ.
1961July34J(CF3-C = C-CF3)TiersG.
1961July34Lab ReportSkrotskiiG.
1961July34Long-range J(H-H)SnyderE.
1961July34Protonation of AnilinesBirchallT.
1961July34Protonation of AnilinesGillespieR.
1961July34Temperature Control i-steroidsWyldeJ.
1961July34Terpene VinylsLaszloP.
1961July34Terpene VinylsLedererE.
1961July34Terpene VinylsGaudemerA.
1961August35A2B2 - C-13 SatellitesGoldsteinJ.
1961August35C = C and C = O AnisotropyStothersJ.
1961August35ClHC = C = CHCH3ChiangY.
1961August35ClHC = C = CHCH3WhippleE.
1961August35Deuteration and Benzyl EthersBeckerE.
1961August35Deuteron NMRDiehlP.
1961August35J H-C-HBarfieldM.
1961August35J H-C-HGrantD.
1961August35J In CyclopropanesRogersM.
1961September36Chemical Shifts by Double ResonanceManattS.
1961September36Inositol Hexa-acetatesBrownsteinS.
1961September36Polysubstituted BenzenesBrey JrW.
1961September36Polysubstituted BenzenesLawsonK.
1961September36SigmaJ (vinyl)WaughJ.
1961September36Use of a Proton-Proton Spin Decoupling Method for the Determination of NMR Chemical ShiftsEllemanD.
1961October372,3-Disubstituted Butanes CHCH3 GroupsAnetF.
1961October37A-60 CalibrationRamsayJ.
1961October37A-60 CalibrationMeleraA.
1961October37Exchange Averaged DoubletsWoodbreyJ.
1961October37Intensity Sum RuleSwalenJ.
1961October37J(HH) in CH2MochelV.
1961October37J(HH) in CH2SomersB.
1961October37J(HH) in CH2GutowskyH.
1961October37J(HH) in CH3XBernsteinH.
1961October37News, Beta-UO32H2O, Beta-UO3H2OPorteA.
1961October37Nuclear RelaxationFujiwaraS.
1961October37Nuclear RelaxationShimizuH.
1961October37Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Polycrystalline Samples of Some Hydrates of Uranium Oxides I. Beta-UO32H2O. II. Beta-uO3H2OGutowskyH.
1961October37Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Polycrystalline Samples of Some Hydrates of Uranium Oxides I. Beta-UO32H2O. II. Beta-uO3H2OBoggsJ.
1961October37TMS Reference for N-14JackmanL.
1961November38Amide-N-14 RelaxationRichardsR.
1961November38Book Cyclopropanecarboxylic AcidWilbergK.
1961November38Intra-molecular Hydrogen BondsReevesL.
1961November38Intra-molecular Hydrogen BondsAllanE.
1961November38J(CC) and J(CH)SheppardN.
1961November38Negative Long-Range Coupling?FreemanR.
1961November38Negative Long-Range Coupling?PachlerK.
1961November38Ring CurrentsShooleryJ.
1961November38Theoretical J'sRanftJ.
1961December39A-60 CellsShapiroB.
1961December39A-60 CellsShooleryJ.
1961December39Anilinium SaltsFraenkelG.
1961December39Benzamides, BenzenesulfonamidesPage JrT.
1961December39Benzamides, BenzenesulfonamidesJakobsenR.
1961December39Chart CalibrationMalinowskiE.
1961December39Cyclohexadienonesvon PhilipsbornW.
1961December39Double IrradiationMcLauchlanK.
1961December39HR-60 AlterationsKingR.
1961December39Protonated AromaticsMacLeanC.
1961December39Sidebands for V4210ASmithG.
1961December39Tau-Table ErrataTiersG.
1962January40Broadline F-19 StudiesWilson IIIC.
1962January40Double Irradiation and Signs of Coupling ConstantsEvansD.
1962January40F-19 Shifts and Couplings in Perfluoroalkyl HalidesSutcliffeL.
1962January40F-19 Shifts and Couplings in Perfluoroalkyl HalidesEmsleyJ.
1962January40Internal Motion KineticsLeeJ.
1962January40Proton Spin DecouplingFreemanR.
1962January40Rotational Isomerism, etc. in CFClBr - CFClBrNewmarkR.
1962January40Rotational Isomerism, etc. in CFClBr - CFClBrSederholmC.
1962January40Rotational Isomerism, etc. in CFClBr - CFClBrThompsonD.
1962January40Shifts in Organo-silicon CompoundsHugginsC.
1962January40The NMR Spectra of Some Perfluoroalkyl HalidesBodenN.
1962January40The NMR Spectra of Some Perfluoroalkyl HalidesFeeneyJ.
1962February4175 McpsErskineR.
1962February4175 McpsKnightS.
1962February41A-60 Field AdjustmentSlompG.
1962February41Gem. and Vic. Proton CouplingsFreemanR.
1962February41H-D Isotope EffectsDiehlP.
1962February41Linalol OxidesWyldeJ.
1962February41Meeting at BoulderRogersM.
1962February41Polypropylene TacticityStehlingF.
1962March42A-60 Water SupplyBeachW.
1962March42Aqueous Salt SolutionsBergqvistM.
1962March42Aqueous Salt SolutionsForslindE.
1962March42Black InkRitcheyW.
1962March42Black InkGrossmanH.
1962March42Black InkShapiroB.
1962March42C-13 NMR Absorption ModeShooleryJ.
1962March42Extending Range of A-60FritzH.
1962March42Extra Peaks in Deformed KIAnderssonL.
1962March42Extra Peaks in Deformed KIForslindE.
1962March42F-19 and H-1 RelaxationBaldeschwielerJ.
1962March42F-19 and H-1 RelaxationFlynnG.
1962March42Homogeneity Control ModificationLuValleJ.
1962March42Insert WindingShaferP.
1962March42J(FF) and J(FH) in OlefinsReillyC.
1962March42Long-Range CouplingFreemanR.
1962March42Long-Range CouplingBhaccaN.
1962March42Long-Range J in BenzaldehydesKowalewskiV.
1962March42Long-Range J in Benzaldehydesde KowalewskiD.
1962March42Low Temperature Diazole Spectra?JacquierR.
1962March42Low Temperature Diazole Spectra?WyldeJ.
1962March42NMR MicrocellShooleryJ.
1962March42Variable Temperature ProbeLawrenceW.
1962April43A Special Sample Cell for Quantitative P-31 NMR MeasurementsIraniR.
1962April43A-60 Spectra on 8-1/2 x 11" Charts Sample Tube and Probe Insert for P-31 NMRCrutchfieldM.
1962April43C-13 NMR of HydrocarbonsFriedelR.
1962April43C-13 NMR of HydrocarbonsRetcofskyH.
1962April43Carbonium Ion Rearrangement in the Cationic Polymerization of Branched Alpha OlefinsEdwardsW.
1962April43Carbonium Ion Rearrangement in the Cationic Polymerization of Branched Alpha OlefinsChamberlainN.
1962April43Chemical Shifts by Double IrradiationAndersonW.
1962April43Chemical Shifts by Double IrradiationFreemanR.
1962April43Determination of "Absolute" Sign of JKarplusM.
1962April43Dimer of Methyl 3-Hydroxy-4-Isopropyl-benzoateAnetF.
1962April43Electronegativity CorrelationMalinowskiE.
1962April43Ethylene Glycol ThermometerBrownH.
1962April43Hydroxy L-proline and Allo Hydroxy L-prolineAbrahamR.
1962April43Long-Range N-14-H-1 Couplings, Non-equivalence of Methoxy Groups in Phosphate EstersNegliaM.
1962April43Long-Range N-14-H-1 Couplings, Non-equivalence of Methoxy Groups in Phosphate EstersLancasterJ.
1962April43Non-equivalence of Methyls in IsopropylsMooreD.
1962April43Proton-Proton Spin DecouplingJohnsonL.
1962April43Pyrazole and ImidazoleWilsonD.
1962April43Pyrazole and ImidazoleHungN.
1962April43Relative Signs of Coupling Constants from Double-Quantum SpectraMcLauchlanK.
1962April43Relative Signs of J by Double Quantum TransitionsDischlerB.
1962May44Aliphatic Azo and Azoxy CompoundsFreemanJ.
1962May44Analysis of VinylacetyleneRobertsJ.
1962May44Association of 4(5)-MethylimidazoleJoopN.
1962May44Association of 4(5)-MethylimidazoleZimmermannH.
1962May44Broad-line Studies on PhenolsLadnerW.
1962May44Broad-line Studies on PhenolsStaceyA.
1962May44Coupling Constant Variation in AlcoholsJardetzkyO.
1962May44DP-60 - Super-stabilizer Troubles, DMF as Resolution Standard, Johnson-type Spin DecouplingLundinR.
1962May44Imidazoles - Spectra and ExchangeStaabH.
1962May44Imidazoles - Spectra and ExchangeMannschreckA.
1962May44Long-Range Splittings?; Methyl Shifts in AnisolesStreithJ.
1962May44Long-Range Splittings?; Methyl Shifts in AnisolesMartheJ.
1962May44Long-Range Splittings?; Methyl Shifts in AnisolesOurissonG.
1962May44NMR - Stabilizer - Description and Circuit DiagramsPrimasH.
1962May44Robert's Vinylacetylene Spectrum and LAOCOONBothner-ByA.
1962May44Seven-membered Dithio CompoundsFriebolinH.
1962May44Signs of Coupling ConstantsAnetF.
1962May44Spin-Spin Coupling Constants in Pt Alkyl CompoundsSmithJ.
1962May44Structure and Conformation of OtobainPorteA.
1962June45Ar-CHO Solvent ShiftsStothersJ.
1962June45Audio Modulation of P-31 SpectraFlauttT.
1962June45Benzofurazans and BenzofuroxansHarrisR.
1962June45Benzofurazans and BenzofuroxansKatritzkyA.
1962June45Chemical Shift via Electric FieldMusherJ.
1962June45Dibromopropionic acids, dibromoethylbenzenesSnyderE.
1962June45Hexachlorobornenes, J(H-H) and E(n)WilliamsonK.
1962June45Ink, Deuterated Solvents, Schiff BasesDudekG.
1962June45J(H-H) in CyclobutanesLustigE.
1962June45Long-range J in 2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-furanCsakvaryF.
1962June45Long-range J in 2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-furanGagnaireD.
1962June45Polyvinylidene FluorideWilson IIIC.
1962June45Practical MattersShapiroB.
1962June45Practical MattersBothner-ByA.
1962June45Proton Magnetic Relaxation in PolyamidesMcCallD.
1962June45Proton Magnetic Relaxation in PolyamidesAndersonE.
1962June45Signs of J's in CH2CF2BaldeschwielerJ.
1962June45Signs of J's in CH2CF2FlynnG.
1962June45Signs of J's in CH3CH2FBaldeschwielerJ.
1962June45Signs of J's in CH3CH2FRaoB.
1962June45Signs of J's in CyclopropanesMusherJ.
1962June45Signs of J's in CyclopropanesSzokeA.
1962June45Signs of J(CH) and J(H-H)LauterburP.
1962June45Signs of J(CH) and J(H-H)KurlandR.
1962July46Acridine SpectrumKokkoJ.
1962July46Acridine SpectrumGoldsteinJ.
1962July46Cobaltous ComplexesPrattL.
1962July46Conformations in DioxanesThomasL.
1962July46Cooling the A-60HarveyM.
1962July46H-Bond Shift; Exchange Broadening; Phenol SpectraPatersonW.
1962July46NMR Determination of Magnetic SusceptibilityScruggsR.
1962July46NMR Determination of Magnetic SusceptibilityLiN.
1962July46No Hindered RotationBrownsteinS.
1962July46Nuclear Relaxation TheoryShimizuH.
1962July46Pentacyclic TriterpenesGlickR.
1962July46Practical MattersShapiroB.
1962July46Protonation of AmidesBirchallT.
1962July46Protonation of AmidesGillespieR.
1962July46Quantitative Hydrogen AnalysisSmithW.
1962July46Signs of J(CH) and J(HH) in Three Membered RingsLauterburP.
1962July46Signs of J(CH) and J(HH) in Three Membered RingsKurlandR.
1962July46Steric Effects on C-13 Spectra of BenzenesLauterburP.
1962July46Steric Effects on C-13 Spectra of BenzenesKurlandR.
1962July46The "Tickling" ExperimentAndersonW.
1962July46The "Tickling" ExperimentFreemanR.
1962July46Using Very Small SamplesWittstruckT.
1962July46Using Very Small SamplesMcNivenN.
1962August47Anisotropy of the Magnetic Susceptibility of the C-C BondZurcherR.
1962August47B-11 Chemical Shifts, particularly in Symmetrical Tetrahedral IonsDavisJ.
1962August47Calibration of A-60 ChartsSaundersR.
1962August47Calibration of A-60 ChartsChamberlainN.
1962August47Conformational Study of 2,6-Tetradeutero-cyclohexanol Esters; Methyl Nitrite-Temperature Dependence of Free Induction DecayReevesL.
1962August47Experimental Tips on the AEI RS2 Spectrometer; Proton Resonances in Cyclic Phosphonitrilic Methyls and Their Protonated CationsAllenG.
1962August47Fluorine Spectra of BenzotrifluoridesBumgardnerC.
1962August47Improving the HR-60 Sensitivity and Application to DPN/protein BindingJardetzkyO.
1962August47Miscellaneous A-60 ItemsLunderganR.
1962August47Miscellaneous A-60 ItemsKosterD.
1962August47Miscellaneous A-60 ItemsPoradekJ.
1962August47Miscellaneous A-60 ItemsDantiA.
1962August47Observations of Weak Signals on the A-60CrutchfieldM.
1962August47On BrevityLauterburP.
1962August47Percent Hydrogen by IntegrationStewartB.
1962August47Policies and Practical Considerations Concerning MELLONMRShapiroB.
1962August47Policies and Practical Considerations Concerning MELLONMRBothner-ByA.
1962August47Proton Couplings Through Five BondsFreemanR.
1962August47Proton Couplings Through Five BondsBhaccaN.
1962August47Proton Spectra of 2,5-Dimethylpyrrole in Acid SolutionsWhippleE.
1962August47Proton Spectra of Benzimidazole and BenzotriazoleBlackP.
1962August47Proton Spectra of Benzimidazole and BenzotriazoleHeffernanM.
1962August47Quantitative Analysis of Small Samples on the A-60PierE.
1962August47Quantitative Analysis of Small Samples on the A-60HollisD.
1962September481,Trans-3-dinitro-cis-2, trans-4-diphenylcyclobutaneFlanaganP.
1962September481,Trans-3-dinitro-cis-2, trans-4-diphenylcyclobutaneCoxP.
1962September48Acid-base Equilibria in AzulenesMeucheD.
1962September48Aldehydo-lactol TautomerismGronowitzS.
1962September48Aldehydo-lactol TautomerismHoffmanR.
1962September48C-13-H Coupling ConstantsRanftJ.
1962September48Coupling Constants in Heavy Metal-Propyl CompoundsKloseG.
1962September48Double Resonance TheoryPrimasH.
1962September48Double Resonance TheoryBommerP.
1962September48Geminal H-H Coupling ConstantsBarfieldM.
1962September48Geminal H-H Coupling ConstantsGrantD.
1962September48Modifications to the Varian Variable Frequency Wide Line Spectrometer; Line Widths of Bromine and Sodium ResonancesRichardsR.
1962September48Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Liquid CHFCl2BrownR.
1962September48Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Liquid CHFCl2ShimomuraK.
1962September48Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Liquid CHFCl2GutowskyH.
1962September48Para Disubstituted BenzenesSmithG.
1962September48Proton Chemical Shift Scales; Referencing; Temperature Dependence of F-F Coupling ConstantsRameyK.
1962September48Proton Chemical Shift Scales; Referencing; Temperature Dependence of F-F Coupling ConstantsBrey JrW.
1962September48Proton Chemical Shift Scales; Referencing; Temperature Dependence of F-F Coupling ConstantsLawsonK.
1962September48Proton NMR of (CH3)3SnCH2Sn(CH3)3; C-13 Satellites in Proton Resonance of Organotin Compounds; NMR in Organometallic Compounds Review ArticleKaeszH.
1962September48Referencing in Aqueous SolutionsWeinerP.
1962September48Referencing in Aqueous SolutionsMalinowskiE.
1962September48Relative Signs of C-13-H and C-13-F Coupling ConstantsTiersG.
1962September48The Story of the Cat and the Dog (or: Improvement of the Sensitivity by Long-term Measurements)PrimasH.
1962September48The Story of the Cat and the Dog (or: Improvement of the Sensitivity by Long-term Measurements)ErnstR.
1962September48Volume Susceptibility Data from High Resolution NMR MeasurementsFreiK.
1962September48Volume Susceptibility Data from High Resolution NMR MeasurementsBernsteinH.
1962October49"Situations Wanted"RameyK.
1962October49"Situations Wanted"LawsonK.
1962October49Comments on the Letter of Bommer & Primas of Mellonmr #48AndersonW.
1962October49Comments on the Letter of Bommer & Primas of Mellonmr #48FreemanR.
1962October49Computing of NMR Spectra; Spin Decoupling; Signs of Coupling ConstantsKingR.
1962October49Computing of NMR Spectra; Spin Decoupling; Signs of Coupling ConstantsRodewaldL.
1962October49Computing of NMR Spectra; Spin Decoupling; Signs of Coupling ConstantsDePuyC.
1962October49Computing of NMR Spectra; Spin Decoupling; Signs of Coupling ConstantsMorrisG.
1962October49Concerning F-19 Shifts of Aromatic CF3-GroupsRobertsJ.
1962October49Concerning Intensity Sum RulesKummerH.
1962October49Detection and Determination of 1,2-EpoxyoctaneHowellR.
1962October49Detection and Determination of 1,2-EpoxyoctaneHarveyM.
1962October49Deuterium NMR ResultsDiehlP.
1962October49Geminal (F,F) Coupling ConstantsHarrisR.
1962October49Linewidths of Paramagnetic Resonances in SolutionsKokinA.
1962October49NMR Data on Small Ring CompoundsNistB.
1962October49NMR Determination of Magnetic SusceptibilityJohanssonA.
1962October49NMR Survey of Quinoline Alkaloids; A-60 Variable Temperature ProbeRobertsonA.
1962October49Notation for Description of Multiple Resonance Experiments; Long-Range Proton-Proton Coupling in SantoninRandallE.
1962October49Notes on Computer ProgramReillyC.
1962October49Peripheral Equipment & Facilities for an A-60 InstallationPageJ.
1962October49Peripheral Equipment & Facilities for an A-60 InstallationChapmanJ.
1962October49Peripheral Equipment & Facilities for an A-60 InstallationGreenG.
1962October49Proton-Proton Decoupling in CrotonaldehydeKurlandR.
1962October49Proton-Proton Decoupling in CrotonaldehydeYajkoP.
1962October49Quantitative Analysis by NMRCottonJ.
1962October49Quantitative Analysis by NMRKlapperH.
1962October49Quantitative Analysis by NMRArnoldC.
1962October49Substituted PyrrolidoneKurlandR.
1962October49Tau Values of Alkyl and 1-Adamantyl HalidesSchleyerP.
1962October49Tau Values of Alkyl and 1-Adamantyl HalidesFortR.
1962November50"Styrofoam" Coffin; A Long-Range HH Coupling Through Two NitrogensPearceC.
1962November50"Styrofoam" Coffin; A Long-Range HH Coupling Through Two NitrogensManattS.
1962November504th OCEANSWilson IIIC.
1962November50CF3CFICF2Cl and CF2Br-CFBrCl; Modifications of Reilly's Program; Mechanism of Fluorine-Fluorine CouplingSederholmC.
1962November50Dosimetry of TMSNachodF.
1962November50F-19 Chemical Shifts in Compounds Containing the N-F LinkageMacKenzieJ.
1962November50F-19 Chemical Shifts in Compounds Containing the N-F LinkageStewartB.
1962November50F-19 Chemical Shifts in Compounds Containing the N-F LinkageHolmesJ.
1962November50F-19 Coupling Constants in AlkenesBodenN.
1962November50F-19 Coupling Constants in AlkenesSutcliffeL.
1962November50F-19 Coupling Constants in AlkenesFeeneyJ.
1962November50F-19 Coupling Constants in AlkenesEmsleyJ.
1962November50Frequency - Intensity Product RelationsKummerH.
1962November50Lignans form Myristica OtobaWallaceR.
1962November50Lignans form Myristica OtobaPorteA.
1962November50Lignans form Myristica OtobaHodgesR.
1962November50NMR of Amino AcidsPachlerK.
1962November50NMR of Organic Solvent + Water, Acetic or Nitric Acid MixturesFreymannR.
1962November50NMR Study of Exchangeable HydrogensMabryT.
1962November50Non-Equivalence of Protons of a Methylene at Room TemperatureCsakvaryF.
1962November50Non-Equivalence of Protons of a Methylene at Room TemperatureGagnaireD.
1962November50Slow Sweep Direction Indicator; X Dissymmetry in Spectra of ABCX, ABCDX, and A2B2X Systems; Concerning the Symbolism Denoting Magnetic SystemsLeeJ.
1962November50The Conjugate Acid of 1,3-DimethoxybenzeneKresgeA.
1962November50The Conjugate Acid of 1,3-DimethoxybenzeneChiangY.
1962November50The Six Isomers of Methyl-carbomethoxy-pyrrolevon PlantaC.
1962November50The Six Isomers of Methyl-carbomethoxy-pyrroleVaterlausB.
1962November50The Six Isomers of Methyl-carbomethoxy-pyrroleFurlenmeierA.
1962November50The Systems Anhydrous HF/EtOH and HF/AcetoneMacLeanC.
1962November50The Systems Anhydrous HF/EtOH and HF/AcetoneMackorE.
1962December51A-60 Modifications and Special Chart PaperFlauttT.
1962December51Azulenes and Metallo-Azulene ComplexesKreiterC.
1962December51Azulenes and Metallo-Azulene ComplexesFritzH.
1962December51Concerning the Analysis of ABC SystemsSwalenJ.
1962December51Coupling Constants in Pyrrole; Concerning Long-Range CouplingsGronowitzS.
1962December51Coupling Constants in Pyrrole; Concerning Long-Range CouplingsHoffmanR.
1962December51Dehydroniovin and Niovin StructuresErskineR.
1962December51Dehydroniovin and Niovin StructuresKnightS.
1962December51Effect of Substituents on Vicinal CouplingsFreemanR.
1962December51Equipment to Combat Power FailuresSonnenbichlerG.
1962December51Long-Range F-F CouplingsRogersM.
1962December51NMR Spectra of Substituted PyridinesBrugelW.
1962December51Spectra of Racemic & meso 2,4-dichloropentaneMcMahonP.
1962December51Spectra of Racemic & meso 2,4-dichloropentaneTincherW.
1962December51Temperature Dependence of Vicinal Coupling ConstantsSnyderE.
1962December51The Proton Spectrum of AzuleneMeleraA.
1962December51The Proton Spectrum of AzuleneMeucheD.
1962December51Uridine and Azauridine SpectraJonasJ.
1962December51Water Recirculator for the A-60; An Inexpensive Digital Voltmeter; Cats and DogsHanselmanR.
1962December51Water Recirculator for the A-60; An Inexpensive Digital Voltmeter; Cats and DogsBeachW.
1963January524th OCEANS Announcement and ProgramWilson IIIC. W.
1963January52ASTM NMR Subcommittee Meeting; Questionnaire on Nomenclature and ReferencingRitcheyW.
1963January52Chemical Shift - Structure Correlations in C-13 Spectra of Hydrocarbons; C-13 Shift Assignments in Ethylbenzene, Styrene and PhenylacetyleneRetcofskyH.
1963January52Chemical Shift - Structure Correlations in C-13 Spectra of Hydrocarbons; C-13 Shift Assignments in Ethylbenzene, Styrene and PhenylacetyleneFriedelR.
1963January52Concentration Dependence of the Chemical Shift in the System Acetic Acid - Acetic AnhydrideRoseP.
1963January52Concentration Dependence of the Chemical Shift in the System Acetic Acid - Acetic AnhydrideMullerN.
1963January52Concerning Sum Rules for NMR SpectraBothner-ByA.
1963January52Long Range Coupling in 4-VinylidenecyclopenteneHarringtonJ.
1963January52Long Range Coupling in 4-VinylidenecyclopenteneHannaM.
1963January52Long Range Couplings in Methyl Oxazolines and ThiazolinesGreenhalghN
1963January52Long Range Couplings in Methyl Oxazolines and ThiazolinesWeinbergerN
1963January52Magnet Care; Anilinium Salt Spectra; Benz-bromocyclobutene SpectrumFraenkelN
1963January52On Interpreting Chemical Shifts in Terms of Intra- and Intermolecular Electrostatic FieldsPetrakisN
1963January52Proton Spin-coupling in Dry MethanolMooreN
1963January52Relaxation Times of CH3CN N-14 Resonances in Various SolventsLoewensteinN
1963January52Sensitivity Enhancement by Time IntegrationAllenL. C.
1963January52Spectra and Structures of Sulphides, Disulphides and Related Oxygen-containing CompoundsBernerN
1963January52Spectra and Structures of Sulphides, Disulphides and Related Oxygen-containing CompoundsAllenP.
1963January52Spectra and Structures of Sulphides, Disulphides and Related Oxygen-containing CompoundsMalinowskiN
1963February53A Reply to Dr. Ourisson's 'Problem of Ethics'ShapiroN
1963February53A Self-Adjusting Magnetic Field Controller for the A-60HeeschenN
1963February53A Use of NMR for Inorganic Structural ProofMcCallumN
1963February53A Use of NMR for Inorganic Structural ProofGreizersteinN
1963February53Apparatus, Technique, and Some Applications of H-H Spin-DecouplingColebrookN
1963February53B-11 NMR Studies of Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions in Trimethoxyboroxine and N-Trimethyl BorazoleKoskiN
1963February53Concerning Methyl Substitution Effects on the C-13 Shifts in Ethylenic SystemsReddyN
1963February53Long-Range H-H Coupling in 2-Butyl-2-ethyl-5-methyl-3,4-hexadienalNachodN
1963February53Long-Range H-H Coupling in 2-Butyl-2-ethyl-5-methyl-3,4-hexadienalKullnigN
1963February53Methylphosphonates d'alcoyle et de methyle; An Offer to Help with Triterpene Structure Elucidation; A Problem of EthicsRiessN
1963February53Methylphosphonates d'alcoyle et de methyle; An Offer to Help with Triterpene Structure Elucidation; A Problem of EthicsLehnN
1963February53Methylphosphonates d'alcoyle et de methyle; An Offer to Help with Triterpene Structure Elucidation; A Problem of EthicsOurissonN
1963February53Preparation of the Useful NMR Solvents Tetrafluorodichloroacetone Deutero-hydrate and Hexafluoroacetone Deutero-hydrateLuValleN
1963February53Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies on Stannane and the MethylstannanesFlitcroftN
1963February53Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies on Stannane and the MethylstannanesKaeszN
1963February53Pyrrole Coupling Constants; Compilation of Calculated A2B2 SpectraDischlerN
1963February53Shifts and Couplings (Including Signs) in a DiazirineUebelN
1963February53Shifts and Couplings (Including Signs) in a DiazirineMartinN
1963February53Structure of the 2:1 Acetone: Cyclopentadiene Condensation ProductSmithW.
1963February53Structure Proof of Three Bicyclic PhosphonatesBerlinN
1963February53Syn-anti Isomerism in Methazonic AcidBrownsteinN
1963February53Temperature Studies of (Deuterated) Cyclooctane(s)AnetF.
1963February53Unusual Deshielding of Some Aromatic Protons in Phenyl Substituted s-TriazinesCastellanoN
1963February53Unusual Deshielding of Some Aromatic Protons in Phenyl Substituted s-TriazinesMiniN
1963February53Unusual Deshielding of Some Aromatic Protons in Phenyl Substituted s-TriazinesGuntherN
1963February53Vinylic Proton Coupling Constants in CycloalkenesKriloffN
1963February53Vinylic Proton Coupling Constants in CycloalkenesSmithG.
1963March544th OCEANS AbstractsShapiroN
1963March54Advance Notice of Canisius College NMR Spectroscopy InstituteSzymanskiN
1963March54Cooling System for the A-60 MagnetYajkoN
1963March54Electric Field Effects in NMR SpectraWaughN
1963March54Organoheterosiloxanes and Related SilazanesSchmidbaurN
1963March54Phosphorus Data And Compounds WantedVan WazerN
1963March54Phyllochrysine and Securinine StructuresMeleraN
1963March54Phyllochrysine and Securinine StructuresParelloN
1963March54Proton Exchange Between Carboxylic Acids and AlcoholsRudolphN
1963March54Proton Exchange Between Carboxylic Acids and AlcoholsZimmermannN
1963March54Proton Shifts in PhenanthrenesSmithJ.
1963March54Proton Shifts in PhenanthrenesBartleN
1963March54Scale Expansion for the A-60RickertN
1963March54Scale Expansion for the A-60LorencN
1963March54Scale Expansion for the A-60ShapiroN
1963March54Shifts in Bicyclo-heptene, -heptane, -octene, and -octane SystemsJackmanN
1963March54Steric Dependence of Allylic CouplingSternhellN
1963March54Supplementary List of References for the BibliographyStothersN
1963March54The Absolute Sign of the Spin-Spin Coupling ConstantMcLauchlanN
1963March54The High Resolution Magnetic Double Resonance Spectra of F-19 and Xe-129 in XeF4 and XeOF4VerdierN
1963March54The High Resolution Magnetic Double Resonance Spectra of F-19 and Xe-129 in XeF4 and XeOF4WhippleN
1963March54The High Resolution Magnetic Double Resonance Spectra of F-19 and Xe-129 in XeF4 and XeOF4BrownN
1963April55"Molecular Motion in Polyethylene" - Preprint Available; Concerning NMR and Tracer Studies of Self-DiffusionDouglassN
1963April55"Molecular Motion in Polyethylene" - Preprint Available; Concerning NMR and Tracer Studies of Self-DiffusionMcCallN
1963April55Alignment Tool for Eliminating Erratic Sample Spinning with the Varian Temperature ProbeGrossmanN
1963April55Alignment Tool for Eliminating Erratic Sample Spinning with the Varian Temperature ProbeRitcheyN
1963April55C-13 Shifts in Aromatic and Hydroaromatic HydrocarbonsFriedelN
1963April55C-13 Shifts in Aromatic and Hydroaromatic HydrocarbonsRetcofskyN
1963April55Comment on Valence Bond Theory and the Dirac Vector ModelMusherN
1963April55Concerning A-60 Magnet Cooling SystemsSmithW.
1963April55Concerning the Absolute Sign of J(HF)(gem); A Table of Relative Signs of H-F, H-H, C-13-H, and C-13-F CouplingsBarfieldN
1963April55Concerning the Absolute Sign of J(HF)(gem); A Table of Relative Signs of H-F, H-H, C-13-H, and C-13-F CouplingsBaldeschwielerJ.
1963April55Control Loop for HR-60, with Examples; Relative Signs of H-H Couplings in Propylene Oxide; Rig for H-1 - [F-19] and F-19 - [H-1] Decoupling; Relative Signs of H-F and F-F Couplings; Concerning McLaughlan and Buckingham's Negative J(HF)(gem)PearceN
1963April55Control Loop for HR-60, with Examples; Relative Signs of H-H Couplings in Propylene Oxide; Rig for H-1 - [F-19] and F-19 - [H-1] Decoupling; Relative Signs of H-F and F-F Couplings; Concerning McLaughlan and Buckingham's Negative J(HF)(gem)ManattN
1963April55Control Loop for HR-60, with Examples; Relative Signs of H-H Couplings in Propylene Oxide; Rig for H-1 - [F-19] and F-19 - [H-1] Decoupling; Relative Signs of H-F and F-F Couplings; Concerning McLaughlan and Buckingham's Negative J(HF)(gem)EllemanN
1963April55Long-range H-H Couplings in Formates; Ethyl Maleate as High Temperature Resolution Standardde KowalewskiN
1963April55Long-range H-H Couplings in Formates; Ethyl Maleate as High Temperature Resolution StandardKowalewskiV.
1963April55Low Temperature Equipment for the HR-60ReevesN
1963April55Low Temperature Spectra of CF2Br-CFBrClRameyN
1963April55Olefin-Iron Tetracarbonyl and Pi-Allyl Iron Tetracarbonyl Halide ComplexesNegliaN
1963April55Olefin-Iron Tetracarbonyl and Pi-Allyl Iron Tetracarbonyl Halide ComplexesLancasterN
1963April55Proton Exchange in Neutral Alcohol-Water Systems; Coupling Constant Signs in the Heterocyclic Ring of QuinolinePatersonN
1963April55Proton NMR and UV Studies of Organometallic Compounds and Aromatic Heterocyclic AminesKimN
1963April55Proton NMR and UV Studies of Organometallic Compounds and Aromatic Heterocyclic AminesAdamsD.
1963April55Proton NMR and UV Studies of Organometallic Compounds and Aromatic Heterocyclic AminesFraenkelN
1963April55Proton Shifts in Cyclopropyl CompoundsFreemanJ.
1963April55Rotational Isomerism of N-acyl AzolesWurmb-GerlichN
1963April55Rotational Isomerism of N-acyl AzolesMannschreckN
1963April55Rotational Isomerism of N-acyl AzolesStaabN
1963April55Sign of J(C-13CH)FreemanN
1963April55Standard 500 cps. Sweeps for the HR-60LandisN
1963April55Stereoselective Long-range H-F CouplingsEmsleyN
1963April55Summary of Shifts and Couplings in Mono-olefinsStehlingN
1963April55Temperature Sensitivity of Parts of the DP-60: Improved S/N on the DP-60; Detection of a Radiation Damping Effect; Comment on the Varian Micro-cellElskenN
1963April55Temperature Sensitivity of Parts of the DP-60: Improved S/N on the DP-60; Detection of a Radiation Damping Effect; Comment on the Varian Micro-cellLundinN
1963April55Theory of Carbon NMR Chemical Shifts in Conjugated MoleculesPopleN
1963April55Theory of Carbon NMR Chemical Shifts in Conjugated MoleculesKarplusN
1963April55Unusual NMR Dilution Shift for Acetic Acid in Acetic Anhydride; C-13H Splitting in a 4-membered Ring CompoundRoseN
1963April55Unusual NMR Dilution Shift for Acetic Acid in Acetic Anhydride; C-13H Splitting in a 4-membered Ring CompoundMullerN
1963May561. F-19 Spectra of Pentafluorophenyl Derivatives 2. Tetraethyl Derivatives of Group III and IV Elements 3. H{H} and Relative Signs of J's in N-15-amidesRandallN
1963May561. Calculations on Dipolar Coupling 2. Long-Range Couplings of ProtonsLynden-BellN
1963May561. Calculations on Dipolar Coupling 2. Long-Range Couplings of ProtonsSheppardN
1963May56A Home-made Pen Holder and Ink Reservoir for the A-60ShapiroN
1963May56A Home-made Pen Holder and Ink Reservoir for the A-60LorencN
1963May56A Home-made Pen Holder and Ink Reservoir for the A-60BurkeN
1963May56A New Possibility for Energy Level AssignmentsForsenN
1963May56A New Possibility for Energy Level AssignmentsHoffmanN
1963May56Concerning Chemical Shifts in AcetylenesBohlmannN
1963May56Concerning Indexes for MELLONMRShapiroN
1963May56Concerning the Signs of Geminal Coupling ConstantsWilliamsonN
1963May56Coupling Constants in Cyclobutanes; The First Law of MicrosociologyRobertsonN
1963May56On the NMR Spectra of Ethyl Glycinate and Methyl HydroxyprolinateMathurN
1963May56On the NMR Spectra of Ethyl Glycinate and Methyl HydroxyprolinateLiN
1963May56Pitfalls in the Use of NMR in Organic Structure Determinations; Trimethylsilyl SulphateReavillN
1963May56Pitfalls in the Use of NMR in Organic Structure Determinations; Trimethylsilyl SulphateKatritzkyN
1963May56Proton NMR of DiboraneTebbeN
1963May56Proton NMR of DiboraneSchaefferN
1963May56Proton NMR of DiboraneGainesN
1963May56Proton Resonance Spectra of Cobaltous ComplexesPrattN
1963May56Proton Spectra of Some Solid Methyl PhenolsLadnerN
1963May56Ring Inversion of PerfluorocyclooctaneThomasN
1963May56Substituent Electronegativity and the Couplings and Internal Chemical Shifts in Monosubstituted 1,1-DichlorocyclopropanesWilliamsonN
1963May56The Case Against WigglesFreemanR.
1963May56The Case for Tickling TwiceWhiffenN
1963May56The Case for Tickling TwiceMcLauchlanN
1963May56The Case for Tickling TwiceFreemanR.
1963May56The Case for Tickling TwiceCohenA.
1963May56The Correct Value of J(H)/J(D)DiehlN
1963May56Triethylamine Catalysis of the Exchange of an Amide Hydrogen for Deuterium in a Chloroform-dissolved CompoundCohenA.
1963June57A Long-Range Proton-Proton CouplingBaxterN
1963June57A Long-Range Proton-Proton CouplingMcLeskeyN
1963June57A Long-Range Proton-Proton CouplingRandallN
1963June57An Empirical Alternative to the Karplus RelationsJardetzkyO.
1963June57An NMR Study of the Alkali Hexafluorophosphates' Dynamic StructureGutowskyN
1963June57An NMR Study of the Alkali Hexafluorophosphates' Dynamic StructureMillerN
1963June57ASTM Questionnaire on Nomenclature and ReferencingRitcheyN
1963June57Calculation of the Proton Shieldings in H2 and HDSaikaN
1963June57Citrinin ConformationWhalleyN
1963June57Citrinin ConformationMathiesonN
1963June57Concerning a Compilation of Terpenoid Spectra; Some Applications of NMR And NMDR to Terpenoid Structure DeterminationsBatesN
1963June57Concerning ALGOL and FORTRAN Programs for Use on the X-1 ComputerKapteinN
1963June57Concerning ALGOL and FORTRAN Programs for Use on the X-1 ComputerSekuurN
1963June57Concerning the BF Coupling Constant in BF(-4)KuhlmannN
1963June57Concerning the BF Coupling Constant in BF(-4)GrantN
1963June57Diastereomeric Methylene Proton ResonancesWahlN
1963June57Diastereomeric Methylene Proton ResonancesMislowN
1963June57Isomers of Dibenzazepine DerivativesFritzH.
1963June57Moderately Rapid Chemical Exchange Rates by Nuclear Magnetic Double ResonanceHoffmanN
1963June57Moderately Rapid Chemical Exchange Rates by Nuclear Magnetic Double ResonanceForsenN
1963June57Modifications to the Varian V-4365 Field Homogeneity Control UnitHudsonN
1963June57NMR of Chlorophyll aPierN
1963June57NMR of Chlorophyll aHollisN
1963June57NMR of Chlorophyll aJuntzN
1963June57NMR of Chlorophyll aAndersonA. F. H.
1963June57Nuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Constants Involving the Group IV ElementsWellsN
1963June57Nuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Constants Involving the Group IV ElementsReevesN
1963June57Olefin Chemical Shifts in Alpha-Methylene Cyclic KetonesKloseN
1963June57Phosphorus-phosphorus Coupling in Derivatives of TetramethylbiphosphineHayterN
1963June57Proton NMR of cis and trans-EpoxyamidesTungN
1963June57Proton Spectra of Some 1,2-Disubstituted Ethanes, 1,1-Disubstituted Ethanes, Ethyl Compounds and a Few CyclicsAbrahamR.
1963June57Proton-Proton Coupling Constants in Norbornene DerivativesSchleyerN
1963June57Proton-Proton Coupling Constants in Norbornene DerivativesLaszloN
1963June57Quadrupole Relaxation for Spin I = 3/2: The F-19 NMR Spectra of BF3 and ClO3FQuailN
1963June57Quadrupole Relaxation for Spin I = 3/2: The F-19 NMR Spectra of BF3 and ClO3FGillespieN
1963June57Quadrupole Relaxation for Spin I = 3/2: The F-19 NMR Spectra of BF3 and ClO3FBaconJ.
1963June57Quadrupole Relaxation Process Studies; Nuclear Electron Double Resonance Apparatus and Studies; Platinum Resonances in Platinous ComplexesRichardsN
1963June57SSB Proton-Proton Decoupling on a KIS-25 SpectrometerSnatzkeN
1963June57Structure Determination for C15H12O5BohlmannN
1963June57Substituent Effects and Other Correlations of Aromatic Proton Shifts; Diamagnetic Susceptibility Complication and SupplementSmithG.
1963June57The Case for TSI-ing ThriceHoffmanN
1963June57The Case for TSI-ing ThriceGronowitzN
1963June57The Case for TSI-ing ThriceGestblomN
1963June57The Case for TSI-ing ThriceForsenN
1963June57Trimethylene Sulfide - Partial Analyses of Its H-1 SpectrumLustigN
1963June57Tris Hexyne-3 Tungsten CarbonylRitcheyN
1963July58A Cell for Studying Gases Under PressureFreymannN
1963July58A New Source for the Reference Voltage for the Varian V-2100 Magnet Power SupplyReillyN
1963July58AB Spectra in a Heterocyclic CompoundWhittakerN
1963July58Adaptation of FREQINT IV to the IBM 1620LauterburN
1963July58Analysis of the Proton Spectrum of IndazoleBlackN
1963July58Analysis of the Proton Spectrum of IndazoleHeffernanN
1963July58British-made Ancillary Equipment for the A-60; Pyridine as a Routine Resolution Check; NMR Studies of Griseofulvin and AnaloguesGreenN
1963July58British-made Ancillary Equipment for the A-60; Pyridine as a Routine Resolution Check; NMR Studies of Griseofulvin and AnaloguesPageJ.
1963July58Concentration Dependence of Delta(F-19) and J(B-11 - F-19) in NaBF4 and Concentration Dependence of Delta(F-19) in Other SaltsHaqueN
1963July58Concentration Dependence of Delta(F-19) and J(B-11 - F-19) in NaBF4 and Concentration Dependence of Delta(F-19) in Other SaltsReevesN
1963July58Concerning A-60 Pens, Ink and Reproductions of SpectraCohenN
1963July58Concerning the Structure of 1,1,1-Triethylhydrazinium ChlorideHarveyN
1963July58Confirmation of Previously Obtained Values of Tin-Hydrogen Coupling ConstantsFlitcroftN
1963July58Confirmation of Previously Obtained Values of Tin-Hydrogen Coupling ConstantsKaeszN
1963July58Controlling Temperatures Down to -196 Degrees CRaayenN
1963July58Determination of the Absolute Sign of the Spin-Coupling Constant by Means of Magnetic SaturationShimizuN
1963July58Double-Quantum SpectraFreemanN
1963July58Effects of Solvent and Concentration on the Proton Spectrum of Alpha-chloroacrylonitrileGoldsteinN
1963July58HR-60 MiscellaneaGodseyN
1963July58HR-60 MiscellaneaFlanaganN
1963July58HR-60 Modifications and TechniquesBrugelN
1963July58Iron Carbonyl Complexes of Olefins; Cyclooctatetraene in Conc. H2SO4DavisN
1963July58Light-Weight, Resistant NMR Tube ClosuresNachodN
1963July58Light-Weight, Resistant NMR Tube ClosuresReznekN
1963July58Modifications and Caveats Concerning the Varian Variable Temperature A-60 Probe; A Modification to the Spinner for the Room Temperature A-60 Probe; A Large Paramagnetic Enolic Hydrogen ResonanceDudekN
1963July58pH and Temperature Dependence of the Proton Spectrum of Citric AcidGilboaN
1963July58pH and Temperature Dependence of the Proton Spectrum of Citric AcidLoewensteinN
1963July58Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Formaldoxime and Its Methyl EtherKopchikN
1963July58Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Formaldoxime and Its Methyl EtherEbersoleN
1963July58Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Formaldoxime and Its Methyl EtherShapiroN
1963July58Shifts and Couplings in Substituted CyclopentenonesLyonsN
1963July58Shifts and Couplings in Substituted CyclopentenonesDePuyN
1963July58Spectra of 2-Methyl-1-penteneDantiN
1963July58Spectra of 2-Methyl-1-pentenePoradekN
1963July58Spectra of Aliphatic Fluorine CompoundsMcIntyreN
1963July58Spin-Lattice Relaxation Measurements in the Series n-Pentane, .... n-DodecaneBlearsN
1963July58Volume Magnetic Suseptibility Measurements by NMRFratielloN
1963July58Volume Magnetic Suseptibility Measurements by NMRDouglassN
1963August59A New Subroutine for the Swalen-Reilly NMR ProgramsDouglasA.
1963August59A2B2 and AA'BB' Analyses Using NMRIT and NMREN, With Example of 2,2-DibromocyclobutanoneRobertsN
1963August59A2B2 and AA'BB' Analyses Using NMRIT and NMREN, With Example of 2,2-DibromocyclobutanoneServisN
1963August59Analyses of ABCD and Other Systems in Polycyclic Aromatic CompoundsBatterhamN
1963August59Chemical Shifts in ParaffinsBartzN
1963August59Concerning Nomenclature for Spin SystemsBernsteinN
1963August59Couplages J-4 de Composes BicycliquesPayo-SubizaN
1963August59Couplages J-4 de Composes BicycliquesGagnaireN
1963August59Effect of pH on Spectra of "Aminite" and "Aminate"; "The Humdinger"HomerN
1963August59Effect of pH on Spectra of "Aminite" and "Aminate"; "The Humdinger"ChapmanN
1963August59Enhanced Double Quantum SpectraWhiffenN
1963August59Enhanced Double Quantum SpectraCohenN
1963August59Errata to MELLONMR Issue 58, Page 42ShimizuN
1963August59Ge-73-H and Related CouplingsTzalmonaN
1963August59Inversion Barrier in Singly Bridged BiphenylsWiseN
1963August59Inversion Barrier in Singly Bridged BiphenylsRubinN
1963August59Inversion Barrier in Singly Bridged BiphenylsKurlandN
1963August59Long-Range Proton-Proton Couplings in Substituted Naphthalenes and AnthracenesBrugelN
1963August59NMR Studies of Pi-Molecular ComplexesHannaM.
1963August59Quantitative Methyl and Methylene Analyses in Hydrocarbons; Aza-analogues of Cytidine; DMSO-d6 as Solvent for Polyhydroxy TerpenesJonasN
1963August59Spectra of Some C-13 Doubly Enriched CompoundsBernsteinN
1963August59Spin-Spin Couplings in 7-Substituted Norbornadienes and NorbornenesSnyderN
1963August59Spin-Spin Couplings in 7-Substituted Norbornadienes and NorbornenesFranzusN
1963August59The Relative Signs of C-H Couplings in PropyneDreeskampN
1963August59The Structure of Loliolide. A Terpene from Lolium PerenneHodgesN
1963August59The Structure of Loliolide. A Terpene from Lolium PerennePorteN
1963August59The Time Weighted Average Approximation in Ethanes; Internal Rotation Barriers in CF2Cl-CFCl2NewmarkN
1963August59The Time Weighted Average Approximation in Ethanes; Internal Rotation Barriers in CF2Cl-CFCl2SederholmN
1963August59Use of Arsenic Trichloride as an NMR and IR Solvent, With ExamplesSzymanskiN
1963September606Beta-Substituted SteroidsZurcherN
1963September60An Apparatus for Spin Decoupling of Hydrogen and FluorineMacLeanN
1963September60An Apparatus for Spin Decoupling of Hydrogen and FluorineHesselmannN
1963September60Are the Chemical Shift and J-Coupling Constants Uniquely Determined by the NMR Spectrum?KummerN
1963September60Concerning the Association of Carboxylic Acids in Donor SolventsWebbN
1963September60Diastereomeric Methylene Proton Resonances - Further ObservationsWahlN
1963September60Diastereomeric Methylene Proton Resonances - Further ObservationsMislowN
1963September60F-19 Shifts and F-19-F-19 Coupling Constants in Highly Substituted ChlorofluorobenzenesBladonN
1963September60H-1 Spectra of StannylaminesDyerN
1963September60H-1 Spectra of StannylaminesLeeN
1963September60H-H and C-13-H Coupling Constants in Methyl Oxazole and Thiazole, and the Methyl Oxazolium and Thiazolium IonsHaakeN
1963September60H-H and C-13-H Coupling Constants in Methyl Oxazole and Thiazole, and the Methyl Oxazolium and Thiazolium IonsMillerN
1963September60High-Resolution NMR Spectra of Orientated MoleculesEnglertN
1963September60High-Resolution NMR Spectra of Orientated MoleculesSaupeN
1963September60Long-Range Proton-Proton Coupling in 5-Phenylpenta-1,4-diyneTaniguchiN
1963September60Long-Range Proton-Proton Coupling in 5-Phenylpenta-1,4-diyneMarcusN
1963September60Molecular Orbital Theory of Nuclear Spin Coupling ConstantsPopleN
1963September60Molecular Orbital Theory of Nuclear Spin Coupling ConstantsSantryN
1963September60NMR Studies of Absorption of Thorium Oxide; Chemical Shifts and Temperature Dependence of Spin-Spin Coupling Constants of Fluoropropenes; Hydrogen Chemical Shifts of 3-Alkyl and 3-Phenyl SydnonesBreyN
1963September60pH-Dependence of Coupling Constants in Aspartic AcidPachlerN
1963September60Proton NMR Studies of CHDO and CH2OEbersoleN
1963September60Proton NMR Studies of CHDO and CH2OKopchikN
1963September60Proton NMR Studies of CHDO and CH2OShapiroN
1963September60Pteridines, NH-Absorptions and a Caveat Concerning Varian's Microcellsvon PhilipsbornN
1963September60Specifications and Parts Lists for an A-60 Cooling SystemDicksonN
1963September60Spectra of Platinum-AlkylsThompsonN
1963September60The Structure of cis,cis,cis-Cyclononatriene Determined by Proton-Proton Spin DecouplingUntchN
1963September60Two New Diagonalizing OperatorsBaldeschwielerJ.
1963September60Two New Diagonalizing OperatorsAlbertR.
1963September60Wide Line Sudies of Polycrystalline SucciononitrilePetrakisN
1963October61A Long-Range Proton-Proton CouplingShouldersN
1963October61A Long-Range Proton-Proton CouplingSmithW.
1963October61A Sampling Technique for the A-60CanadyN
1963October61A Sampling Technique for the A-60MortonN
1963October61A Sampling Technique for the A-60FulmorN
1963October61A-60 MiscellaneaLongoneN
1963October61Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants in Some CyclopropanesWyldeN
1963October61Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants in Some CyclopropanesPaviaN
1963October61Computer Program for up to Ten Spin 1/2 Nuclei and for Nuclei of Spin 3 or LessHopkinsN
1963October61Concerning Coupling Constants of Group IV ElementsWellsN
1963October61Concerning Coupling Constants of Group IV ElementsReevesN
1963October61Concerning Rotational Isomerism in AmidesLaPlancheN
1963October61Concerning Rotational Isomerism in AmidesRogersN
1963October61Concerning the Conformation of Methyl 2-3-di-O-acetyl-Alpha-noviosidvon PlantaN
1963October61Concerning the NMR Spectra of Phenylchlorosilanes and PhenylchlorostannanesMaireN
1963October61Determination of Signal-to-Noise RatioSlompN
1963October61Effect of the Intramolecular Electric Fields on the Quadrupole Resonance FrequencyShimizuN
1963October61End-group Analysis and Molecular Weight Determination of Polyalkylene Glycols and Their EstersBreslerN
1963October61End-group Analysis and Molecular Weight Determination of Polyalkylene Glycols and Their EstersPageT.
1963October61Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies of the syn-anti Isomerization in 1-methyl-pi-allylcobalt TricarbonylMooreN
1963October61F-19 Shifts and F-F Coupling Constants in Polysubstituted FluorobenzenesBurkeN
1963October61Long-Range Coupling via Sigma-Pi Contact Interactions. Absolute Magnitudes of Allylic and Homoallylic Coupling Constants; Effect of Pi-Electron Density; Some Results on IndolesSternhellN
1963October61MO Treatment of Spin-Spin Coupling of Directly Bonded Nuclei, and Its Application to C-13-H Couplings in CHXYZ MethanesPollaraN
1963October61MO Treatment of Spin-Spin Coupling of Directly Bonded Nuclei, and Its Application to C-13-H Couplings in CHXYZ MethanesLarmannN
1963October61MO Treatment of Spin-Spin Coupling of Directly Bonded Nuclei, and Its Application to C-13-H Couplings in CHXYZ MethanesMalinowskiN
1963October61Modification of Varian DP-60 for Increased SensitivityLawrenceN
1963October61Observation on the Variation of Integrated Intensity at Different Magnetic HomogeneityChenN
1963October61Preliminary Results on Conformational Equilibria in the 7,12-Dihydropleiadene SystemLansburyN
1963October61Proton NMR Studies of Pb and Sn Organometallic CompoundsSchwarzhausN
1963October61Proton NMR Studies of Pb and Sn Organometallic CompoundsKreiterN
1963October61Proton NMR Studies of Pb and Sn Organometallic CompoundsFritzH.
1963November62An Automatic Cycling Device for the Varian HR Spectrometer System; A Source of Instability in the V-4100B Power SupplyFlauttT. J.
1963November62Chemical Shifts in Some Quinoline DerivativesSonnenbichlerN
1963November62Chemical Shifts of Some Cyanine DyesLuValleN
1963November62Concerning Cis- and Trans-Coupling in (Planar) Pentacyclic CompoundsAnteunisM.
1963November62Concerning Cis- and Trans-Coupling in (Planar) Pentacyclic CompoundsAlderweireldtF.
1963November62Correction to MELLONMR #61, p.45BurkeN
1963November62Erratum to MELLONMR Issue 60, p. 44LeeN
1963November62Fluorine-Fluorine Coupling ConstantsNgN
1963November62Fluorine-Fluorine Coupling ConstantsSederholmN
1963November62Modification of BEQUIV; Inquiry Concerning the Use of NMRIT and/or NMREN on Other than the IBM 7090 or 7094ReillyN
1963November62NMDR Sudies of AmmoniaAndersonJ.
1963November62NMR Studies of Compounds Related to TetramethylbiphosphineHarrisN
1963November62NMR Study of Gases with a Varian A-60FreymannN
1963November62O-17 - Xe-129 Coupling Constant in XeOF4SamuelN
1963November62O-17 - Xe-129 Coupling Constant in XeOF4ReubenN
1963November62Proton NMR Studies of the System CH3OH-BF3 in Liquid SO2; Request for a Source of Simple Alkyl FluoridesBrownsteinN
1963November62Structure of Dipropylene Glycol IsomersErskineN
1963November62Structure of Dipropylene Glycol IsomersKnightN
1963November62The Relative Signs of J(PCH) and J(PCCH) in the Tetraethylphosphonium CationLancasterN
1963November62Tritium NMR Spectroscopy. I. Observation of High-Resolution Signals from the Methyl and Methylene Groups of Ethylbenzene. The Non-Radiochemcial Use of Tritium as a TracerLahrN
1963November62Tritium NMR Spectroscopy. I. Observation of High-Resolution Signals from the Methyl and Methylene Groups of Ethylbenzene. The Non-Radiochemcial Use of Tritium as a TracerJacksonN
1963November62Tritium NMR Spectroscopy. I. Observation of High-Resolution Signals from the Methyl and Methylene Groups of Ethylbenzene. The Non-Radiochemcial Use of Tritium as a TracerBrownN
1963November62Tritium NMR Spectroscopy. I. Observation of High-Resolution Signals from the Methyl and Methylene Groups of Ethylbenzene. The Non-Radiochemcial Use of Tritium as a TracerTiersN
1963December63A-60 Spin DecouplingDicksonN
1963December63Air Conditioning, Magnet Pole Insulation, and Solution FilteringHampsonN
1963December63Air Conditioning, Magnet Pole Insulation, and Solution FilteringCooN
1963December63Air Conditioning, Magnet Pole Insulation, and Solution FilteringBecconsallN
1963December63Announcement of a "Conference on Magnetic Resonance Biological Systems"ShulmanN
1963December63C-13 NMR; Double Resonance Work; Mics. NotesStothersN
1963December63Concerning Optimum Performance with the A-60 Variable Temperature ProbeManattN
1963December63Conformational Equilibria in Solutions of 2-bromo-3,3,5,5-TetramethylcyclohexanoneOurissonN
1963December63Conformational Equilibria in Solutions of 2-bromo-3,3,5,5-TetramethylcyclohexanoneHemmertN
1963December63Conformational Equilibria in Solutions of 2-bromo-3,3,5,5-TetramethylcyclohexanoneWaegellN
1963December63Correction to MELLONMR #57, p. 49LustigN
1963December63Equilibre Dynamique Entre Isomeres de Conformation Chez les Dioxanes 1,3DelmauN
1963December63Equilibre Dynamique Entre Isomeres de Conformation Chez les Dioxanes 1,3BarbierN
1963December63Exchange of Aromatic Protons in NaphtholsCieciuchN
1963December63Exchange of Aromatic Protons in NaphtholsMorrisonN
1963December63Fifth Experimental NMR ConferenceLauterburN
1963December63NMR Identification of Isomeric Aminopropylthiosulfuric AcidsLownN
1963December63NMR Spectra of ChloroindenesKieferN
1963December63NMR Spectra of ChloroindenesGuntherN
1963December63Orbital Hybridization; Magnetic Shielding of a Nucleus by a Neighboring Atom; Fermi-Contact Contribution to the Proton-deuteron Coupling Constant in HD; The Role of Multiple Quantum Transitions in NMR; A 3-Spin System; Chemical Shift & Coupling TheoryMusherN
1963December63Practical Aspects of SH and OH ExchangeBeachN
1963December63Proton NMR Studies of Cyanine DyesZimmermannN
1963December63Proton NMR Studies of Cyanine DyesSeiffertN
1963December63Stereospecific Long-Range H-H CouplingsMeyerN
1964January64F-19 Spectra of Two (CF3)2-cyclo C4F6 IsomersRameyN
1964January64Frequency-Stabilization of VFO of Decouplers; Ring Inversion of Cyclohexane-d11AnetF.
1964January64H/D Exchange in Azoles and Azolium IonsMannschreckN
1964January64H/D Exchange in Azoles and Azolium IonsWuN
1964January64H/D Exchange in Azoles and Azolium IonsStaabN
1964January64Long-Range Deuterium Isotope Effect in Proton NMRMullerN
1964January64Measurement of NMR Signals with Digital IntegratorKellerN
1964January64Measurement of NMR Signals with Digital IntegratorDietrichN
1964January64Paramagnetic Spin-Decoupling of Protons in Deuterium NMRDiehlN
1964January64Proton NMR Studies of Two Alpha-Aryl Ethyl AcetoacetatesWeinbergerN
1964January64Proton NMR Studies of Two Alpha-Aryl Ethyl AcetoacetatesMcIvorN
1964January64Quantititive H-1 and C-13 NMR of Complex Carbonaceous MaterialsFriedelN
1964January64Quantititive H-1 and C-13 NMR of Complex Carbonaceous MaterialsRetcofskyN
1964January64Some Norbornane-type Shifts and CouplingsZalkowN
1964January64The Structure of Pithomycin, A Depsipeptide from Pithomyces ChartarumColebrookN
1964February65Allylic and Homoallylic Proton-Proton Coupling Via Heteroatomsvon PhilipsbornN
1964February65Announcement of a Course: "Interpretation of High-Resolution NMR Spectra"JonesN
1964February65Circuitry for Use of a 1024 Cat with the A-60; Concerning A-60 Console Temperature ConstancyElskenN
1964February65Circuitry for Use of a 1024 Cat with the A-60; Concerning A-60 Console Temperature ConstancyLundinN
1964February65Concerning Internal Referencing in Aqueous Solutions; Problems with A-60 Temperature Probe OperationAbrahamR.
1964February65Concerning Intromolecular Electric Field EffectsMusherN
1964February65Concerning the Estimation of C-Halogen Bond AnisotropiesSaikaN
1964February65Cross Correlation in Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation by Dipole-Dipole InteractionBaldeschwielerJ.
1964February65Cross Correlation in Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation by Dipole-Dipole InteractionKuhlmannN
1964February65Cross Correlation in Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation by Dipole-Dipole InteractionNoggleN
1964February65F-19 Spectra of Some Organometallic Carbonyl - Fluoroethylene AdductsStoneN
1964February65Further Studies on N-15-Labelled AmidesRandallN
1964February65H-1, F-19 and P-31 Spectra of Some Metal Carbonyl ComplexesHayterN
1964February65Helix Coil Transitions in Poly-L-Glutamic AcidBergerN
1964February65Helix Coil Transitions in Poly-L-Glutamic AcidGilboaN
1964February65Helix Coil Transitions in Poly-L-Glutamic AcidLoewensteinN
1964February65High Temperature Accessory for the Varian DP-60 Probe HeadGreenN
1964February65Low Temperature F-19 Studies of TetrafluorohydrazineHaneyN
1964February65Low Temperature F-19 Studies of TetrafluorohydrazineJohnsonN
1964February65Low Temperature F-19 Studies of TetrafluorohydrazineColburnN
1964February65Modulation Effects; Use of Varian Integrator with Wide Line Signals; "Humidity Cell" to Keep Recorder Pens Clean; J(XCH), Alpha(2), and Correlation of Z*(NMR) with Z; Discrepancy in Varian NMR TableSmithG.
1964February65NMR of N,N-Dimethylformamide Lewis Acid AdductsMcIntyreN
1964February65NMR of N,N-Dimethylformamide Lewis Acid AdductsKuhnN
1964February65OCH3-F Couplings in Fluorinated Benzene Rings; H-F and F-F Decoupling WantedEmsleyN
1964February65On Binding Site of N-methylacetamideWangN
1964February65Reduction Products of the Sn(IV) Complex of OctaethylporphineFosterN
1964February65Reduction Products of the Sn(IV) Complex of OctaethylporphineParnemannN
1964February65Reduction Products of the Sn(IV) Complex of OctaethylporphineInhoffenN
1964February65Structure Determination of Naturally Occurring Acetylenic CompoundsBohlmannN
1964February65The Indirect Observation of NMR SpectraWhippleN
1964February65Two Bond Phosphorus-Proton Couplings in Phosphonium SaltsGordonN
1964February65Two Bond Phosphorus-Proton Couplings in Phosphonium SaltsGriffinN
1964February65Use of Thick-Walled Sample Tubes for High Pressure NMR WorkWilsonN
1964March66A Revision of Part of the Subroutine BEQUIVReillyN
1964March66A-60 Variable Temperature Probe and Keto-Enol TautomerismDudekN
1964March66An Exploitation of the Diazirine Ring Anisotropy in the Study of Conformational EquilibriaMartinJ.
1964March66Bloch-Siegert ShiftsFreemanN
1964March66Comments on Hetero Nuclear Spin CouplingDreeskampN
1964March66Concerning the Nature of the Phase Transition in NaCNGutowskyN
1964March66Concerning the Subroutine BEQUIVRodewaldN
1964March66Devices to Aid in Recording and Analyzing Wide-Line SpectraAnderssonN
1964March66Devices to Aid in Recording and Analyzing Wide-Line SpectraForslindN
1964March66Effect of Nuclear Relaxation on the Symmetry of NMR SpectraAndersonJ.
1964March66Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Iodine ComplexesFratielloN
1964March66Proton and Carbon Shieldings in Cyclic AlkanesLauterburN
1964March66Proton and Carbon Shieldings in Cyclic AlkanesBurkeN
1964March66Removal of Suspended Ferromagnetic Impurities from Filled NMR Sample TubesThorpeN
1964March66Resonance Magnetique Nucleaire de Composes Organophosphores dans le Champ Magnetique Terrestre-Couplages P-31 - H-1; Long Range Spin-Spin Interaction between Nuclei in the Saturated CompoundsBeneN
1964March66Society of Applied Spectroscopy: 3rd National Meeting, Cleveland, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2,1964 - Announcement and Call for PapersRitcheyN
1964March66Solvent Effects in Benzene Solutions of Beta-DicarbonylsRogersM.
1964March66Solvent Effects in Benzene Solutions of Beta-DicarbonylsBurdettN
1964March66Spectra of Methanol in Urea CrystalsMcLauchlanN
1964March66Strong, Specific Deshielding by Chloride IonHayamiN
1964March66Strong, Specific Deshielding by Chloride IonMartinJ.
1964March66Strong, Specific Deshielding by Chloride IonLemieuxN
1964March66Use of SbCl3/AsCl3 Mixture as an NMR SolventSzymanskiN
1964April67-CH(x)-OH Splitting in Pyridine SolutionSnatzkeN
1964April677-Monosubstituted NorbornenesBlyN
1964April67A Nuclear Electron Double Resonance Experiment; Nitrogen Chemical Shifts in Metal Thiocyanate ComplexesRichardsN
1964April67A Relaxation Study of Penicillin BindingJardetzkyN
1964April67A Relaxation Study of Penicillin BindingFischerN
1964April67A Suggestion Concerning the Varian Spectra Catalogs; An Idea for Investigating Grignard Reagents by Mg-25 NMRKullnigN
1964April67A-60 Sensitivity: MOUSE by CAT Out of DOGRobertsonN
1964April67Algol Version of FREQINT IVKapteinN
1964April67Algol Version of FREQINT IVSekuurN
1964April67An All Glass MicrocellFreiN
1964April67An All Glass MicrocellNiklausN
1964April67C-13 Spectra of Organic Carbonyl CompoundsStothersN
1964April67C-13 Spectra of Organic Carbonyl CompoundsLauterburN
1964April67Chemical Shifts of Fluorine Nuclei Ortho to Substituents in FluorochlorobenzenesSutcliffeN
1964April67Chemical Shifts of Fluorine Nuclei Ortho to Substituents in FluorochlorobenzenesFeeneyN
1964April67Chemical Shifts of Fluorine Nuclei Ortho to Substituents in FluorochlorobenzenesEmsleyN
1964April67Chemical Shifts of Fluorine Nuclei Ortho to Substituents in FluorochlorobenzenesBodenN
1964April67Concerning the Convergence of Iterative Procedures Used in Calculating NMR ParametersKowalewskiN
1964April67Inquiry for ALGOL ProgramsMorton-BlakeN
1964April67Inquiry for ALGOL ProgramsPorteN
1964April67Interchange of Cis and Trans Resonances in Symmetrically Substituted AmidesWhittakerN
1964April67NMR Measurements of Ionization Sequences of Amino AcidsPrattN
1964April67Proton Positions in Succinic Acid Crystals; A Simple Device for Locating Weak ResonancesMigchelsonN
1964April67Proton Positions in Succinic Acid Crystals; A Simple Device for Locating Weak ResonancesBerendsenN
1964April67Relative Signs of H-H Spin Couplings in Three-membered Ring CompoundsBroisN
1964April67Relative Signs of H-H Spin Couplings in Three-membered Ring CompoundsEllemanN
1964April67Relative Signs of H-H Spin Couplings in Three-membered Ring CompoundsManattN
1964April67Selenium Isotope Effects in Fluorine NMRGillespieN
1964April67Selenium Isotope Effects in Fluorine NMRCrossleyN
1964April67Selenium Isotope Effects in Fluorine NMRBirchallN
1964April67Signes de Couplages Allyliques et HomoallyliquesRousseauN
1964April67Signes de Couplages Allyliques et HomoallyliquesPayo SubizaN
1964April67Signes de Couplages Allyliques et HomoallyliquesGagnaireN
1964April67Stereochemistry of Steroidal 9,11-epoxidesStaniforthN
1964April67Stereochemistry of Steroidal 9,11-epoxidesGreenN
1964April67Stereochemistry of Steroidal 9,11-epoxidesPageJ.
1964April67Structure of the Ketal of Glycerine with Cyclic KetonesAnteunisM.
1964April67Structure of the Ketal of Glycerine with Cyclic KetonesAlderweireldtF.
1964May68Analysis by Perturbation Methods of Spectra of Symmetrical Molecules - A2B2X SystemsRodmanN
1964May68Analysis by Perturbation Methods of Spectra of Symmetrical Molecules - A2B2X SystemsGestblomN
1964May68Attenuator for Varian Recorder to be Used on A-60 to Record Slave CopiesKoehlerN
1964May68Attenuator for Varian Recorder to be Used on A-60 to Record Slave CopiesReddyN
1964May68Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants of Nine DiolefinsDantiN
1964May68Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants of Nine DiolefinsKosterN
1964May68Coupling Constant Signs in Methylphosphines; Entry #1 in a P-31 Resolution ContestJuvinallN
1964May68Coupling Constant Signs in Methylphosphines; Entry #1 in a P-31 Resolution ContestManattN
1964May68Coupling Constants in Adamantane Derivatives and the Karplus CurveFortN
1964May68Coupling Constants in Adamantane Derivatives and the Karplus CurveSchleyerN
1964May68Coupling Constants in Adamantane Derivatives and the Karplus CurveLaszloN
1964May68Direct Observation of Cis-Trans Isomerisation of AmidesMannschreckN
1964May68Effect of Ethyl Silicate on Exchange of Alcoholic ProtonsReedN
1964May68Hyperconjugative Enhancement of the Geminal Coupling Constant in AllenesGrantN
1964May68Hyperconjugative Enhancement of the Geminal Coupling Constant in AllenesAllredE.
1964May68Intermolecular Study of Organo Phosphorus CompoundsMavelN
1964May68Long-range (H,H) Coupling Constants; correlation of NMR and ESR Coupling DataSheppardN
1964May68Long-range (H,H) Coupling Constants; correlation of NMR and ESR Coupling DataLynden-BellN
1964May68N-14-C-C-H Coupling; Long-range Coupling in IndolesSternhellN
1964May68New Source of NMR Sample Tubes; Cis Diene NMR Parameters; Deuterium Exchange in Ammonium IonFraenkelN
1964May68News about Personnel and Researches at the University of East Anglia; Molecular Rearrangement of BenzofuroxansWallisN
1964May68News about Personnel and Researches at the University of East Anglia; Molecular Rearrangement of BenzofuroxansKatritzkyN
1964May68News about Personnel and Researches at the University of East Anglia; Molecular Rearrangement of BenzofuroxansBoultonN
1964May68NMR Studies of Hydrogen Bonding: II. Calculation of the Shift Upon Complex FormationHannaM.
1964May68NMR Studies of Hydrogen Bonding: II. Calculation of the Shift Upon Complex FormationBerkeleyN
1964May68P4O6, A New Standard for Phosphorus NMRHomerN
1964May68P4O6, A New Standard for Phosphorus NMRChapmanN
1964May68Proton Shifts and Couplings in Metal AlkylsBrugelN
1964May68Recovering DMF-d7; NMR Paper for a 10" x 15" Flat Bed RecorderLandisN
1964May68Relative Signs of J(HP) and J(PP)HarrisN
1964May68Request of C-18 and C-19 Methyl Steroid Data for Computer Regression Analysis; The Use of Dimethylsulfoxide as a Solvent for AlcoholsCohenN
1964May68Stereochemistry in Bicyclic Derivatives of D-glucoseamineFritzH.
1964May68Substituent Effects in Bicycloheptenes IIWilliamsonN
1964May68Temperature Dependence of F-F Coupling ConstantsJonasN
1964May68The Structure of "Ethylmetaphosphate" (Langheld Ester)KleinN
1964May68The Structure of "Ethylmetaphosphate" (Langheld Ester)BurkhardtN
1964May68Vertical Positioning of the A-60 ProbeHudsonN
1964June691,2-bis(cyclopropyl) ethane and bis-cyclobutylDaubenN
1964June691,2-bis(cyclopropyl) ethane and bis-cyclobutylNistN
1964June69A Broad-Line Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of a Polycrystalline Uranium Oxide Hydrate; A Note on Clogged A-60 Magnet SystemsBoggsN
1964June69A Broad-Line Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of a Polycrystalline Uranium Oxide Hydrate; A Note on Clogged A-60 Magnet SystemsDavisN
1964June69A Broad-Line Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of a Polycrystalline Uranium Oxide Hydrate; A Note on Clogged A-60 Magnet SystemsOlsonN
1964June69A Molecular Orbital Theory of Geminal Proton-Proton CouplingPopleN
1964June69Aromatic Fluorine Coupling ConstantsThomasN
1964June69C-13 Spectra Assignments for p- and m-Substituted Fluorobenzenes; Shifts for Ethylene and AlleneSpieseckeN
1964June69Card File Functional Group Index of Proton NMR SpectraHeeschenN
1964June69Card File Functional Group Index of Proton NMR SpectraDouglasA.
1964June69Concerning a Summer School in NMR for Organic ChemistsWhalleyN
1964June69Concerning A-60 ServicingHarveyN
1964June69Conformation and Internal Rotation of Nitroaromatic Amines in Solution as Detected by Proton Magnetic ResonanceWeilN
1964June69Coupling Constants and Isotopic Effects in Hydrogen Sulfide, Selenide and TellurideSiebertN
1964June69Coupling Constants and Isotopic Effects in Hydrogen Sulfide, Selenide and TellurideSchmidbaurN
1964June69Coupling Constants and the Karplus Curve-Comment on Laszlo et alJardetzkyN
1964June69Effect of Long-Range Asymmetry on Methylene EquivalenceBaxterN
1964June69Effect of Long-Range Asymmetry on Methylene EquivalenceMcLeskeyN
1964June69Effect of Long-Range Asymmetry on Methylene EquivalenceRandallJ.
1964June69Geminal Proton Couplings in DioxalanesDelmauN
1964June69Geminal Proton Couplings in DioxalanesBarbierN
1964June69H-1 and P-31 Magnetic Resonance Spectra for CH2=CHP(CH3)2KaeszN
1964June69H-1 and P-31 Magnetic Resonance Spectra for CH2=CHP(CH3)2MaddoxN
1964June69Hydroxymethylen- Aldo Enol Gleichgewicht von 2-FormylcycloketonenDeutschN
1964June69Internal Rotation and Proton Exchange PhenomenaBlearsN
1964June69Internal Rotation and Proton Exchange PhenomenaAllenN
1964June69Large Medium Effects on the Chemical Shift of DSS and Other "Standards"HandN
1964June69NMR of Some SelenophenesThomasN
1964June69NMR of Some SelenophenesReadN
1964June69NMR of Some SelenophenesGoldsteinN
1964June69Paramagnetic Complexes Suitable for NMR Studies; Susceptibility MeasurementsPrimasN
1964June69Paramagnetic Complexes Suitable for NMR Studies; Susceptibility MeasurementsThwaitesN
1964June69Parameters for Diethylaluminum Hydride; Sample BoilingGodseyN
1964June69Parameters for Diethylaluminum Hydride; Sample BoilingFlanaganN
1964July704J(HH) and J(g) in DioxolanesAnteunisM.
1964July704J(HH) and J(g) in DioxolanesAlderweireldtF.
1964July70A3X3 Analysis; A2X2 Spectra Where X Has Spin = 1DiehlN
1964July70A3X3 Analysis; A2X2 Spectra Where X Has Spin = 1JonesN
1964July70A3X3 Analysis; A2X2 Spectra Where X Has Spin = 1BernsteinN
1964July70Acid-Base Equilibria of 1-Azulene-Aldehydes and 1-Acetyl-AzulenesMeucheN
1964July70An Example of the Use of NMR in the Study of Conformational EquilibriaOxmanN
1964July70An Example of the Use of NMR in the Study of Conformational EquilibriaMilneN
1964July70An Indictment of Chloroform as Sole SolventLaszloN
1964July70Anomale Abschirmung in Pi-Indenyl-Metall-KomplexenKreiterN
1964July70Anomale Abschirmung in Pi-Indenyl-Metall-KomplexenFritzH.
1964July70Benzophenone Spectrum Fitted and Plotted by Use of LAOCOON IIBothner-ByN
1964July70Benzophenone Spectrum Fitted and Plotted by Use of LAOCOON IICastellanoN
1964July70Benzophenone Spectrum Fitted and Plotted by Use of LAOCOON IILorencN
1964July70Chart CalibrationMalinowskiN
1964July70Chemical Shifts and Aromaticity in Some Nitrogen HeterocyclesHeffernanN
1964July70Chemical Shifts and Aromaticity in Some Nitrogen HeterocyclesJackmanN
1964July70Clogging of A-60 Magnet Cooling Coils; Fluorine-Fluorine Decoupling TechniqueServisN
1964July70Clogging of A-60 Magnet Cooling Coils; Fluorine-Fluorine Decoupling TechniqueRobertsN
1964July70Conformational Analysis with Chemical ShiftsZurcherN
1964July70Conformational Studies on 2,4 Disubstituted PentanesTincherN
1964July70Conformational Studies on 2,4 Disubstituted PentanesMcMahonN
1964July70Enquiry Concerning PMR Studies of Charge-Transfer Complexes; Concerning the Tau and Delta Scales; Keeping A-60 Cooling Coils Free of LimestoneSonnenbichlerN
1964July70Entry in the P-31 Resolution ContestMeleraN
1964July70Hybrid NMR-EPR Spectrometer; Spectrum of Aluminum BorohydrideBreyN
1964July70Measurement of T1 on Varian DP-60SchramaN
1964July70Measurement of T1 on Varian DP-60van RaayenN
1964July70Measurement of T1 on Varian DP-60KonijnenbergN
1964July70NMR Data of 2,6-Dialkyl Naphthalene DerivativesPachlerN
1964July70NMR Spectra of Benzofuran, Indole and Related CompoundsHeffernanN
1964July70NMR Spectra of Benzofuran, Indole and Related CompoundsBlackN
1964July70NMR Symposium of Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1964 in the Soc. of Applied Spectroscopy's Cleveland, Ohio MeetingRogersN
1964July70On Calculating Activation Energies for Inversion Processes in Spin-Coupled SystemsLansburyN
1964July70Organophosphorus-Uranyl ComplexesBurgerN
1964July70Organophosphorus-Uranyl ComplexesBurdettN
1964July70Proton C-13 Double Resonance; A.60 Sensitivity Increase Using "Mouse"; Primary and Secondary Hydroxyl GroupsHampsonN
1964July70Proton C-13 Double Resonance; A.60 Sensitivity Increase Using "Mouse"; Primary and Secondary Hydroxyl GroupsMathiasN
1964July70Proton C-13 Double Resonance; A.60 Sensitivity Increase Using "Mouse"; Primary and Secondary Hydroxyl GroupsBecconsallN
1964July70Proton Spectra of Some Vinylsilicon CompoundsChvalovskyN
1964July70Proton Spectra of Some Vinylsilicon CompoundsSchramlN
1964July70Pryones and Thiopyrones; Difluoroboron Chelates; Solution FilteringBrownN.
1964July70Pryones and Thiopyrones; Difluoroboron Chelates; Solution FilteringBladonN
1964July70Some Aspects of the NMR Spectra of Epoxides of CyclopentaneNorlanderN
1964July70Some Aspects of the NMR Spectra of Epoxides of CyclopentaneRitcheyN
1964July70Some Aspects of the NMR Spectra of Epoxides of CyclopentaneSableN
1964July70Sur la Stereospecificite des Magnesiens VinyliquesMartinM.
1964July70Sur la Stereospecificite des Magnesiens VinyliquesMartinG.
1964July70Tables for AB Exchange; Errata to MELLONMR #59, p.45KurlandN
1964July70Tables for AB Exchange; Errata to MELLONMR #59, p.45WiseN
1964July70The NMR Spectra of Some 1,4-DiheterocyclohexanesShouldersN
1964July70The NMR Spectra of Some 1,4-DiheterocyclohexanesSmithW.
1964July70The Sign of J(H-H)(gem) in FormaldehydeAnetF.
1964July70The Sign of J(H-H)(gem) in FormaldehydeShapiroN
1964July70The Sign of the Geminal H-H Coupling in FormaldehydeSackmannN
1964July70The Sign of the Geminal H-H Coupling in FormaldehydeDreeskampN
1964July70The Stereospecificity of Epi-Coupling ConstantsHallL.
1964August71304TL Tube Tester; BF3Acetylacetone ChelateBrownsteinN
1964August71A Quantum Mechanical Treatment of a Chemical Exchange Process and Its Effect on Magnetic Resonance SpectrumShimizuN
1964August71A-60 PerformanceGuntherN
1964August71Absolute Signs of Some N-14-Proton CouplingsManattN
1964August71Absolute Signs of Some N-14-Proton CouplingsPearceN
1964August71Absolute Signs of Some N-14-Proton CouplingsEllemanN
1964August71Absolute Signs of Some N-14-Proton CouplingsCasanovaN
1964August71An Uncommon Virtual Coupling EffectStevensN
1964August71Angular Dependence of Long Range Coupling Constants Across Four BondsBarfieldN
1964August71Anisotropy of the Chemical Shifts of Some Aromatic 4-Spin SystemsEnglertN
1964August71Barriers to Internal Rotation in Halogen Substituted Ethanes; Out Catting the CAT; A-60 Slow DownSederholmN
1964August71C-13-H Coupling Constants in Substituted ThiazoleVincentN
1964August71Conditions for Active Hydrogen Exchange with Deuterium; Improved Signal to Noise Ratio on an A-60MortonN
1964August71Conditions for Active Hydrogen Exchange with Deuterium; Improved Signal to Noise Ratio on an A-60CanadyN
1964August71Conditions for Active Hydrogen Exchange with Deuterium; Improved Signal to Noise Ratio on an A-60FulmorN
1964August71Conformational Differences in the Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane SystemFraserN
1964August71Gadgets for Degassing NMR TubesAndersonJ. M.
1964August71Geminal NMR Couplings and Bonding Orbital s CharacterManattN
1964August71NMR Spectrum of a Multi-Layered CyclophaneChowN
1964August71NMR Spectrum of a Multi-Layered CyclophaneLongoneN
1964August71Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Infrared AbsorptionFreymannN
1964August71Nuclear Relaxation by Inter- and Intramolecular Interactions in Two-Spin SystemsMackorN
1964August71Nuclear Relaxation by Inter- and Intramolecular Interactions in Two-Spin SystemsMacLeanN
1964August71PMR of Some Bicyclic Carbohydrate Derivatives; A Long Range CouplingHoughN
1964August71PMR of Some Bicyclic Carbohydrate Derivatives; A Long Range CouplingCoxonN
1964August71Polymer Chain ConformationsConnorN
1964August71Polymer Chain ConformationsMcLauchlanN
1964August71Reduced Coupling Constants and Atomic NumberWellsN
1964August71Reduced Coupling Constants and Atomic NumberReevesN
1964August71Request for Organophosphorus PMR Data; Solvent Dependence of Geminal Phosphorus-Proton Coupling Constants in Benzylphosphonium SaltsGriffinN
1964August71Rhodium Alkyl CompoundsSchwarzhansN
1964August71Rhodium Alkyl CompoundsFritzH. P.
1964August71Soliciting Information on Anti-clogging Additive for Magnet Cooling Water System and Zener Voltage Reference Pack for Magnet Power SupplyChenN
1964August71Solvent Effects on Diastereomeric Methylene Proton ResonancesMislowN
1964August71Solvent Effects on Diastereomeric Methylene Proton ResonancesSingerN
1964August71Study of Some Cyano-Metal Complexes by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. I. Chemical Shifts and Linewidths of N-14 and C-13 ResonancesLoewensteinN
1964August71Tautomerism in 2-Thiol-Delta(squared)-Thiazoline - Absence of Thiol GroupLuValleN
1964August71Tautomerism in 2-Thiol-Delta(squared)-Thiazoline - Absence of Thiol GroupLeiferN
1964August71Upfield Shifts Caused by Divalent Metal Ion Binding to Amino Acids and PeptidesMartinR. B.
1964August71Upfield Shifts Caused by Divalent Metal Ion Binding to Amino Acids and PeptidesMathurN
1964August71Variable Temperature Studies on CH2BrCHBrCOOCH3SnyderN
1964September72A Simple Locked Field SystemErskineN
1964September72A Simple Locked Field SystemKnightN
1964September72A-60 Decoupling of TetraphosphonitrilesDicksonN
1964September72An Analysis of the NMR Spectrum of PhenanthreneGrahanN
1964September72An Analysis of the NMR Spectrum of PhenanthreneFaheyN
1964September72Anti-Clogging Additive for Magnet Cooling Water SystemWhalleyN
1964September72CH.CF and CF.CF Coupling ConstantsAbrahamR.
1964September72Diaxial J-4 in BromodecalonesMusherN
1964September72Diaxial J-4 in BromodecalonesLaszloN
1964September72Differentiation of Proton Signals by (Enolic) TautomerismAnteunisM.
1964September72Differentiation of Proton Signals by (Enolic) TautomerismAlderweireldtF.
1964September72Electrolytes in Aqueous Mixtures of Amino AcidsBuzzellN
1964September72Electrolytes in Aqueous Mixtures of Amino AcidsFratielloN
1964September72Errata and Long Range Coupling Over Five Saturated BondsBarfieldN
1964September72H-1, F-19, and B-11 Spectra of HBF2CoyleN
1964September72H-1, F-19, and B-11 Spectra of HBF2FarrarN
1964September72HR-60 Sources of Instability and Multiple RF Unit SwitchingMeyerN
1964September72HR-60 Sources of Instability and Multiple RF Unit SwitchingFraenkelN
1964September72Long Range Shielding Effects by Benzene, Thiophene, and Furan Rings in the Proton NMR Spectra of DiarylspiroketonesWijnbergN
1964September72Long Range Shielding Effects by Benzene, Thiophene, and Furan Rings in the Proton NMR Spectra of Diarylspiroketonesde JonghN
1964September72Long-Range Coupling in CrotonolactonesMabryN
1964September72Measurement of Multiple T1'sMcCallN
1964September72Measurement of Multiple T1'sDouglassN
1964September72O-17 NMR Spectrum of MethanolSamuelN
1964September72O-17 NMR Spectrum of MethanolReubenN
1964September72P-H Coupling Constants in Aromatic RingsNegliaN
1964September72P-H Coupling Constants in Aromatic RingsLancasterN
1964September72Perkin-Elmer NMR; Aqueous Referencing; Plea for CompoundsHallG. E.
1964September72Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of N-Methyl MethylenimineCurlN
1964September72Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of N-Methyl MethylenimineHinzeN
1964September72Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of N-Methyl MethylenimineDantiN
1964September72Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of N-Methyl MethylenimineKosterN
1964September72RMN de Derives CyclolanostaniquesOurissonN
1964September72Studies of the Tetrahydrate of Hydrogen BromideZimmermannN
1964September72Studies of the Tetrahydrate of Hydrogen BromideHenningN
1964September72Temperature Dependence of Chemical Shifts of Protons in Hydrogen BondsMullerN
1964September72The Characterization of Poly-Substituted Phenols by NMRHighetN
1964September72The Effect of Conjugation on Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants in Molecules of the Type, FaFbC=CFxYMorelandN
1964September72Vinyl C-13 Shieldings of Some Substituted StyrenesStothersN
1964October73A Correction for IITNMR Issue 72, Pg. 15StothersN
1964October73A Simple NMR Tube Cleaner and DryerWillisN
1964October73Absolute Signs of Some N-15 Proton CouplingsRandallN
1964October73Absolute Signs of Some N-15 Proton CouplingsGilliesN
1964October73Calculation of Pyrazole Proton Chemical ShiftsTensmeyerN
1964October73Electronic Sweep for A60-CAT Operation (Cont'd); MicrocellsLundinN
1964October73Long Range Couplings in the "Conjugated Acrolein Dimer"CavalliN
1964October73Magnet Cabinet; Molecular Weight of Small Samples; A Meeting of C-13 Resonators?PageT. F.
1964October73Modified MOUSE for A-60BeachN
1964October73On Quadrupole Effects in KBr with Substitutional Cl IonsOdbergN
1964October73On Quadrupole Effects in KBr with Substitutional Cl IonsAnderssonN
1964October73P-H Coupling in Acyl- and Aroyl-phosphonatesBerlinK. D.
1964October73Pb-207 Resonance Studies in Single Crystals; Isotope Effect in Cobalt SpectraLauterburN
1964October73Simpler Subspectra from Complex NMR SpectraDiehlN
1964October73Tacticity of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol), Poly(Vinyl Acetate), and Poly(Vinyl Trifluoroacetate) by NMRRameyN
1964October73Telegraphic Transmissions over Record Distances?FreemanN
1964October73Telegraphic Transmissions over Record Distances?AndersonW. A.
1964November746th ENC - First AnnouncementShapiroN
1964November746th ENC - First AnnouncementReillyN
1964November74A Quick Method of Making Frequency AssignmentsPukanicN
1964November74A Quick Method of Making Frequency AssignmentsLiN
1964November74A-60 Cooling SystemGreenG. F. H.
1964November74A-60 Cooling SystemPageJ. E.
1964November74B-11-Kernresonanz von BorsaureesternFunckN
1964November74B-11-Kernresonanz von BorsaureesternImberyN
1964November74Coupling Constants in Rotamers of Cis and Trans iC3F7CH = CHFSutcliffeN
1964November74Coupling Constants in Rotamers of Cis and Trans iC3F7CH = CHFFeeneyN
1964November74Coupling Constants in Rotamers of Cis and Trans iC3F7CH = CHFEmsleyN
1964November74Coupling Constants in Rotamers of Cis and Trans iC3F7CH = CHFBodenN
1964November74IBM 7040 Program for NMR Spectra of the Type AnBCorioN
1964November74IBM 7040 Program for NMR Spectra of the Type AnBHirstN
1964November74Long-Range Spin-Spin Coupling between Aromatic Protons Located in Different Rings of a Monosubstituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon: 4-Methoxybenzo[c]phenanthreneMartinR. H.
1964November74Long-Range Spin-Spin Coupling between Aromatic Protons Located in Different Rings of a Monosubstituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon: 4-Methoxybenzo[c]phenanthreneDefayN
1964November74Measurement of T1 on Varian DP-60FigginsN
1964November74Negative Electronic Intermolecular Overhauser Effect. Part I: Complete MysteryKaiserN
1964November74NMR Sessions at 16th PCACAS; F-19 Shift CompilationBurkeN
1964November74On Metal-Extracting Ability of Organo Phosphorus CompoundsMavelN
1964November74Phantom ResonanceBaldeschwielerJ.
1964November74Phantom ResonanceAndersN
1964November74Phosphorus, Fluorine Coupling Constants; Coding F-19 EnvironmentsGreenM.
1964November74Phosphorus, Fluorine Coupling Constants; Coding F-19 EnvironmentsFieldsN
1964November74Proton and Fluorine NMR of Alkyl Fluoroazoxy CompoundsStevensN
1964November74Proton and Fluorine NMR of Alkyl Fluoroazoxy CompoundsHaneyN
1964November74Proton and Fluorine NMR of Alkyl Fluoroazoxy CompoundsJohnsonN
1964November74Punched Card Proton NMR Coding SystemFlauttT. J.
1964November74Pyrones and Thiopyrones - CorrectionBladonN
1964November74Signs of Coupling Constants and Dilution Shifts for a Vinyl AcetyleneColebrookN
1964November74Stabilization of Varian 4210A Variable Frequency Unit - Electronic Scan Unit for Wide Line Work with DP-60LuValleN
1964November74Structure Determinations of Natural Products Using the HR-100BohlmannN
1964November74Summary of Recent Investigations; List of PublicationsDharmattiN
1964November74The Ortho Effect in F-19 Chemical ShiftsEmsleyN
1964November74Third Annual High Resolution Proton Magnetic Resonance Workshop - University of Illinois Medical Center - ChicagoBauerN
1964November74Unsuccessful Identification of DimethyltetrabromonaphthaleneSaikaN
1964December75A Plug for AM; Non-Varian Recorder Pens; Concerning the New A-60 Sweep KitTiersN
1964December75Aqueous Solutions of Formaldehyde and Trimethylamine HydrochlorideCieciuchN
1964December75C-13 Chemical Shifts in 1-Substituted-1-hexynesMacielN
1964December75C-13 Chemical Shifts of Vinyl CarbonsMacielN
1964December75Double Long Range Coupling in Benzaldehydes: Splittings of Combination LinesKowalewskiV.
1964December75Double Long Range Coupling in Benzaldehydes: Splittings of Combination Linesde KowalewskiN
1964December75H-C-X Couplings in (CH3)m X Compounds; Wide Line Studies of Solid X(CH3)4 CompoundsSmithG. W.
1964December75Identification of the 4- and 7-Indenol IsomersRetcofskyN
1964December75Long Range F-F Coupling in a Saturated CompoundWalkerN
1964December75Long Range F-F Coupling in a Saturated CompoundSutcliffeN
1964December75Long Range F-F Coupling in a Saturated CompoundFeeneyN
1964December75Methyl Proton Resonance of Substituted Isopropyl N,N-dimethylphosphoramidatesWeinbergerN
1964December75Methyl Proton Resonance of Substituted Isopropyl N,N-dimethylphosphoramidatesGreenhalghN
1964December75Negative Electronic Intermolecular Nuclear Overhauser Effect. Part II: Solution of the MysteryKaiserN
1964December75NMR Spectra of Carbamates; A-60 Cooling Water SystemLustigN
1964December75NMR Spectra of Carbamates; A-60 Cooling Water SystemBensonN
1964December75NMR Studies in the Chlorine SeriesJagerN
1964December75NMR Studies in the Chlorine SeriesFosterN
1964December75P-31 - H-1 Couplings in Organophosphorus-Uranyl ComplexesBurgerN
1964December75P-31 - H-1 Couplings in Organophosphorus-Uranyl ComplexesBurdettN
1964December75P.m.r. Studies of Purine and Substituted PurinesThorpeN
1964December75Relative Signs of the P-H Coupling Constants in Tri-n-propyl PhosphateBeneN
1964December75Silver Tetrafluoroborate - Olefin ComplexesQuinnN
1964December75Silver Tetrafluoroborate - Olefin ComplexesMcIntyreN
1964December75Solvent Effects on the C-13 Chemical Shifts of the Carbonyl GroupMacielN
1964December75Spectra of Cyclopentadiene and CyclohexadieneEllemanN
1964December75Spectra of Cyclopentadiene and CyclohexadieneManattN
1964December75Spin Density Transfer in Charge-Transfer Complexes; Concerning the Contribution of R.U. Lemieux in IIT NMR Newsletter No. 66SagdeevN
1964December75Spin Density Transfer in Charge-Transfer Complexes; Concerning the Contribution of R.U. Lemieux in IIT NMR Newsletter No. 66MolinN
1964December75Spin Density Transfer in Charge-Transfer Complexes; Concerning the Contribution of R.U. Lemieux in IIT NMR Newsletter No. 66VoevodskiiN
1964December75Spin-Echo Studies of Chemical ExhangeGutowskyN
1964December75Stereochemistry of Square-Planar Platinum ComplexesStoneN
1964December75Stereochemistry of Square-Planar Platinum ComplexesRestN
1964December75Stereochemistry of Square-Planar Platinum ComplexesFlitcroftN
1964December75Two NMR ProgramsSzymanskiN
1964December75Variable Temperature Studies of Some OxazetidinesOrrellN
1965January76A-60 Tuning Procedure; Sample Tube PositionerCaserioN
1965January76Algol Program for KDF9 Computer: Current Research Interests in the Department of Chemistry, The University of GlasgowPorteN
1965January76An Improved Recipe for CDCl3EnglemannN
1965January76An Improved Recipe for CDCl3MartinJ. C.
1965January76Carbon Spectra of Aromatic Heterocycles - Part ILauterburN
1965January76Chemical Shifts Due to Hindered Rotation in N-Substituted AmidesWhittakerN
1965January76Concerning the Spectra of Symmetrically Substituted TrioxanesJungnickelN
1965January76Concerning the Spectra of Symmetrically Substituted TrioxanesReillyN
1965January76External ReferenceAndersN
1965January76Hydration of Alpha-Ketoestersvon PhilipsbornN
1965January76Long Range Coupling in Tetralone and IndanoneBrugelN
1965January76Measurement of the Magnetic Birefringence of Gaseous EthaneWhiffenN
1965January76Oxepin NMR-SpectraGuntherN
1965January76Ring Inversion in Cyclohexene and CyclohexaneAnetF.
1965January76Ring Proton Shifts in Anilines and Acetanilides--a Large Specific Ortho EffectSternhellN
1965January76Shifts and Couplings in PhenanthrenesSmithJ. A. S.
1965January76Shifts and Couplings in PhenanthrenesBartleN
1965January76Vanadium Resonances in Vanadate SolutionsRichardsN
1965February77Adaptation of the Varian Code to Termatrex CardsMortonN
1965February77Adaptation of the Varian Code to Termatrex CardsFulmorN
1965February77An Oversimplified Complex Spectrum-PerfluoromethylcyclohexaneWellsN
1965February77An Oversimplified Complex Spectrum-PerfluoromethylcyclohexaneReevesN
1965February77Analysis of the Cyclobutene Proton NMR SpectrumRobertsN
1965February77C-13 Satellites for AA'BB' Systems Where J(AB)=-J(AB'); Long-Range Spin-Spin CouplingVotteroN
1965February77C-13 Satellites for AA'BB' Systems Where J(AB)=-J(AB'); Long-Range Spin-Spin CouplingGagnaireN
1965February77Carbon Spectra of Five-Membered HeterocyclesLauterburN
1965February77Frequency-Sweep Decoupling With the RSI; NMRIT ModificationMartinJ. S.
1965February77Haloquinolines: Concentration-Dependent EffectsSempleN
1965February77Haloquinolines: Concentration-Dependent EffectsPalmerN
1965February77Haloquinolines: Concentration-Dependent EffectsHaighN
1965February77NMR Analysis of the Reaction Product of Oxalyl Chloride with N,N-DiethylthioureaSmith JrG. E. P.
1965February77NMR Analysis of the Reaction Product of Oxalyl Chloride with N,N-DiethylthioureaHalasaN
1965February77NMR Spectrum and Conformation of Myrcene; Appeal for Computer ProgramHarrisN
1965February77Note on the Spin-Spin Coupling of Boron to B-11, P-31, and Sn-117,-119VahrenkampN
1965February77Note on the Spin-Spin Coupling of Boron to B-11, P-31, and Sn-117,-119NothN
1965February77P4O6 as Phosphorus NMR Standard; New Preamplifier for RS2 SpectrometerChapmanN
1965February77Program for Conformation AssignmentJonasN
1965February77Se-77 High-Resolution SpectraVekrisN
1965February77Se-77 High-Resolution SpectraGillespieN
1965February77Se-77 High-Resolution SpectraBirchallN
1965February77Se-77 High-Resolution SpectraBaconJ.
1965February77Structure of 1,2-Dihydro-2-methyl-1-(o-nitrobenzyl)isoquinolineKullnigN
1965February77Substituent Effects on Ring InversionAndersonJ. E.
1965February77Syn-Anti Assignments to Oximes from Solvent EffectsCavalliN
1965February77Thiophene Thiols and Signs of Unresolved CouplingsGestblomN
1965February77Thiophene Thiols and Signs of Unresolved CouplingsHoffmanN
1965February77Thiophene Thiols and Signs of Unresolved CouplingsGronowitzN
1965March78Another "SNAIL - MOUSE - DOG" Control Circuit for the A-60DouglasA. W.
1965March78Carbon-13 Chemical Shifts for Pyridine and Imidazole and Their Ionic DerivativesPugmireN
1965March78Carbon-13 Chemical Shifts for Pyridine and Imidazole and Their Ionic DerivativesGrantN
1965March78Corrigendum and Addition to IITNMRN 76, 20GuntherN
1965March78Direct Measurement of First Moments of Spectra on the A-60WhippleN
1965March78Isomerisation d'Ethers AcetyleniquesMartinG. J.
1965March78Isomerisation d'Ethers AcetyleniquesMartinM.
1965March78Long Range Coupling in 1,6-Anhydro-hexopyranosesHallL. D.
1965March78Magnetic Anisotropy as a Structural Tool in Diels-Alder Adducts Containing NitrilesHannaM.
1965March78NMR Chemical Shifts of Aliphatic Amines and AmidesReedN
1965March78Ortho Deshielding by the Acetamido GroupAnteunisM.
1965March78Proton NMR Studies of Stereochemistry of Oleandomycin DerivativesCelmerN
1965March78Scale Expansion for the A-60 High Impedance Sweep SystemDagenaisN
1965March78Shift Range and SubstitutionCampbellN
1965March78Stereospecific Long-Range Couplings in Cis- and Trans-2,3-diphenyl-3-oxetanolsLaCountN
1965March78Stereospecific Long-Range Couplings in Cis- and Trans-2,3-diphenyl-3-oxetanolsGordonN
1965March78Stereospecific Long-Range Couplings in Cis- and Trans-2,3-diphenyl-3-oxetanolsGriffinN
1965March78Tetraborane B-11 at 19.25 mc.NistN
1965April79A Missing Link, RelativesigndeterminationwiseFreemanN
1965April79Analysis of Proton Spectra of Partially Deuterated QuinolineCollinN
1965April79Analysis of the Spectra of Monosubstituted Triphosphonitrilic ChloridesAllenN
1965April79Analysis of the Spectra of Monosubstituted Triphosphonitrilic ChloridesHeatleyN
1965April79Angular Methyl Line Widths to Determine Cis-Trans StereochemistryWilliamsonN
1965April79C-13-H Satellites of PyridazineGilN
1965April79C-H Hydrogen Bonding in HeterocyclesSchleyerN
1965April79C-H Hydrogen Bonding in HeterocyclesRodewaldN
1965April79Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants of Isosteric CompoundsSchmidbaurN
1965April79Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants of Isosteric CompoundsSchindlerN
1965April79Cis and Trans Beta-NitrostyrenesMillerN
1965April79Cis and Trans Beta-NitrostyrenesFlanaganN
1965April79Computer Program for a Collapsed Unequal Doublet. Application to Water-Hydrogen Peroxide MixturesSmithP.
1965April79Computer Program for a Collapsed Unequal Doublet. Application to Water-Hydrogen Peroxide MixturesMcLeskeyN
1965April79Computer ProgrammePachlerN
1965April79Current Interests; F-19 - F-19 Decoupling with the Perlin-Elmer R10HomerN
1965April79Ein Aromatisches Proton bei Delta = 5.45 ppm! (Hydroxylaudanosin); Bemerkung zu IIT NMR Newsletter No. 76, Long Range Coupling in TetraloneNiklausN
1965April79Estimated Electron Distribution in HeterocyclicsHeffernanN
1965April79Estimated Electron Distribution in HeterocyclicsBlackN
1965April79Furazanobenzofuroxan and FuroxanobenzofuroxanKatritzkyN
1965April79Furazanobenzofuroxan and FuroxanobenzofuroxanGripper GrayN
1965April79Furazanobenzofuroxan and FuroxanobenzofuroxanBoultonN
1965April79H-1 and C-13 Solvent Dilution Shifts; Carbonyl C-13 Shifts in Substituted BenzaldehydesHampsonN
1965April79H-1 and C-13 Solvent Dilution Shifts; Carbonyl C-13 Shifts in Substituted BenzaldehydesMathiasN
1965April79H-1 and C-13 Solvent Dilution Shifts; Carbonyl C-13 Shifts in Substituted BenzaldehydesBecconsallN
1965April79H-1 Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of (CH3)2P(S)HMaddoxN
1965April79H-1 Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of (CH3)2P(S)HKaeszN
1965April79H/D Exchange of Imidazoles in 4/5-PositionMannschreckN
1965April79H/D Exchange of Imidazoles in 4/5-PositionIrngartingerN
1965April79Hydrogen Bonding Studies in Steroids: Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding by Cyclic DimerizationCohenN
1965April79Hydrogen Bonding Studies in Steroids: Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding by Cyclic DimerizationKeelerA. I.
1965April79Information Upon and From Solvent Effects; Theory of Allylic CouplingLaszloN
1965April79J(X-C-H) and J(X-C-C-H) in Ethylcompounds. Se(C2H5)2 and Te(C2H5)2DreeskampN
1965April79Kinetics of the Hydrolysis and Alcoholysis of Tetrapolyphosphate Esters ("Ethyl Metaphosphate")KleinN
1965April79Kinetics of the Hydrolysis and Alcoholysis of Tetrapolyphosphate Esters ("Ethyl Metaphosphate")BurkhardtN
1965April79NMR Studies of Methyl Isonitrile and NitrileMargalitN
1965April79NMR Studies of Methyl Isonitrile and NitrileLoewensteinN
1965April79Renormalization in Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Chemical ShiftHiltiN
1965April79Renormalization in Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Chemical ShiftRiessN
1965April79Renormalization in Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Chemical ShiftHuberN
1965April79Renormalization in Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Chemical ShiftPrimasN
1965April79Shifts and Couplings in Some NorbornenesDavisN
1965April79The NMR Spectra of Some 9,10-Bridged -9,10-DihydroanthracenesSmithW. B.
1965April79Two More Examples of Magnetic NonequivalenceGorkomN
1965May80Anomalous Spin Coupling Constants in a Tin Diethyl CompoundKarakachianN
1965May80Anomalous Spin Coupling Constants in a Tin Diethyl CompoundMaireN
1965May80Bestimmung der Mannichprodukte von Alpha-Methyl-cycloketonenFrischlederN
1965May80C-13 Chemical Shifts for the Diazines and their CationsMathiasN
1965May80C-13 Chemical Shifts for the Diazines and their CationsGilN
1965May80C-13 NMR Spectra of Transition Metal Cyclopentadienyl and Carbonyl DerivativesKingN
1965May80C-13 NMR Spectra of Transition Metal Cyclopentadienyl and Carbonyl DerivativesLauterburN
1965May80Chemical Exchange and NMRAndersonJ. M.
1965May80Chemical Exchange and NMRLichtensteinN
1965May80Chemical Shifts of Certain Methyl and Methylene Groups Bonded to SiliconRochowN
1965May80Chemical Shifts of Certain Methyl and Methylene Groups Bonded to SiliconGeymayerN
1965May80Chemical Shifts of Certain Methyl and Methylene Groups Bonded to SiliconSchramlN
1965May80Contact and N-15 ShiftsRandallN
1965May80Couplage dans les MetadioxannesDelmauN
1965May80Coupling in 1,2-EpoxycyclopentaneMeyersenN
1965May80Coupling in 1,2-EpoxycyclopentaneDicksonN
1965May80Dependence of 2J on the Orientation of Electronegative SubstituentsBarfieldN
1965May80Ethylene Sulphite and Selenite; Long-range Couplings; Resolution Test in Fluorine SpectraBrownN
1965May80Ethylene Sulphite and Selenite; Long-range Couplings; Resolution Test in Fluorine SpectraBladonN
1965May80Gadget for Vacuum Degassing of NMR Sample TubesRagelisN
1965May80Gadget for Vacuum Degassing of NMR Sample TubesLustigN
1965May80Glycopyranosyl FluoridesManvilleN
1965May80Glycopyranosyl FluoridesHallL. D.
1965May80Long-range Coupling Across Four Sigma Bonds; Tautomerism in N-heterocyclesMondelliN
1965May80Long-range Coupling in Perfluoro(methylcyclohexane)ThomasN
1965May80Long-range Proton-Proton Coupling in AcetylenesJouveN
1965May80Long-range Proton-Proton Coupling in AcetylenesFreymannN
1965May80Methoxy and Alpha-Methyl Proton Resonance in Styrene Methyl Methacrylate CopolymersRitcheyN
1965May80Molecular Motion in Polyethylene. V.DouglassN
1965May80Molecular Motion in Polyethylene. V.McCallN
1965May80NMR Evidence for d(pi)-p(pi) Bonding in Some Phosphorus CompoundsSchmutzlerN
1965May80NMR Evidence for d(pi)-p(pi) Bonding in Some Phosphorus CompoundsReddyN
1965May80NMR Studies of Adsorbed MoleculesFiatN
1965May80NMR Studies of Adsorbed MoleculesReubenN
1965May80NMR-Spektren von Zinn- und BleialkylenSchwarzhansN
1965May80NMR-Spektren von Zinn- und BleialkylenFritzH. P.
1965May80Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of FlavonoidsRoslerN
1965May80Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of FlavonoidsKaganN
1965May80Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of FlavonoidsMabryN
1965May80Origin of Magnetic Non-Equivalence of Diastereomeric Methylene Protons in 7,12-DihydropleiadenesLansburyN
1965May80Solvent Dependence of Coupling ConstantsBrugelN
1965May80Structure Determination by NMR of Two Azulenes Isolated from the Liver-Moss, Calypogeia TrichomanisMeucheN
1965May80Temperature Determination by NMRSederholmN
1965May80Temperature Determination by NMRMerbachN
1965May80Temperature Determination by NMRDuerstN
1965May80The C-H Hydrogen Bond in Liquid HCN and Exchange Phenomena in HCNSpieseckeN
1965May80The Structure of an Anhydrosorbose CompoundOtterN
1965May80The Structure of an Anhydrosorbose CompoundHoughN
1965May80The Structure of an Anhydrosorbose CompoundConeN
1965May80The Varian VF-16 Spectrometer as a Pure Quadrupole Spectrometer; The Varian Workshop in Zurich, 1965ProctorN
1965May80The Varian VF-16 Spectrometer as a Pure Quadrupole Spectrometer; The Varian Workshop in Zurich, 1965AnderssonN
1965May80Variable Autotransformer Replacement in the V2100B Power SupplyPoranskiN
1965May80Variable Autotransformer Replacement in the V2100B Power SupplyMonizN
1965June812' - oder 3' -Aminoacyladenosin in Aminoacyl-sRNASonnenbichlerN
1965June812' - oder 3' -Aminoacyladenosin in Aminoacyl-sRNAFeldmannN
1965June812' - oder 3' -Aminoacyladenosin in Aminoacyl-sRNAZachauN
1965June81A Spherical External ReferenceFrostN
1965June81A Spherical External ReferenceHallG. E.
1965June81A View of High Resolution NMR in the Soviet UnionBrownsteinN
1965June81Additivity Relationship for J(C-H) and J(C-C-H) in Substituted Vinyl CompoundsLauterburN
1965June81Additivity Relationship for J(C-H) and J(C-C-H) in Substituted Vinyl CompoundsKurlandN
1965June81Biphenyl and TerphenylGoldsteinN
1965June81Biphenyl and TerphenylMayoN
1965June81Diamagnetic Anisotropies of Substituent GroupsPopleN
1965June81Electrolytes in Solvent MixturesFratielloN
1965June81Flush the A-60 Magnet Cooling CoilsChenN
1965June81Help!SmithW. B.
1965June81Konformative Beweglichkeit Flexibler RingsystemeSchmidN
1965June81Konformative Beweglichkeit Flexibler RingsystemeFriebolinN
1965June81Line Widths of Tertiary Methyl GroupsSternhellN
1965June81Line Widths of Tertiary Methyl GroupsLackN
1965June81Line Widths of Tertiary Methyl GroupsJohnsonF. P.
1965June81Line Widths of Tertiary Methyl GroupsShoppeeN
1965June81M(n) Determinations of Alpha, Omega-Polymeric GlycolsRandallJ. C.
1965June81Molecular Orbital Calculations of the Proton Coupling Constants in Aromatic MoleculesMurrellN
1965June81Molecular Orbital Calculations of the Proton Coupling Constants in Aromatic MoleculesGilN
1965June81N-14-N-14 Spin Coupling in Liquid Nitrous OxideHollisN
1965June81NMR Spectral Parameters of the Ring Protons for Some Cyclopentadienylmanganese Tricarbonyl DerivativesMorelandN
1965June81Nonequivalence in a Cyclobutylidene Compound; The Case of the Strange Coincidence; Magnetic Anisotropy of the Cyclopropyl RingScottN
1965June81Nonequivalence in a Cyclobutylidene Compound; The Case of the Strange Coincidence; Magnetic Anisotropy of the Cyclopropyl RingBreyN
1965June81Problemes de Configuration dans le Cycle Pyrazoline-2JacquierN
1965June81Relative Signs of the Coupling Constants in HBF2FarrarN
1965June81Signs of J(C-13-CH)MalinowskiN
1965June81The Conformation of ErgoflavinWhalleyN
1965June81The Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on the N-15-H Coupling Constant in Aniline-N-15BeckerN
1965June81What Causes Proton Chemical Shifts?ZurcherN
1965July82A Relationship Between the Double Quantum and Single Quantum ABC SpectraNegliaN
1965July82A Relationship Between the Double Quantum and Single Quantum ABC SpectraLancasterN
1965July82C-13-H Coupling in the Acetone-Water SystemSmidtN
1965July82Computer Programs; Acid and Phenol CharacterisationBonnerN
1965July82Computer Programs; Acid and Phenol CharacterisationKnightN
1965July82Conformational Preference in Conjugated Cyclopropane DerivativesKieferN
1965July82Conformational Preference in Conjugated Cyclopropane DerivativesCasanovaN
1965July82Correlation Time in Quadrupole RelaxationLeipertN
1965July82Correlation Time in Quadrupole RelaxationDiehlN
1965July82Deuterium Decoupling on the A-60; Isotope EffectsSnyderN
1965July82Deuterium Resonance in Collagen Hydrated with D2OBerendsenN
1965July82Deuterium Resonance in Collagen Hydrated with D2OMigchelsenN
1965July82Line-width Variations in Spectra of the ABMX TypeHoffmanN
1965July82Long-Range Coupling in MethylenecyclopropanesDoyleN
1965July82Long-Range Coupling in MethylenecyclopropanesSmithR. F.
1965July82Long-Range Coupling in MethylenecyclopropanesLongoneN
1965July82Medium Effects in NMRRummensN
1965July82Medium Effects in NMRBernsteinN
1965July82Modified Carr-Purcell MethodMackorN
1965July82Modified Carr-Purcell MethodMacLeanN
1965July82NMR Spectra of Some Beta-Diketone Complexes of Sn(IV)SmithJ. A. S.
1965July82NMR- und IR-specktroskopische Unteruchungen an WasserstoffbruckenbindungenZimmermannN
1965July82NMR- und IR-specktroskopische Unteruchungen an WasserstoffbruckenbindungenStrohbuschN
1965July82Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies with the Gallium-71 IsotopeStorrN
1965July82Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies with the Gallium-71 IsotopeGreenwoodN
1965July82Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies with the Gallium-71 IsotopeAkittN
1965July82Oxirane Shifts and an Error in the Varian CatalogFrankN
1965July82Plastic Caps; NMR of Polymers; Aluminum AlkylsRameyN
1965July82Platinum-Fluorine Coupling Constants, and F-19 Chemical Shifts in Pentafluorophenylplatinum ComplexesStoneN
1965July82Platinum-Fluorine Coupling Constants, and F-19 Chemical Shifts in Pentafluorophenylplatinum ComplexesRestN
1965July82Platinum-Fluorine Coupling Constants, and F-19 Chemical Shifts in Pentafluorophenylplatinum ComplexesHoptonN
1965July82PMR-Spectrum of Oriented 3,5-Dichlorobenzoic AcidEnglertN
1965July82Proof of Structure of 2,3-dichloro-1,4-dioxaneFraserN
1965July82Request for N-14 SpectraRetcofskyN
1965July82Shifts in a Piperdine RingHacklerN
1965July82Shifts in a Piperdine RingBoazN
1965July82Shifts in a Piperdine RingAinsworthN
1965July82Solvent Affects on Geminal H-H Coupling ConstantsCoxN
1965July82Solvent Affects on Geminal H-H Coupling ConstantsSmithS. L.
1965July82Spin-Spin Coupling Constant of H-D; A Non-Review Article on the Chemical ShiftMusherN
1965July82Tetramethylurea- A Solvent for Phosphorus AcidsBerlinK. D.
1965July82The Carbon-Carbon Coupling Constant for the Central Bond in DiacetyleneBernsteinN
1965July82The Long Ranger Rides Again, [Long-Range H-H and P-H Couplings in Saturated Cyclic Systems; A V-2100B Modification]KingN
1965July82The Phase-Sensitive EyeballFreemanN
1965August83A Long-Range CouplingBohlmannN
1965August83A Simple Method of Obtaining a 6DB Improvement in S/N Ratio in A-60'sPascoeN
1965August83A56/60 Spectra of CF3CF2CF2HManattN
1965August83An Unusual Chemical Shift in Propenyl-Benzene DerivatesBerlinA. J.
1965August83Audio-Frequency, Voltage-Swept Generator for a Field-Frequency LockElskenN
1965August83Audio-Frequency, Voltage-Swept Generator for a Field-Frequency LockLundinN
1965August83Cabinet for Improving Magnet Field StabilityBreslerN
1965August83Cabinet for Improving Magnet Field StabilityPageT.
1965August83Compound NeededFigginsN
1965August83Cooling System for A-60; Sample Thermostat for Broad-line SpectrometerPearsonN
1965August83Cooling System for A-60; Sample Thermostat for Broad-line SpectrometerJonesN
1965August83Extended Huckel Calculations of Spin Coupling ConstantsPiccioniN
1965August83Extended Huckel Calculations of Spin Coupling ConstantsGrahamN
1965August83Extended Huckel Calculations of Spin Coupling ConstantsFaheyN
1965August83M.O. Calculation of the Coupling Constant in HFSaikaN
1965August83Modifications to a C-1024-Equipped HA-100ConnorN
1965August83Nitrogen-Hydrogen-Coupling in En-ammonium Compounds; "Compensated" NMR SpectraBruegelN
1965August83NMR Determination of Aggregation NumberBuslerN
1965August83On the Magnetic Susceptibility of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Ring CurrentsMusherN
1965August83P-F Couplings in RR'PF3 MoleculesMavelN
1965August83Power Source for G-14 Event Marker; Reprints AvailableJosephN
1965August83Power Source for G-14 Event Marker; Reprints AvailableSmithG.
1965August83Proton Resonance Spectra of 11-OxosteroidsStaniforthN
1965August83Proton Resonance Spectra of 11-OxosteroidsGreenN
1965August83Proton Resonance Spectra of 11-OxosteroidsPageJ. E.
1965August83S. S. Dharmatti - Obituary; NMR Activities at the Tata InstituteVijayaraghavanN
1965August83Shifts and Couplings in M(C2H5)n CompoundsFoleyN
1965August83Shifts and Couplings in M(C2H5)n CompoundsRogersN
1965August83Spectra of Cyanine Dyes - Evidence for a Dynamic EquilibriumLuValleN
1965August83Variable Temperature of Isobutyl Vinyl Ether and Computer ProgramDantiN
1965August83Variable Temperature of Isobutyl Vinyl Ether and Computer ProgramClagueN
1965August83Variable Temperature of Isobutyl Vinyl Ether and Computer ProgramAltpeterN
1965August83What Causes Proton Chemical Shifts in Saturated Unstrained Hydrocarbons?MullerN
1965September84"Virtual Long Range and Partial Virtual Coupling" for PedestriansDiehlN
1965September84A-60 Magnet Troubles; NMR of NitrosoureaThorpeN
1965September84Alpha-Cellulose in Solvent XSyzmanskiN
1965September84Analysis of the Monochloroquinone SpectrumMurrellN
1965September84Analysis of the Monochloroquinone SpectrumJonesN
1965September84C-13 Chemical Shifts of Some Carboxylic AcidsMacielN
1965September84Carbonyl Carbon Shieldings of Some Cyclopropyl KetonesStothersN
1965September84Comment Concerning 2,3-Dichloro-1,4-DioxaneDouglasN
1965September84Concerted Rotation; Li-7 and P-31; ErrorFraenkelN
1965September84Couplings in Some Vicinal Difluorocyclopentane DerivativesJohnsonF. A.
1965September84Couplings in Some Vicinal Difluorocyclopentane DerivativesMerrittN
1965September84Fluorine Chemical Shifts in Perfluorocyclohexanes and the Neighbour Polarisability EffectEmsleyN
1965September84Frequency Sweep F-19 Spectra of FluorosilanesFarrarN
1965September84Frequency Sweep F-19 Spectra of FluorosilanesCoyleN
1965September84HD-H2 ShiftLauterburP.
1965September84HD-H2 ShiftBaldeschwielerJ.
1965September84HD-H2 ShiftAndersN
1965September84Hindered Rotation in Some BiphenylsColebrookN
1965September84Kinetics of Oxepin- and Alpha-Methyloxepin-EquilibriaGuntherN
1965September84NMR Parameters for Some 1,2-DihalobenzenesSmithW. B.
1965September84NMR vs. Fast Exchange ProcessesAllerhandN
1965September84Relative Signs of the Coupling Constants of a Thionosulfite; Binders for A-60 SpectraKellerN
1965September84Relative Signs of the Coupling Constants of a Thionosulfite; Binders for A-60 SpectraDietrichN
1965September84Signes Relatifs des Constantes de Couplage Phosphore-ProtonDuvalN
1965September84Signes Relatifs des Constantes de Couplage Phosphore-ProtonBeneN
1965September84Theory of Chemical Exchange Effects in Magnetic ResonanceWellsN
1965October85"Any Simple Theory of Chemical Shift Must Be Wrong", (A Moral Lesson)PrimasN
1965October85ABCD Spectra of (a) The Aryl Resonance of p-Nitroso-N,N-dimethylaniline in Trifluoro Acetic Acid and (b) The Aryl Resonance of Salicylaldehyde; the Relative Signs of the Aromatic Coupling Constants in them; A Lower Limit to the Free Energy of ActivationPorteN
1965October85Al-27 NMR Studies of NaF-2AlR3 ComplexesItzelN
1965October85Al-27 NMR Studies of NaF-2AlR3 ComplexesSwiftN
1965October85C-1024 Adjustments and HA-100 DecouplingFlauttT. J.
1965October85Calculation of Coupling ConstantsPerkinsN
1965October85Cellulose Structure Model for NMR Proton Lattice Study; O'Reilly-Twang Coupling Coefficients for Monoclinic Symmetry DesiredForslindN
1965October85Concerning the Separation of Rotational Isomers (Thioamides and Nitrosamines)MannschreckN
1965October85Conformational Studies of Some Perfluoropiperdine CompoundsOrrellN
1965October85F-19 Line Widths in NaBF4 SolutionsKuhlmannN
1965October85H.R. Frequency Sweep with the DP-60KowalewskiN
1965October85Intermolecular Scalar CouplingRichardsN
1965October85Isotope Effect in H2-HD-D2MusherN
1965October85PMR Study of Methanol Exchange in Dilute Solutions of Neptunium(V) IonsBurdettN
1965October85PMR Study of Methanol Exchange in Dilute Solutions of Neptunium(V) IonsSheppardN
1965October85Proton Spectra of C40 Indole Alkaloids, Delta(squared)-Furenidones-(4) and p-Cyclohexadienones. Request for Br Spectravon PhilipsbornN
1965October85Solvent Effect (CDCl3-Benzene d6) on the Spectra of Unsubstituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Belonging to the "Phene" SeriesMartinR.
1965October85Solvent Effect (CDCl3-Benzene d6) on the Spectra of Unsubstituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Belonging to the "Phene" SeriesDefayN
1965October85Solvent Effect (CDCl3-Benzene d6) on the Spectra of Unsubstituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Belonging to the "Phene" SeriesBogaert-VerhoogenN
1965October85Sulfur Bonding in Vinylsulfonium SaltsCaserioM. C.
1965October85Sweep Mode Diagram for Varian HA SystemsBecconsallN
1965October85Sweep Mode Diagram for Varian HA SystemsHampsonN
1965October85Sweep Mode Diagram for Varian HA SystemsMathiasN
1965October85Tetramethylsilane Source NeededShapiroN
1965October85Tube Cleaning ApparatusMacIntyreN
1965October85Tube Cleaning ApparatusMakN
1965November8614th Colloque Ampere - Ljubljana - September 1966BeneN
1965November867th Experimental NMR Conference, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, PA - February 24-26, 1966ShapiroN
1965November867th Experimental NMR Conference, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, PA - February 24-26, 1966Bothner-ByN
1965November86A Surprising Coupling in a Substituted TetrahydrofuranWilkinsonN
1965November86A Surprising Coupling in a Substituted TetrahydrofuranRoweN
1965November86Application of Group Theory to Spectrum AnalysisWalkerN
1965November86Application of Group Theory to Spectrum AnalysisStucliffeN
1965November86Application of Group Theory to Spectrum AnalysisFeeneyN
1965November86Assignment of N-Methyl Peaks in an 8-aza-purineMortonN
1965November86Assignment of N-Methyl Peaks in an 8-aza-purineCanadyN
1965November86Assignment of N-Methyl Peaks in an 8-aza-purineFulmorN
1965November86CAT 1024 ExperiencesBeachN
1965November86Chemical Shifts of para-Substituted N-15-Nitrobenzenes; Ring Inversion in 2,2-Difluoro-cis-decalinRobertsN
1965November86Chemical Shifts of para-Substituted N-15-Nitrobenzenes; Ring Inversion in 2,2-Difluoro-cis-decalinClarkN
1965November86Chemical Shifts of para-Substituted N-15-Nitrobenzenes; Ring Inversion in 2,2-Difluoro-cis-decalinGerigN
1965November86Computer Program for A(nA)BX(nX) SpectraCorioN
1965November86Computer Program for A(nA)BX(nX) SpectraHirstN
1965November86Effect of Chemical Exchange in Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceAndersonJ.
1965November86Effect of Chemical Exchange in Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceSurickN
1965November86Fourth Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Workshop, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago - December 15-17, 1965BauerN
1965November86Long Range Coupling Constants in Substituted Thioxanesde WolfN
1965November86Long Range Coupling Constants in Substituted ThioxanesSekuurN
1965November86Long Range Coupling Constants in Substituted ThioxanesHennigerN
1965November86NMR Spectra of the X(n)AA'X'(n) TypeMowthorpeN
1965November86NMR Spectra of the X(n)AA'X'(n) TypeChapmanN
1965November86NMR Studies of Iron-Group Coordination CompoundsVoevodskiiN
1965November86P and T Dependence of H-1 and F-19 Shifts and of J(HD) and J(HF) in CH(4-n)D(n),CH(4-n)F(n) and H-2 and HDGutowskyN
1965November86PMR Spectra of Some Cyclic N-NitrosaminesSpraggN
1965November86PMR Spectra of Some Cyclic N-NitrosaminesHarrisN
1965November86PMR Spectra of Some SelenophenesSchwarzhansN
1965November86PMR Spectra of Some SelenophenesFritzH. P.
1965November86Proton Chemical Shifts of Quinone in Some Charge-Transfer ComplexesKruegerN
1965November86Proton Chemical Shifts of Quinone in Some Charge-Transfer ComplexesPerkampusN
1965November86Quantitative Analyses Using C-13-H Satellites as Internal StandardsCaserio JrF. F.
1965November86Read-in-Time Versus Read-out-Time Discrepancies in the C-1024 Time Averaging Computer. Two SolutionsElskenN
1965November86Read-in-Time Versus Read-out-Time Discrepancies in the C-1024 Time Averaging Computer. Two SolutionsLundinN
1965November86Solvent Effects in the NMR Spectra of Beta-NitrostyrenesWeinbergerN
1965November86Solvent Effects in the NMR Spectra of Beta-NitrostyrenesNicholsonN
1965November86Spin Echo Studies of Chemical Exchange; Possibility of a Rental Service for Deuterated Compounds; A Historic Varian Spectrometer at 40 Mc/sReevesN
1965November86Stereochemistry of Tricoordinate Organophosphorus Compounds; Analysis of Spectra AA'BB'X and AA'MM'XX'RobertN
1965November86Stereochemistry of Tricoordinate Organophosphorus Compounds; Analysis of Spectra AA'BB'X and AA'MM'XX'GagnaireN
1965November86Sweep Unit for the RSI Spin DecouplerWisnoskyN
1965November86Sweep Unit for the RSI Spin DecouplerKosterN
1965November86Sweep Unit for the RSI Spin DecouplerBothner-ByN
1965November86Use of Corrosion Inhibitors in A-60 Cooling SystemHirtN
1965November86Vicinal Proton-Proton Couplings in Some HeteroaromaticsSempleN
1965November86Vicinal Proton-Proton Couplings in Some HeteroaromaticsPalmerN
1965December87B-11 Chemical Shift ChartCasanovaN
1965December87Cation Resonances in Ferri- and Ferrocyanides SolutionsLoewensteinN
1965December87Chelated Enol ProtonsCampbellN
1965December87Configuration of Amide Groups in Cyclic AnilidesNairN
1965December87Configuration of Amide Groups in Cyclic AnilidesNagarajanN
1965December87Conformational Equilibrium in a Diazepinone Derivative; Methyl Groups Non-Equivalence; Chemical Shift Constants for CH3 Groups in TriterpenesLehnN
1965December87Difficulties in Using Methyl Ketals of Alkyl Substituted Cyclohexanones as Models for Conformational AnalysisAnteunisM.
1965December87Difficulties in Using Methyl Ketals of Alkyl Substituted Cyclohexanones as Models for Conformational AnalysisTavernierN
1965December87Feedback SpectrometerKaiserN
1965December87Hindered Rotation in Derivatives of TriarylmethaneMartinJ. C.
1965December87Keto-enol Tautomerism in 4-Substituted 1,2-Diphenyl-3,5-pyrazolidindionesMondelliN
1965December87Magnetic Anisotropy of Metallocenes and Ring CurrentsMulayN
1965December87NMR Determination of Angular Deformations in BenzoylthiophenesMartinG.
1965December87NMR Determination of Angular Deformations in BenzoylthiophenesMartinM.
1965December87One Solution to the TMS ProblemBallantineN
1965December87Pyridine - Deuterium Hydrogen ExchangeCollinN
1965December87Ring Inversion in Cyclohexane-d-11AnetF.
1965December87Solvent Dependence of Rotational IsomerismAbrahamR.
1965December87Solvent Effects in the 4-tert.butyl,2.2-dimethyl cyclohexanonoximeCavalliN
1965December87The Conformational Preference of the Nonbonding Electron Pair in PiperdineKeskeN
1965December87The Conformational Preference of the Nonbonding Electron Pair in PiperdineLambertN
1965December87What Means "Magnetically Nonequivalent"?BinschN
1966January88A Revised Steriod Structure by NMRLevineN
1966January88Allylic Coupling to Exocyclic Vinylic ProtonsSternhellN
1966January88Allylic Coupling to Exocyclic Vinylic ProtonsNewsoroffN
1966January88An Unusual Long-Range Coupling Across OxygenMondelliN
1966January88Asymmetry Effects in Alpha, Beta-EpoxyphosphonatesWilliamsonM. P.
1966January88Asymmetry Effects in Alpha, Beta-EpoxyphosphonatesChuriN
1966January88Asymmetry Effects in Alpha, Beta-EpoxyphosphonatesByrneN
1966January88Asymmetry Effects in Alpha, Beta-EpoxyphosphonatesGriffinN
1966January88Benzaldehyde Couplings; Another Long One; V4333 Pressure Cap ModificationMartinJ. S.
1966January88Benzene Shifts for Methyl Substituted CyclohexanonesLaszloN
1966January88C6 - Fluorinated SugarsHallL. D.
1966January88Carbon-13 Chemical Shifts in Some MethylcyclohexanesDallingN
1966January88Carbon-13 Chemical Shifts in Some MethylcyclohexanesGrantN
1966January88Chemical Shifts of Glycine-CH2 Protons in PeptidesNakamuraN
1966January88Chemical Shifts of Glycine-CH2 Protons in PeptidesJardetzkyN
1966January88Corrosion Inhibitors in A-60 Cooling SystemsChamberlainN
1966January88Deceiving Simplicity in a PRM-SpectrumKullnigN
1966January88Long-Range Couplings with Protons on NitrogenFritzH.
1966January88NMR of 1,4-DichalocogenocyclohexanesKaeszN
1966January88NMR of 1,4-DichalocogenocyclohexanesMaddoxN
1966January88NMR of Cyclic OlefinsHinrichsN
1966January88NMR of Cyclic OlefinsGuentherN
1966January88NMR Spectra of Monosubstituted Chloro TriphosphonitrilesWarrenN
1966January88NMR Spectra of Monosubstituted Chloro TriphosphonitrilesHeatleyN
1966January88NMR Spectra of Monosubstituted Chloro TriphosphonitrilesAllenN
1966January88Non-equivalence of Enantiomers in an Optically Active Solvent by NMRPirkleN
1966January88Pentafluorobenzene and 1,2,3,5-Tetrafluorobenzene Spectral AnalysesLustigN
1966January88PMR Spectra of Some Acetylenic Compounds and of AcetonitrileEnglertN
1966January88Progress Report on NMR Spectra Analysis Using Computer TechniquesLusebrinkN
1966January88Progress Report on NMR Spectra Analysis Using Computer TechniquesSederholmN
1966January88Quadrupole - Versus Hexadecapole - Relaxation in GeH4SackmannN
1966January88Quadrupole - Versus Hexadecapole - Relaxation in GeH4DreeskampN
1966January88Selective Deshielding of Aromatic Protons in Some Nitro AcetanilidesCieciuchN
1966January88Selective Deshielding of Aromatic Protons in Some Nitro AcetanilidesBartels-KeithN
1966January88Spectral Parameters for IsoquinolineHeffernanN
1966January88Spectral Parameters for IsoquinolineBlackN
1966January88The Conformation of the Pterocarpan Ring SystemPachlerN
1966January88The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get PoorerFreemanN
1966January88The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get PoorerErnstN
1966January88Transient Nutations in Nuclear Magnetic Double ResonanceFreemanN
1966January88Transient Nutations in Nuclear Magnetic Double ResonanceFerrettiN
1966January88Trigger Circuit for Time-Averaging Computer Use with Varian HR-60DavisN
1966January88Use of a Digital Voltmeter for Measuring A-60 IntegralsWaglandN
1966February89"Interpretation of High-Resolution NMR Spectra" - A Short CoursePearsonE. W.
1966February89"Interpretation of High-Resolution NMR Spectra" - A Short CourseJonesN
1966February89"Interpretation of High-Resolution NMR Spectra" - A Short CourseBartleN
1966February89Accidentally Simplified Spectra of VinylsilanesSchramlN
1966February89Analysis of Steric Conditions by NMR; The Environment Around Phosphorus in Some of Its EstersMarkN
1966February89Conformations of Two 7-Membered Epoxide Rings in SteroidsSamekN
1966February89Diastereo-Isomeric Pairs of 2 Tetrahydropyran Derivativesvan GorkomN
1966February89Difluoroboron and Tetrafluorophosphorus ChelatesBrownN
1966February89Difluoroboron and Tetrafluorophosphorus ChelatesBladonN
1966February89Effect of t-Butyl Substituent on Proton and Fluorine Resonance in Substituted CyclohexanesMartinR. J. L.
1966February89Effect of t-Butyl Substituent on Proton and Fluorine Resonance in Substituted CyclohexanesElielN
1966February89Extended Sweep Range of Perkin-Elmer Model R-10StraussN
1966February89HA-100 Modification for a MouseKanskiN
1966February89HA-100 Modification for a MouseColsonN
1966February89J(sub-vic) in Substituted PropanesMonizN
1966February89J(sub-vic) in Substituted PropanesPoranskiN
1966February89Long Range Coupling in Conformational Analysis of 7,12-DihydropleiadenesLansburyN
1966February89Methyl Oleate MonohydroperoxideRobertsD. G.
1966February89Methyl Oleate MonohydroperoxideHallG. E.
1966February89NMR Study of Keto-enol EquilibriaEistertN
1966February89NMR Study of Keto-enol EquilibriaDurrN
1966February89Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of p-Fluorophenylchlorostannanes: A2B2X SpectraMaireN
1966February89On J-2(sub-HH), J-3(sub-HH), J-4(sub-HH) and Inductive and Hyperconjugative EffectsGilN
1966February89Proton Stabilization for P-31 Resonance. AGC to Reduce AM Accompanying Phase ModulationPhelpsN
1966February89Proton Stabilization for P-31 Resonance. AGC to Reduce AM Accompanying Phase ModulationKleinN
1966February89Pulse PorgrammerConnorN
1966February89Ring Inversion in TetrahydropyraneGattiN
1966February89Ring Inversion in TetrahydropyraneSergeN
1966February89Significant Long-Range Coupling in Non-W Configuration - A Negative ResultSternhellN
1966February89Significant Long-Range Coupling in Non-W Configuration - A Negative ResultMeleraN
1966February89Spin Decoupling with the Varian A-60 SystemCohenN
1966February89Spin-Echo Studies of Self-Diffusion in Solutions of Non-Electrolytes; NMR Studies of the Pressure-Dependence of Self-Diffusion in Four Organic Solids; Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of n-Alkanes in the Rotating FrameJonesG. P.
1966February89Spin-Echo Studies of Self-Diffusion in Solutions of Non-Electrolytes; NMR Studies of the Pressure-Dependence of Self-Diffusion in Four Organic Solids; Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of n-Alkanes in the Rotating FrameDouglassN
1966February89Spin-Echo Studies of Self-Diffusion in Solutions of Non-Electrolytes; NMR Studies of the Pressure-Dependence of Self-Diffusion in Four Organic Solids; Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of n-Alkanes in the Rotating FrameSlichterW. P.
1966February89Spin-Echo Studies of Self-Diffusion in Solutions of Non-Electrolytes; NMR Studies of the Pressure-Dependence of Self-Diffusion in Four Organic Solids; Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of n-Alkanes in the Rotating FrameAndersonJ. E.
1966February89Spin-Echo Studies of Self-Diffusion in Solutions of Non-Electrolytes; NMR Studies of the Pressure-Dependence of Self-Diffusion in Four Organic Solids; Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of n-Alkanes in the Rotating FrameMcCallN
1966February89Substituent Effects on Long-Range J(sub-HF) in a Bicycloheptene SystemWilliamsonN
1966February89The Shielding Effect of the Cyclopropane RingBurkeN
1966February89V-2100B Voltage Monitor and Interlock Modification and Mars Recorder Pen ModificationDouglasN
1966March90Abstracts of the 7th ENCShapiroN
1966March90Aluminomaly-27; PMR of MethylindansFlanaganN
1966March90Analysis of the Proton Spectrum of 2-AminopyridineHannaM.
1966March90Analysis of the Proton Spectrum of 2-AminopyridineMengenhauserN
1966March90C-13 NMR of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Cyanides: Solution, Powder, and Single Crystal StudiesDavisD. G.
1966March90C-13 NMR of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Cyanides: Solution, Powder, and Single Crystal StudiesKurlandN
1966March90Cheap Rotary Spin EchoesFreemanN
1966March90Conformation and Proton Couplings in some D-Ribopyranose DerivativesCoxonN
1966March90Couplages a DistanceDuplanN
1966March90Couplages a DistanceDelmauN
1966March90Coupling Constants of the Olefinic Hydrogens in ApohaemanthamineJeffsN
1966March90Deceiving Simplicity of Spectrum (IIT NMR 88,12) is due to Degeneration of SubspectrumDiehlN
1966March90Erratum and Addition to IIT NMR 87, 12LoewensteinN
1966March90Proton Resonance Spectra of Gas HydratesBrownsteinN
1966March90Reply to Dr. Binsch's LetterSutcliffeN
1966March90Reply to Dr. Binsch's LetterFeeneyN
1966March90Reply to Dr. Binsch's LetterEmsleyN
1966March90Resonance Magnetique Nucleaire et Absorption Infra-rougeFreymanN
1966March90Some NMR Work in Progress at East AngliaTiddyN
1966March90Some NMR Work in Progress at East AngliaTernaiN
1966March90Some NMR Work in Progress at East AngliaSewellN
1966March90Some NMR Work in Progress at East AngliaSempleN
1966March90Some NMR Work in Progress at East AngliaKatritzkyN
1966March90Some NMR Work in Progress at East AngliaConstantineN
1966March90Some Substituted AzulenesHollanderN
1966March90Some Substituted AzulenesNistN
1966March90Substituent Dependence of the Deuterium Isotopic ShiftBarfieldN
1966March90Tautomerism in Allylacetylacetone; A Curious Solvent Effect in TriphenylphosphineMcIvorN
1966March90Tautomerism in Allylacetylacetone; A Curious Solvent Effect in TriphenylphosphineBecconsallN
1966March90The Determination of Optical Purity by NMR SpectroscopyMislowN
1966March90The Determination of Optical Purity by NMR SpectroscopyRabanN
1966March90The Interpretation of the F-19 NMR Spectrum of VF-(sub-5)RaoN
1966March90The Interpretation of the F-19 NMR Spectrum of VF-(sub-5)GillespieN
1966March90The Interpretation of the F-19 NMR Spectrum of VF-(sub-5)BaconJ.
1966March90Third NMR Workshop at Aachen, Germany - April 25 to 29, 1966KosfieldN
1966March90Trifluoroacetylation-F-19 NMR Technique for the Classification of Hydroxyl GroupsManattN
1966March90Very Weak Hydrogen Bonds by NMRKuntzN
1966April91Another Example of Line Broadening caused by OxygenFairlessN
1966April91Another Example of Line Broadening caused by OxygenWillcottN
1966April91C-13 NMR of Diene-Iron Tricarbonyl ComplexesRetcofskyN
1966April91C-13 NMR Signals in Coal Derivatives and PetroleumFriedelN
1966April91C-13 NMR Signals in Coal Derivatives and PetroleumRetcofskyN
1966April91Cis-trans Isomerism versus Tautomerism in ThioanilidesRaeN
1966April91Computer ProgramArnoldN
1966April91Computer Retrieval of NMR Abstract CardsBeckerN
1966April91Concerning Line Ordering and Tacticity of Polymers; Determination of Reactivity Ratios in Acrylonitrile Co-Polymers by NMRKnollN
1966April91Concerning Line Ordering and Tacticity of Polymers; Determination of Reactivity Ratios in Acrylonitrile Co-Polymers by NMRRitcheyN
1966April91Current NMR Studies at PurdueMullerN
1966April91Delta 9(11)-Stereoidal 25R-SapogeninsStaniforthN
1966April91Delta 9(11)-Stereoidal 25R-SapogeninsGreenG. F. H.
1966April91Delta 9(11)-Stereoidal 25R-SapogeninsPageJ. E.
1966April91Discrimination between the Two Geminal Hydrogens in Benzylamine by NMRGerlachN
1966April91Effect of Complex Formation on the Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants of the Donator MoleculeWolfsbergerN
1966April91Effect of Complex Formation on the Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants of the Donator MoleculeSchmidbaurN
1966April91Etude RMN de la Stereochimie de la CinnamaldazineMarzinN
1966April91Etude RMN de la Stereochimie de la CinnamaldazineElgueroN
1966April91Etude RMN de la Stereochimie de la CinnamaldazineJaquierN
1966April91Flavinoid SpectraMabryN
1966April91H-1- and F-19-Spectra of 1,3,5-Trifluorobenzene Dissolved in a Nematic Liquid CrystalSaupeN
1966April91H-1- and F-19-Spectra of 1,3,5-Trifluorobenzene Dissolved in a Nematic Liquid CrystalNehringN
1966April91Inequivalent Methylene Protons (or some are more equal than others)ShawN
1966April91Inequivalent Methylene Protons (or some are more equal than others)RandallE. W.
1966April91Interlock Circuit for V-2100B Power SupplyShaferN
1966April91Interlock Circuit for V-2100B Power SupplyKuhlmannN
1966April91Long-range CouplingsRameyN
1966April91Magnetic Nonequivalence of Alkyl Groups in Hindered Acyl Phosphonates by Virtue of Hindered RotationBerlinK. D.
1966April91Messungen mit kleinsten SubstanzmengenSonnenbichlerN
1966April91NMR Study of ComplexesMillerN
1966April91NMR Study of ComplexesSchusterN
1966April91NMR Study of ComplexesFratielloN
1966April91Orientation of H-13CN in Nematic PhasesSpieseckeN
1966April91Selective Cancellation in the C-1024WhippleN
1966April91Short Course - "Fundamental Principles of NMR Spectroscopy"; Research Conference - "Progress in Chemical Applications of NMR"NeumanN
1966April91Solvent Dependence of C-13-H and C-13-F Coupling ConstantsDanylukN
1966April91Solvent Dependence of C-13-H and C-13-F Coupling ConstantsBellN
1966April91Stable C1024 Read-out TimesPascoeN
1966April91Stereochemisty of Dioxanes and Abortive Attempts at Differentiation of EnantiomersFraserN
1966April91Syn/anti Isomerism of Aliphatic HydrazonesStichN
1966April91Syn/anti Isomerism of Aliphatic HydrazonesNiklausN
1966April91The Conformation of a 2-Phenyl-coumaroneWhalleyN
1966April91Treatment of Recirculated Cooling Water; Modification of the Slow-sweep Unit; Replacement of the Variable Autotransformer in the V2100B Power Supply; Modification of the ProbeBreyN
1966April91Untersuchung der weitreichenden H-H-Kopplung uber funf Bindungen in planaren KohlenwasserstoffenFrischlederN
1966April91Zur Bestimmung des Selbstdiffusionskoeffizienten mit impulsformigem FeldgradientenOehlmannN
1966April91Zur Bestimmung des Selbstdiffusionskoeffizienten mit impulsformigem FeldgradientenKosfeldN
1966May92Algae Control for 12" Magnet Systems; C-13 rf Unit Test Sample; Highlights of High Resolution NMR at BattellePage JrT. F.
1966May92C-13-H-1 Coupling in Beta-diketone ComplexesWilkinsN
1966May92C-13-H-1 Coupling in Beta-diketone ComplexesSmithJ. A. S.
1966May92Difficulties with the Internal Standard Hexamethyl DisiloxaneBrugelN
1966May92Effects of Excitation Energies on Spin CouplingSaikaN
1966May92F-19 NMR of Pentafluorophenylthio- and Pentafluorophenyl-metal ComplexesRestN
1966May92F-19 NMR of Pentafluorophenylthio- and Pentafluorophenyl-metal ComplexesCookeN
1966May92F-19 NMR of Pentafluorophenylthio- and Pentafluorophenyl-metal ComplexesStoneN
1966May92F-19 NMR of Pentafluorophenylthio- and Pentafluorophenyl-metal ComplexesHoptonN
1966May92Fluorine Coupling Constants in CyclohexanesThomasL. F.
1966May92H-1 and P-31 Study of Conjugation in Acetylenic PhosphonatesMavelN
1966May92Magnetic Equivalence Simplification Program for an I.B.M. 1620 Computer; Proton Shifts of Substituted EthanesVladimiroffN
1966May92Magnetic Equivalence Simplification Program for an I.B.M. 1620 Computer; Proton Shifts of Substituted EthanesMalinowskiN
1966May92Manganese-55 NMRNoggleN
1966May92Medium Effects in Gases and LiquidsRummensN
1966May92Medium Effects in Gases and LiquidsBernsteinN
1966May92NMR Activities at Johns Hopkins Medical SchoolCaugheyN
1966May92NMR Activities at Johns Hopkins Medical SchoolHollisN
1966May92NMR Computer Program CorrectionsKnightN
1966May92NMR Data of Furan Carbonyl CompoundsBohlmannN
1966May92NMR Study of Ternary ComplexesLiN
1966May92NMR Study of Ternary ComplexesWangN
1966May92NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchung der Wasserstoffbrucken-bindung von 1-Hydroxy-2.4.5-trimethylimidazol-N-oxydZimmermannN
1966May92NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchung der Wasserstoffbrucken-bindung von 1-Hydroxy-2.4.5-trimethylimidazol-N-oxydHenningN
1966May92PMR Studies of Doped Triglycine SulfateLoscheN
1966May92Positive Indication of Phase Outage in a V-2100B Power SupplyFarrarN
1966May92Proton INDOR Experiments: a Negative Ring Coupling; Second Order Effects in BenzaldehydesKowalewskiV.
1966May92Proton INDOR Experiments: a Negative Ring Coupling; Second Order Effects in Benzaldehydesde KowalewskiN
1966May92Small Talk; A Review of NMDR; More about Signs of Coupling ConstantsForsenN
1966May92Small Talk; A Review of NMDR; More about Signs of Coupling ConstantsHoffmanN
1966May92Spin-spin Coupling Constants for BenzeneBernsteinN
1966May92Structure of the Cyclic Diones formed by Condensation of Diethyl Malonyl Chloride with Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Aluminum ChlorideMartinR. H.
1966May92Structure of the Cyclic Diones formed by Condensation of Diethyl Malonyl Chloride with Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Aluminum ChlorideDefayN
1966May92Structure of the Cyclic Diones formed by Condensation of Diethyl Malonyl Chloride with Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Aluminum ChlorideDiebleckerN
1966May92Structure of the Oxidized Pyruvate NAD AdductSmithS. L.
1966May92Structure of the Oxidized Pyruvate NAD AdductCoxN
1966May92The Measurement of Angles and Distances in Molecular ModelsApSimonN
1966May92Time Average Spectrum of Polymer SolutionsChenN
1966May92Waiting for Varian EquipmentLuValleN
1966May92Wide Line NMR Computer ProgramsSmithG. W.
1966June93"Summer Institute in Mass Spectroscopy and Advanced NMR" - Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey - August 15-19, 1966MalinowskiN
1966June93Anisotropy of Fluorine Chemical Shift in CHFCl2MacLeanN
1966June93Anisotropy of Fluorine Chemical Shift in CHFCl2MackorN
1966June93Diels-Alder Adducts from PerfluorocyclopentadieneOrrellN
1966June93Electronic Scan for Time-Averaging with HA-100KatzN
1966June93Electronic Scan for Time-Averaging with HA-100NormanN
1966June93Electronic Scan for Time-Averaging with HA-100MatterN
1966June93F-X Coupling ConstantsStevensonN
1966June93F-X Coupling ConstantsJonesN
1966June93F-X Coupling ConstantsMurrellN
1966June93Improving the Performance of the A.E.I. RS 2 SpectrometerDysonN
1966June93Improving the Performance of the A.E.I. RS 2 SpectrometerEmsleyN
1966June93Intermolecular Exchange of Anilino and Methylamino Groups Attached to SiliconThorpeN
1966June93Line Shapes from the A-60KingN
1966June93Magnetic Equivalence of Diastereomeric Protons where Asymmetry is Due to CHD-OH. Temperature StudiesMoriartyN
1966June93Magnetic Equivalence of Diastereomeric Protons where Asymmetry is Due to CHD-OH. Temperature StudiesKimN
1966June93Manual for V-4331 ProbesWenzelN
1966June93Manual for V-4331 ProbesRogersN
1966June93Mascellanea [or, Mirabile Dictu and Turi, Too] BLSCastellanoN
1966June93N2F4.2SbF5JohnsonF. A.
1966June93NMR of F2C=CH2 at High PressuresSmidtN
1966June93NMR of F2C=CH2 at High PressuresWismanN
1966June93NMR of F2C=CH2 at High PressuresSchoutenN
1966June93Obituary Notice of Alfred DantiAltpeterN
1966June93Proton Chemical Shifts in N-Containing CompoundsSlompN
1966June93Relaxation in Polyethylene Oxide: Spin Diffusion MechanismsConnorN
1966June93Remote Bridge BalancingAkittN
1966June93Ring Anistropies in Heteroaromatic CompoundsTensmeyerN
1966June93Shielding of Cyclopropyl Protons by Carbon-Carbon Single BondsMillerN
1966June93Shielding of Cyclopropyl Protons by Carbon-Carbon Single BondsLongoneN
1966June93Spectral Parameters of 1-indanone; NMDR on 2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde (the Sign of Yet Another l.r. Coupling!); Transient and Steady State Overhauser Experiments (Homonuclear)HoffmanN
1966June93Spectral Parameters of 1-indanone; NMDR on 2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde (the Sign of Yet Another l.r. Coupling!); Transient and Steady State Overhauser Experiments (Homonuclear)ForsenN
1966June93T2 in a Scalarly Coupled Two-Spin SystemMacLeanN
1966June93T2 in a Scalarly Coupled Two-Spin SystemMackorN
1966June93Values of the Proton-Proton Coupling Parameters in 4-PyroneMayoN
1966June93Values of the Proton-Proton Coupling Parameters in 4-PyroneGoldsteinN
1966July94"The Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" - A Workshop at the University of Houston, 30 August-1 September, 1966WillcottN
1966July941967 Pittsburgh ConferenceRetcofskyN
1966July94Another Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effect; Rabelais and the (No, not the Franciscans!) Nomenclature for EquivalenceLaszloN
1966July94C-13 Chemical Shift Difference Between Cis and Trans DiiodoethyleneMacielN
1966July94Chemical Shifts and pi-Bonding in alpha, Beta-Unsaturated Organonitrogen and Organosulfur CompoundsPrattR. E.
1966July94Chemical Shifts and pi-Bonding in alpha, Beta-Unsaturated Organonitrogen and Organosulfur CompoundsCaserioM. C.
1966July94Dynamic Nuclear PolarisationRichardsN
1966July94Frequency Stabilization of the Varion VF-16 OscillatorMognaschiN
1966July94Frequency Stabilization of the Varion VF-16 OscillatorLanziN
1966July94Heptamethylbenzenonium Ion Rearrangement - Kinetic Studies by NMRRudakovN
1966July94Heptamethylbenzenonium Ion Rearrangement - Kinetic Studies by NMRTretyakovN
1966July94Heptamethylbenzenonium Ion Rearrangement - Kinetic Studies by NMRKorchaginaN
1966July94Heptamethylbenzenonium Ion Rearrangement - Kinetic Studies by NMRRezvukhinN
1966July94Heptamethylbenzenonium Ion Rearrangement - Kinetic Studies by NMRShubinN
1966July94Heptamethylbenzenonium Ion Rearrangement - Kinetic Studies by NMRKoptyugN
1966July94High Resolution Rotary Z-EchoesWellsN
1966July94High Resolution Rotary Z-EchoesAbramsonN
1966July94Hindered Rotation in Trisubstituted (s)-TriazinesFritzH. P.
1966July94Induced Paramagnetic Ring CurrentsUntchN
1966July94Induced Paramagnetic Ring CurrentsPopleN
1966July94Iridium Hydride Spectra on the Varian A-60AWilkinsonN
1966July94Iridium Hydride Spectra on the Varian A-60ARoweN
1966July94Iridium Hydride Spectra on the Varian A-60AQuarmbyN
1966July94NMR Spectra of Enamines of 1-AzabicycloalkanesReineckeN
1966July94Nomenclature for Stereochemically Nonequivalent NucleiBickartN
1966July94Nomenclature for Stereochemically Nonequivalent NucleiRabanN
1966July94Nomenclature for Stereochemically Nonequivalent NucleiMislowN
1966July94On Spin-Spin Coupling ConstantsMusherN
1966July94Perkin-Elmer R10 Signal to Noise ImprovementHuckN
1966July94Perkin-Elmer R10 Signal to Noise ImprovementHomerN
1966July94Proton Shifts in Donor-Substituted Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsNegliaN
1966July94Proton Shifts in Donor-Substituted Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsLancasterN
1966July94RA-1 Spectrum AccumulatorColebrookN
1966July94Rate Studies of Dimethylformamide ComplexesSchusterN
1966July94Rate Studies of Dimethylformamide ComplexesMillerN
1966July94Rate Studies of Dimethylformamide ComplexesFratielloN
1966July94Slow Inversion Rate of a Sulphur Containing 7-Ringvan der WerfN
1966July94Solid State Problems at TIFR using Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceVijayaraghavanN
1966July94The Inversion of DiphosphinesMuellerN
1966July94The Inversion of DiphosphinesLambertN
1966August958th ENC - Preliminary AnnouncementStothersN
1966August95A Two-stage MEF Program; Preliminary Results from the DFS-60RobertsN
1966August95A Two-stage MEF Program; Preliminary Results from the DFS-60WeigertN
1966August95Acid Induced Upfield Shifts in Some Carbonyl CompoundsCollinN
1966August95Are C-13 Satellites Always Helpful for Spectral Analysis; Signs of (P,F) Coupling ConstantsHarrisN
1966August95C-1024: Use with Fieldial and Read Out of Calibrated SpectraFlauttN
1966August95C-1024: Use with Fieldial and Read Out of Calibrated SpectraLawsonN
1966August95Chemical Shifts of Nitrilotriacetic and Triphosphonic Acids and their N-Oxides upon NeutralizationIraniN
1966August95Chemical Shifts of Nitrilotriacetic and Triphosphonic Acids and their N-Oxides upon NeutralizationCrutchfieldN
1966August95Chemical Shifts of Nitrilotriacetic and Triphosphonic Acids and their N-Oxides upon NeutralizationCarterN
1966August95Computer Calculation of Spin-Echo TrainsGutowskyN
1966August95Computer Calculation of Spin-Echo TrainsVoldN
1966August95Correlation of the Position of the Signal for the CH3 Group Attached to Aromatic Rings with Ring SubstituentsSzymanskiN
1966August95Damped Least Squares Analysis of the NMR SpectraTomanN
1966August95Damped Least Squares Analysis of the NMR SpectraSpirkoN
1966August95Damped Least Squares Analysis of the NMR SpectraSamekN
1966August95Diastereomere 10-Methoxy-methylphaophorbide Zuordnung der MethylsignaleBrockmannN
1966August95Halide Ion Probes for NMR Studies of Antibody-Hapten BindingBaldeschwielerJ.
1966August95Isomerization of Acetone AnilsSnyderN
1966August95Kalibrierung von NMR-Spekrometern unter Verwendung von LosungsmittelmischungenHampelN
1966August95N-14 Chemical Shifts in Primary and Secondary AmidesMathiasN
1966August95N-14 Chemical Shifts in Primary and Secondary AmidesHampsonN
1966August95NMR of Cyclopropyl IonsSekuurN
1966August95NMR of Cyclopropyl IonsKranenburgN
1966August95NMR of some Substituted Difluorobenzenes; NMR of Ammonia and PhosphineAndersonJ. M.
1966August95NMR Studies of the Interaction between Polyfluoroacetones and Proton-donorsKhetrapalN
1966August95NMR Studies of the Interaction between Polyfluoroacetones and Proton-donorsKanekarN
1966August95O-17 NMR Studies of Metal-ion HydrationReubenN
1966August95O-17 NMR Studies of Metal-ion HydrationFiatN
1966August95Observations on Conformations and Configurations in Hg(II) Derivatives of Some SugarsPorteN
1966August95Performance of a Magnion Spin-Echo Apparatus; Theory of Spin-Echoes in SolidsAllerhandN
1966August95Perturbation Approach to the Proton Spin Coupling in the Ethane FragmentNarasimhanN
1966August95Pyridine, Chemical Decoupling, Computer Analysis with Different ProgramsFraenkelN
1966August95Ring Inversion in Trihetero-CyclohexanesTemussiN
1966August95Si-29 Magnetic ResonanceReevesN
1966August95Signes Negatifs de Couplages "Benzyliques" Ortho Et ParaGagnaireN
1966August95Signes Negatifs de Couplages "Benzyliques" Ortho Et ParaIchN
1966August95Signs of Coupling Constants in 2-Bromo-5-chlorotolueneSchaeferN
1966August95Simultaneous Measurement of NMR Spectrum and IntegralHirtN
1966August95The N-14 Shifts in Paramagnetic Complexes of Co+2 and Ni+2VoevodskyN
1966August95The N-14 Shifts in Paramagnetic Complexes of Co+2 and Ni+2ZaevN
1966August95The N-14 Shifts in Paramagnetic Complexes of Co+2 and Ni+2MolinN
1966August95Variable Frequency Equipment for HR-100SchwarzhansN
1966August95Variable Frequency Equipment for HR-100FritzH. P.
1966September96A Case for the Point-Dipole ApproximationBinschN
1966September96A Case for the Point-Dipole ApproximationSustmannN
1966September96A Double Nitrogen Inversion ProcessLehnN
1966September96A Thermometer for Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Aqueous SolutionsRathN
1966September96A Thermometer for Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Aqueous SolutionsMcIntyreN
1966September96A Thermometer for Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Aqueous SolutionsMakN
1966September96A Thermometer for Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Aqueous SolutionsGlewN
1966September96Absolute Helical Screw Senses by NMR; Long Range Coupling Constants in Substituted Thiazines; and Solvent Spin Decoupling in Alkyl IsonitrilesFerrettiN
1966September96An Example of Deshielding on the Z axis of a Double BondMortonN
1966September96An Example of Deshielding on the Z axis of a Double BondFulmorN
1966September96Component Identification in Phenol MixturesKellerN
1966September96Component Identification in Phenol MixturesDietrichN
1966September96Computer Accessory; Heteroaromatic Compounds; Interaction with Paramagnetic IonsPalmerN
1966September96Diffusion in Binary Solutions; Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in PolytetrafluoroethyleneFalconeN
1966September96Diffusion in Binary Solutions; Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in PolytetrafluoroethyleneDouglassN
1966September96Diffusion in Binary Solutions; Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in PolytetrafluoroethyleneMcCallN
1966September96Direct Observation of C-13-H-1 Indirect Coupling in Terrestrial Magnetic FieldBeneN
1966September96Internal Reference for Quantitative Analyses; Contributed Papers for 1967 Pittsburgh ConferenceDicksonN
1966September96Inversion in a Bicyclic Hydrazine DerivativeStaabN
1966September96Inversion in a Bicyclic Hydrazine DerivativeJungeN
1966September96Modification of Slow Sweep UnitWalkerN
1966September96Modification of Slow Sweep UnitSutcliffeN
1966September96Modification of Slow Sweep UnitMallinsonN
1966September96Modification of Slow Sweep UnitJolleyN
1966September96N.M.R. Spectra of Asymmetrically Substituted Benzophenones in HSO3F-SbF5KranenburgN
1966September96N.M.R. Spectra of Asymmetrically Substituted Benzophenones in HSO3F-SbF5SekuurN
1966September96Non-equivalence of Isopropyl Methyl Groups due to Inherent Molecular DissymmetryContiN
1966September96Non-equivalence of Isopropyl Methyl Groups due to Inherent Molecular Dissymmetryvon PhilipsbornN
1966September96P-31 Spectra at 40.5 MHz Using a P(4)O(6) LockJohnsonN
1966September96Proton Types of Compounds from Hydrolysis of AlCl3-Chloroalkane-benzene Alkylation ComplexDuntonN
1966September96Proton Types of Compounds from Hydrolysis of AlCl3-Chloroalkane-benzene Alkylation ComplexPapatsosN
1966September96Remarks on the NMR Spectra of Cyclopropyl Carbonium Ions and the Recent Newsletter of Kranenburg and SekuurOlahN
1966September96Some PMR Features of 1,3-DioxanesAnteunisM.
1966September96Some PMR Features of 1,3-DioxanesTavernierN
1966September96Syn-Anti Isomerism in KetoximesGrekovaN
1966September96Syn-Anti Isomerism in KetoximesJovtscheffN
1966September96Syn-Anti Isomerism in KetoximesSpassovN
1966September96Variable Temperature Broadline NMRWallachN
1966October97A Case of Very Slow Nitrogen InversionMannschreckN
1966October97A Long Range Shielding EffectChowN
1966October97A Second Progress Report on NMR Spectral Analysis Using Computer TechniquesLusebrinkN
1966October97A Story of Three FulvenesHeffernanN
1966October97A Story of Three FulvenesJonesA. J.
1966October97Analysis of CHT-molybdenumtricarbonyl SpectrumWenzlN
1966October97Analysis of CHT-molybdenumtricarbonyl SpectrumGuentherN
1966October97Bicycloheptadiene - NMR Spectral AnalysisReillyN
1966October97Chemical Shifts and pi Electronic Density in Protonated AminopyridinesDorieN
1966October97Chemical Shifts and pi Electronic Density in Protonated AminopyridinesMartinM.
1966October97Chemical Shifts and pi Electronic Density in Protonated AminopyridinesMartinG.
1966October97Computer Program PERTRB; Safe Bulb Replacement in Super-StabilizerJohannesenN
1966October97Corrosion Inhibition in A-60 Magnet Cooling SystemChamberlainN
1966October97F-19 NMR Spectra of some Fluorine-containing Aromatic CompoundsCavalliN
1966October97Interfacing of Fabri-Tek Averager with Frequency Swept Spectrometer; Improvement of V-4343 Varian Temperature ControlBakerN
1966October97Intermolecular Overhauser EffectKaiserN
1966October97Inverted Conformations of Fluorinated CarbohydratesManvilleN
1966October97Inverted Conformations of Fluorinated CarbohydratesHallL. D.
1966October97Long-range J(C-C-H) in AldehydesDreeskampN
1966October97Quantitiative Analyses with a Varian A.60; The Use of NuvistorsWaglandN
1966October97Relative Signs of Coupling Constants in ButadienesKosterN
1966October97Rotational Isomerism in CH2BrCH2CN; J(FF)(meta) in FluorobenzenesAbrahamR.
1966October97Signes Relatifs des Constantes de Couplage Proton-Proton et Phosphore-ProtonBeneN
1966October97Signes Relatifs des Constantes de Couplage Proton-Proton et Phosphore-ProtonDuvalN
1966October97Solvent and Temperature Dependence of the NMR Spectra of N-Formyl- and N-ThioacetylindolinesNairN
1966October97Solvent and Temperature Dependence of the NMR Spectra of N-Formyl- and N-ThioacetylindolinesNagarajanN
1966October97Solvent Dependence of Coupling Constants in 1,2-Dibromo-ethane and 1,2-Dichloro-ethanePachlerN
1966October97Solvent Dependence of Coupling Constants in 1,2-Dibromo-ethane and 1,2-Dichloro-ethaneWesselsN
1966October97The Geometry at Nitrogen in AminoboranesThomasM. J.
1966October97The Geometry at Nitrogen in AminoboranesCasanovaN
1966October97The H-1 and F-19 NMR Spectra of the Adduct H2O.BF3HartmanN
1966October97The H-1 and F-19 NMR Spectra of the Adduct H2O.BF3GillespieN
1966October97The Poor Man's Spin DecouplerBhaccaN
1966October97The Poor Man's Spin DecouplerFreemanN
1966October97Use of Nuvistors and Micro-cells with the RS2MowthorpeN
1966October97Use of Nuvistors and Micro-cells with the RS2ChapmanN
1966October97Vicinal Couplings in 4-QuinolonesByrneN
1966October97Vicinal Couplings in 4-QuinolonesGriffinN
1966November981-Substituted AcenaphthenesWestermanN
1966November981-Substituted AcenaphthenesSternhellN
1966November981-Substituted AcenaphthenesFayN
1966November988th ENCFriendsN
1966November988th ENCStothersN
1966November98A Decrease in J(C-13-H) with Increased p-Character in a C-H BondSabackyN
1966November98A Decrease in J(C-13-H) with Increased p-Character in a C-H BondMartinN
1966November98Activation Energies for Rotation of Substituted Amino GroupsTiddyN
1966November98Activation Energies for Rotation of Substituted Amino GroupsKatritzkyN
1966November98Analysis of the Neurin Bromide SpectrumBrugelN
1966November98Asymmetry of R Absorption in AB2Rp Systems, and the Signs of Some Long-Range Phosphorus CouplingsHeatleyN
1966November98Asymmetry of R Absorption in AB2Rp Systems, and the Signs of Some Long-Range Phosphorus CouplingsHaighN
1966November98Bicycloheptadiene Spectral Analysis: Comparison of '66 Vintage with EarlierSchleyerN
1966November98Bicycloheptadiene Spectral Analysis: Comparison of '66 Vintage with EarlierLaszloN
1966November98Bulk Magnetic Susceptibilities Determined from NMR Spinning Sidebands using Coaxial CellsMalinowskiN
1966November98C-13 Spectra at 25.1 MHz. Using Carbon LockMacielN
1966November98Carbon-13 Absorption Mode Spectra of Petroleum FractionsKnightS.
1966November98Carbon-13 EnhancementStraussN
1966November98CDC 3200 Adaptation of Various NMR Computer ProgramsMcIvorN
1966November98Changing Cycles till it Hertz; Bond Angle and Dihedral Angle Dependence of J(HF)WilliamsonN
1966November98Characterization of AminesMartiniN
1966November98Characterization of AminesKullnigN
1966November98Computer TriggeringFrostN
1966November98Computer TriggeringBraithwaiteN
1966November98Computer TriggeringHallG. W.
1966November98Conformation of 2,3-Dimethyl-Dioxane-1,4SegreN
1966November98Conformation of 2,3-Dimethyl-Dioxane-1,4GattiN
1966November98Decoupled Spectrum of 4,4'-DifluorobiphenylWiseN
1966November98Design and Performance of an NMR Microcell Particularly Suited for the HA-100; How to Filter Microsamples?LundinN
1966November98Influence du Doublet D'Azote sp3 sur une Constante de Couplage Eloignee dans le Cycle Pyrazoline-2MarzinN
1966November98Influence du Doublet D'Azote sp3 sur une Constante de Couplage Eloignee dans le Cycle Pyrazoline-2ElgueroN
1966November98Influence du Doublet D'Azote sp3 sur une Constante de Couplage Eloignee dans le Cycle Pyrazoline-2BouchetN
1966November98Influence du Doublet D'Azote sp3 sur une Constante de Couplage Eloignee dans le Cycle Pyrazoline-2AubagnacN
1966November98Influence du Doublet D'Azote sp3 sur une Constante de Couplage Eloignee dans le Cycle Pyrazoline-2JacquierN
1966November98Intermolecular Catalysis of Intramolecular ExchangeBrownsteinN
1966November98Isotope ShiftsLoewensteinN
1966November98Isotope ShiftsShporerN
1966November98Line Width Transfer by Double ResonanceGhymeraht RayN
1966November98Line Width Transfer by Double ResonanceFreemanN
1966November98NMR of Biphenyl Methyl Groups; NMR Abstract CardsWahlN
1966November98NMR of Stable Mono-, Bi- and Tri-RadicalsLuckhurstN
1966November98OH Detection by Double ResonanceFeeneyN
1966November98OH Detection by Double ResonanceHeinrichN
1966November98PMR Spectra of Stannanes Sn-C Bond Magnetic AnisotropyDufermontN
1966November98PMR Spectra of Stannanes Sn-C Bond Magnetic AnisotropyMaireN
1966November98Ring Inversion in Cyclohexane-d11; Double Resonance Measurements of Exchange Rates with a Field-Frequency Lock SpectrometerAnetF.
1966November98Rotational Averaging of Coupling Constants and Chemical ShiftsAllenG.
1966November98Rotational Averaging of Coupling Constants and Chemical ShiftsHeatleyN
1966November98Si-H Coupling ConstantsMurrellN
1966November98Solvent Effects: Ar-X-Me Types in Benzene SolutionRaeN
1966November98Temperature Control Circuit for Broad-line ProbePearsonN
1966November98Temperature Control Circuit for Broad-line ProbeJonesD. W.
1966November98Temperature Control Circuit for Broad-line ProbeBartleN
1966November98Two-Site Exchange of a Chelated ProtonCampbellN
1966December99Computer Retrieval of NMR Abstract Cards; A Progress ReportLustigN
1966December99Conformations of Pent-2-enopyranosyl Derivatives and Relative signs of Allylic and Bi-allylic Proton Coupling ConstantsMcLauchlanN
1966December99Conformations of Pent-2-enopyranosyl Derivatives and Relative signs of Allylic and Bi-allylic Proton Coupling ConstantsJenningsN
1966December99Conformations of Pent-2-enopyranosyl Derivatives and Relative signs of Allylic and Bi-allylic Proton Coupling ConstantsCoxonN
1966December99Effect of Electronic Factors on the Keto-Enol-Equilibrium of 6-Membered Beta-Dicarbonyl-CompoundsEistertN
1966December99Effect of Electronic Factors on the Keto-Enol-Equilibrium of 6-Membered Beta-Dicarbonyl-CompoundsDurrN
1966December99Effect of Steric Compression on Chemical Shifts in BenzotriptycenesMillerJ. B.
1966December99Effect of Steric Compression on Chemical Shifts in BenzotriptycenesReganN
1966December99Fourier Transform NMR Spectroscopy of P-31; Fourier Transformation by Analogue MethodsPhelpsN
1966December99Fourier Transform NMR Spectroscopy of P-31; Fourier Transformation by Analogue MethodsKleinN
1966December99Helix-coil Transitions in Polyamino AcidsMeadowsN
1966December99Helix-coil Transitions in Polyamino AcidsMarkleyN
1966December99Helix-coil Transitions in Polyamino AcidsJardetzkyN
1966December99Hindered Rotation in Amides and ThioamidesNeumanN
1966December99Keto-enoltautomerism in Unsaturated Beta-dicarbonylsvan GorkomN
1966December99Magnetic Nonequivalence in a Methylene GroupWendischN
1966December99Magnetic Nonequivalence in a Methylene GroupNaegeleN
1966December99Matrix Diagonalization RoutineKrabekN
1966December99Medium Effects and Dissolved GasesFreymannN
1966December99Negative Sign of J(H,CH3) in PropyneWeberN
1966December99Negative Sign of J(H,CH3) in PropyneEnglertN
1966December99NMR Spectra of n-Alkyl FluoridesSheppardN
1966December99NMR Study of some 5-HydroxychromenesMondelliN
1966December99Noise Discrimination by Signal InversionWechslerN
1966December99Noise Discrimination by Signal InversionVan GeetN
1966December99Orthotrifluoroacetates, Cyclic Sulphite SpectraRaeN
1966December99Orthotrifluoroacetates, Cyclic Sulphite SpectraForrestN
1966December99Orthotrifluoroacetates, Cyclic Sulphite SpectraBladonN
1966December99P-31 Chemical Shift of Trialkyl Trimetaphosphate in a Phosphorylating System?CohenN
1966December99Poor Man's Field-Lock for Many Nuclei or What we Tried to do Before the Hewlett-Packard Salesman Came AlongEllemanN
1966December99Poor Man's Field-Lock for Many Nuclei or What we Tried to do Before the Hewlett-Packard Salesman Came AlongMannattN
1966December99Proton Exchange Involving More than Two SitesBecconsallN
1966December99Request for Information re Long-Range Couplings with EpoxidesPryceN
1966December99Request for Information re Long-Range Couplings with EpoxidesMac MillanN
1966December99Ring Current Effects in Metallocenes and other NMR ActivitiesMulayN
1966December99The Bond Order - Coupling Constant RelationSmithW. B.
1966December99The Dependence of F-19 Coupling "Constants" on Solvent and ConcentrationPFCN
1966December99The Dependence of F-19 Coupling "Constants" on Solvent and ConcentrationEttingerR.
1966December99The Limitations of Generalisation in Subspectral Analysis of NMR-SpectraTrautmannN
1966December99The Limitations of Generalisation in Subspectral Analysis of NMR-SpectraDiehlN
1966December99The Relative Sign of the C-13-C-13 Coupling ConstantGrantN
1966December99To all IIT NMR Newsletter Subscriber/ContributorsShapiroN
1966December99Varian V-3521 NMR Integrator Modification: Replace USA-3 with Equivalent Solid-State UnitLundinN
1967January1001,3-Shielding Effects in Some CyclopentanonesAnteunisM.
1967January100A Direct Measurement of F-19 Shift Anisotropy in Nematic SolutionYannoniN
1967January100Chemical Shifts and J(POCH) Values in Bulky AcylphosphonatesBerlinK. D.
1967January100Concerning Axial-Equatorial Shifts in 1,3-DioxansDuplanN
1967January100Concerning Axial-Equatorial Shifts in 1,3-DioxansDelmauN
1967January100Conformational Analysis of the 2-Substituted Oxathiolane System and Analysis of Their NMR SpectraKleinN
1967January100Conformational Analysis of the 2-Substituted Oxathiolane System and Analysis of Their NMR SpectraDoyleN
1967January100Conformational Analysis of the 2-Substituted Oxathiolane System and Analysis of Their NMR SpectraPastoN
1967January100Conformational Behaviour of Tri-o-carvacrotideSutherlandN
1967January100Conformational Behaviour of Tri-o-carvacrotideOllisN
1967January100Conformational Behaviour of Tri-o-carvacrotideDowningN
1967January100Degassing NMR SamplesRondeauN
1967January100Electric Reaction Field ShiftsBecconsallN
1967January100Enhanced Conjugation in Sterically Hindered MoleculesGilN
1967January100Gadgets for Measurement of Dihedral AnglesDurhamN
1967January100Intermediates in the Conversion of pi-into sigma-Allylic Palladium(II) ComplexesWiseN
1967January100Intermediates in the Conversion of pi-into sigma-Allylic Palladium(II) ComplexesLiniN
1967January100Intermediates in the Conversion of pi-into sigma-Allylic Palladium(II) ComplexesRameyN
1967January100Micro-tubes and A60-Cooling SystemsStaniforthN
1967January100Micro-tubes and A60-Cooling SystemsGreenJ. E.
1967January100Micro-tubes and A60-Cooling SystemsPageN
1967January100Modification of the Slow Sweep Unit and Integrator to Aid in Fluorine and PhosphorusKanskiN
1967January100Modification of the Slow Sweep Unit and Integrator to Aid in Fluorine and PhosphorusColsonN
1967January100Niveaux d'energie A(n)X(m)PercheryN
1967January100NMR of P-Phenyl GroupsMavelN
1967January100PMR Characterization of some Polychlorocyclopentadienes and HexachloronorbornenesMarkN
1967January100Proton Spin Relaxation in Metal-Liquid Ammonia SolutionsNewmarkN
1967January100Proton Spin Relaxation in Metal-Liquid Ammonia SolutionsHannaM.
1967January100Ring-Chain Tautomerism of 2-Acetylbenzoic AcidsPitcherN
1967January100Ring-Chain Tautomerism of 2-Acetylbenzoic AcidsWilliamsN
1967January100Solvent Effects on the Spectra of 1,3-Difluoro-4,6-dinitrobenzeneRaoN
1967January100Solvent Effects on the Spectra of 1,3-Difluoro-4,6-dinitrobenzeneKumarN
1967January100The "Exact" Three-spin AnalysisCawleyN
1967January100Time-averaged Vapor Phase NMR SpectraGeneralissimoR.
1967January100Time-averaged Vapor Phase NMR SpectraEttingerN
1967January100Trideuterierung der C-5-Methylgruppe im Pyromethylphaophorbid a Bestatigung der Zuordnung des C-5-NMR SignalsMenglerN
1967January100Zur Messung der Amplitude des HF-Feldes durch das Kernresonanz-experimentWaldN
1967January100Zur Messung der Amplitude des HF-Feldes durch das Kernresonanz-experimentKosfeldN
1967February101A Penny Saved; Spurious Beats on Internal Lock Operation; Work in ProgressKuhlmannN
1967February101A Penny Saved; Spurious Beats on Internal Lock Operation; Work in ProgressShaferN
1967February101Allylic Long Range Coupling in cis- and trans-disubstituted EthylenesRummensN
1967February101C-13 Resonance in a Coal-Tar FractionSmithJ. A. S.
1967February101C-13 Resonance in a Coal-Tar FractionHammelN
1967February101Computer Program TWOSUM = NMRIT + NMRENMartinJ. S.
1967February101Current Shims for Inhomogeneous Field with Axial SymmetryDadokN
1967February101D2O as a Troublemaker in DMSO-d6; Isotope Effect on Chemical ShiftMilesN
1967February101D2O as a Troublemaker in DMSO-d6; Isotope Effect on Chemical ShiftShoupN
1967February101D2O as a Troublemaker in DMSO-d6; Isotope Effect on Chemical ShiftBeckerN
1967February101Digital Sweep Unit and CAT ControllerBothner-ByN
1967February101Digital Sweep Unit and CAT ControllerWisnoskyN
1967February101Distorted-chair ConformationsLambertN
1967February101Even More N-15 WorkRandallN
1967February101Even More N-15 WorkShawN
1967February101Experimental Evidence of Anisotropic Rotational DiffusionNoggleN
1967February101Experimental Evidence of Anisotropic Rotational DiffusionGillenN
1967February101Fourth Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Workshop - Aachen, Germany, April 24-29, 1967KosfeldN
1967February101Induced Paramagnetic Ring-Current in Biphenylene and Related HydrocarbonsFigeysN
1967February101Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in Aryl TetrazolesFraserN
1967February101Isotropic P-31 Shifts in Triphenylphosphine-Ni(II)-AcetylacetonateRadicsN
1967February101Isotropic P-31 Shifts in Triphenylphosphine-Ni(II)-AcetylacetonateSkubnevskayaN
1967February101Long Range Coupling in Quaternary Heteroaromatic CompoundsLundeN
1967February101Long Range Coupling in Quaternary Heteroaromatic CompoundsLundN
1967February101Long Range Effect on Chemical ShiftsBohlmannN
1967February101Mechanisms of Contact Nuclear Spin CouplingBarfieldN
1967February101Miscellaneous ActivitiesLauterburN
1967February101Modification of the HA 100 Spectrometer for F-19 SpectraGoodfellowN
1967February101More Ballistic MissilesApSimonN
1967February101Negative J-26 Ring Coupling in 3-Substituted Pyridinesde KowalewskiN
1967February101New NMR Spectrometer on the MarketSchramlN
1967February101NMR Studies of the Hydration of Paramagnetic Rare Earth IonsFiatN
1967February101NMR Studies of the Hydration of Paramagnetic Rare Earth IonsReubenN
1967February101NMR-Spectra of Biphenyls with a Pseudo-asymmetric AxisHelmchenN
1967February101On Chemical Exchange and High-Resolution NMR Line ShapesHoffmanN
1967February101Orientation of Methylcyanide-Methylisocyanide; Low Boiling, Small Molecule ContestSpieseckeN
1967February101Oscillator Drive for Voltage Controlled OscillatorKatzN
1967February101Oscillator Drive for Voltage Controlled OscillatorNormanN
1967February101Oscillator Drive for Voltage Controlled OscillatorKostkaN
1967February101P-31 Chemical ShiftsDaleN
1967February101P-31 Chemical ShiftsHobbsN
1967February101Proton Resonance of Cyclic Organophosphorus CompoundsPearsonN
1967February101Proton Resonance of Cyclic Organophosphorus CompoundsJonesD. W.
1967February101Proton Resonance of Cyclic Organophosphorus CompoundsBartleN
1967February101Styrene Derivative Complexes of PlatinumSaikaN
1967February101The "Singlet Isopropyl" Group of alpha-Phellandrene's Photo-isomerWillcottN
1967February101The Anisotropies an Susceptibilities of the C-H, C-C, and C=C BondsWhalleyN
1967March1024th Conference on Spectroscopy - April 17-19, 1968 - Brighton, EnglandConnerI. N.
1967March102Another Deceptively Simple SpectrumThorpeN
1967March102Apparent Non-Constancy of Bond-Anisotropy ValuesMullerN
1967March102Association Equilibrium Constants from NMR and IR MeasurementsChojnowskyN
1967March102Association Equilibrium Constants from NMR and IR MeasurementsBrandtN
1967March102Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten der Aufspaltung eines Signals zum AB-SpektrumSchmidN
1967March102Complexes of Heterocyclic Bases with Metal Trifluoroacetates; Conformational Studies of PolypeptidesOrrellN
1967March102Double Resonance Using High Field StrengthsConnorN
1967March102Fine Tuning the H.P. 200 CD Audio Oscillator and a Slave Recorder for the A-60ABerlinN
1967March102For Do-it-yourselversSmidtN
1967March102For Do-it-yourselversMehlkopfN
1967March102Frequency Sweep Double Resonance with a Varian A-60GarbischN
1967March102Frequency Sweep Double Resonance with a Varian A-60SprecherN
1967March102From Delta-E to J by NMR- Study of CBR2F-CB2HBernsteinN
1967March102Homonuclear Spin Decoupling on the Varian HA-100van DeursenN
1967March102Interaction of Organic Nitrile Compounds with Aromatic SolventsGrossmanN
1967March102Interaction of Organic Nitrile Compounds with Aromatic SolventsKnollN
1967March102Interaction of Organic Nitrile Compounds with Aromatic SolventsRitcheyN
1967March102Li-7 Shifts of Complexed Lithium IonsAkittN
1967March102Line Shape Corrections for Modulation AmplitudeEvansN
1967March102Line Shape Corrections for Modulation AmplitudeBreyN
1967March102On the "Direct" Method for Calculating of NMR SpectraSpirkoN
1967March102On the "Direct" Method for Calculating of NMR SpectraSamekN
1967March102Poor Man's HR-60 Type SpectrometerKaiserN
1967March102Relative Signs of Coupling Constants of Carbohydrate DerivativesManvilleN
1967March102Relative Signs of Coupling Constants of Carbohydrate DerivativesHallN
1967March102Request for the Magnetogyric Ratio of Be-7(4)RiveraN
1967March102Solvent Effects Upon Geminal H-D CouplingDruckN
1967March102Solvent Effects Upon Geminal H-D CouplingMoriartyN
1967March102Using Surplus V-2101 Voltage RegulatorsRyonN
1967March102Using Surplus V-2101 Voltage RegulatorsHappeN
1967March102Using Surplus V-2101 Voltage RegulatorsWardN
1967March102Using Surplus V-2101 Voltage RegulatorsHolderN
1967April103"Summer Institute in Mass Spectrometry and Advanced NMR" - Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N.J.-June 19-23, 1967MalinowskiN
1967April103A-60 Recorder ModificationsTrumpN
1967April103A-60 Recorder ModificationsKellerN
1967April103A-60 Recorder ModificationsDietrichN
1967April103Another ProgramGuntherN
1967April103Another ProgramBremserN
1967April103Configuration of Isoprene Structural Unit in the Butyl RubberChenN
1967April103Conformational Analysis of Beta-Phenylethyl DerivativesSnyderN
1967April103Die Dimerisierung von 2-t-Butylphenol, Berechnung von AssoziationskonstantenZimmermannN
1967April103Die Dimerisierung von 2-t-Butylphenol, Berechnung von AssoziationskonstantenStrohbuschN
1967April103F-19 Shieldings in Ionic CrystalsLauterburN
1967April103F-19 Shieldings in Ionic CrystalsCawleyN
1967April103First Order London-van der Waals EffectMusherN
1967April103Freezing of Water in ClaysForslindN
1967April103Freezing of Water in ClaysAndersonD. M.
1967April103Identifizierung von GuajazolSonnenbichlerN
1967April103Increasing the Solvent Properties of Deuterated Chloroform and Carbon BisulfideSzymanskiN
1967April103Isotopieeffect der Chemischen Verschiebung in Deuteriertem MethanolZschunkeN
1967April103More Solvent Dependent HF CouplingsIhrigN
1967April103More Solvent Dependent HF CouplingsSmithS. L.
1967April103NMR Shift Measurements of In in III-V CompoundsLoscheN
1967April103NMR Studies of Substrate Binding and Protein ConformationHollisN
1967April103NMR Study of a Li Exchange Reactionde BoerN
1967April103NMR Study of a Li Exchange Reactionvan WilligenN
1967April103NMR Study of a Li Exchange ReactionCantersN
1967April103Protonated Furans; Exchange in Exchange Formulavan der WerfN
1967April103Protonated Furans; Exchange in Exchange FormulaWynbergN
1967April103Protonated Furans; Exchange in Exchange FormulaWiersumN
1967April103Reconsideration of the Tetramethylsilane Internal ReferenceSpeertN
1967April103Reconsideration of the Tetramethylsilane Internal ReferenceLaszloN
1967April103Shielding Effects in Substituted CyclopropanesLongoneN
1967April103Solvent Effects on Proton Shifts and H-H, H-F Coupling Constants in 1-chlorol-fluoroethylene; The Effect of the Acetylenic Group on the Chemical Shift of the Protons in IsopropenylacetyleneSchaeferN
1967April103Solvent Exchange Study for DMF ComplexesSchusterN
1967April103Solvent Exchange Study for DMF ComplexesFratielloN
1967April103Stereochemistry at Phosphorus in 5,5-dimethyl-2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinanes, and Effect of Benzene on the Chemical Shifts of the Methyl GroupsMitchellN
1967April103Stereochemistry at Phosphorus in 5,5-dimethyl-2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinanes, and Effect of Benzene on the Chemical Shifts of the Methyl GroupsEdmundsonN
1967April103Steric Structure of 2,3-diacetoxy-dioxane-pSegreN
1967April103Steric Structure of 2,3-diacetoxy-dioxane-pGattiN
1967April103Use of N-14 NMR Data in Tautomerism StudiesMathiasN
1967April103Use of N-14 NMR Data in Tautomerism StudiesHampsonN
1967May104A Program Yclept CYCLISTKostelnikN
1967May104A Program Yclept CYCLISTWisnoskyN
1967May104A Vernier Control for the HP 200AB Audio OscillatorLevenbergN
1967May104Adaptation of LAOCOON-II for the IBM-1620 ComputerGoldsteinN
1967May104Adaptation of LAOCOON-II for the IBM-1620 ComputerReadN
1967May104An Example of Long-range Coupling Across Four Single BondsFulmorN
1967May104An Example of Long-range Coupling Across Four Single BondsMortonN
1967May104C-C and C-H Bond Diamagnetic AnisotropiesCallaghanN
1967May104C-C and C-H Bond Diamagnetic AnisotropiesHomerN
1967May104Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation in Phosphorus CompoundsRichardsN
1967May104F-19 and P-31 NMR of P2F4JohnsonF. A.
1967May104F-19 NMR of Fluoroberyllate Ions in SolutionReevesN
1967May104H-1 and C-13 Shifts in PyridineTokuhiroN
1967May104H-1 and C-13 Shifts in PyridineFraenkelN
1967May104Magnetic Non-equivalence/equivalence in Methylene GroupsJensenN
1967May104Modification of the Varian HA-60-EL Proton Stabilizer for Use with Other NucleiKaufmanN
1967May104NMR Spectra of Protonated Ketones (Dialkylhydroxycarbonium Ions)MackorN
1967May104NMR Spectra of Protonated Ketones (Dialkylhydroxycarbonium Ions)BrouwerN
1967May104Review of F-19 Chemical ShiftsEmsleyN
1967May104Rotational Isomerism in -Oximino-EstersSpassovN
1967May104Spin-Echo Studies of Internal Rotation in CF2BrCCl2BrGutowskyN
1967May104The NMR Spectrum of 1,5-Dimethylnaphtalene; or A Deceptively Complicated Poor Girl's Decoupled SpectrumAndersonJ. M.
1967May104The NMR Spectrum of 1,5-Dimethylnaphtalene; or A Deceptively Complicated Poor Girl's Decoupled SpectrumKimN
1967May104Uses for a Frequency Synthesizer, IKingN
1967May104Variation of the V3521 Modulation FrequencyLancasterN
1967May104Variation of the V3521 Modulation FrequencyBarneyN
1967June1052,2-Dimethoxypropan als Reagens zur NMR-spektroskopischen WasserbestimmungPohlN
1967June1052,2-Dimethoxypropan als Reagens zur NMR-spektroskopischen WasserbestimmungHampelN
1967June105Chemical Shifts of the Aromatic Protons in MetacyclophanesStuberN
1967June105H-1-KMR-Spektren substituierter Bis-cyclopentadienyl-metall-KomplexeSchwarzhansN
1967June105H-1-KMR-Spektren substituierter Bis-cyclopentadienyl-metall-KomplexeKellerN
1967June105H-1-KMR-Spektren substituierter Bis-cyclopentadienyl-metall-KomplexeFritzN
1967June105Handy Greaseless Container-Dispenser for Volatile LiquidsSibbaldN
1967June105Handy Greaseless Container-Dispenser for Volatile LiquidsCaserioN
1967June105J-4(POCH) Coupling Constants; Influence of Lone Pair Orientation and Nature of SubstitutionVerrierN
1967June105J-4(POCH) Coupling Constants; Influence of Lone Pair Orientation and Nature of SubstitutionRobertN
1967June105J-4(POCH) Coupling Constants; Influence of Lone Pair Orientation and Nature of SubstitutionGagnaireN
1967June105Methyl Vinyl Sulfide, Sulfoxide, and Sulfone, and Spectrum No. 35 in the Varian Spectra CatalogSmallcombeN
1967June105Methyl Vinyl Sulfide, Sulfoxide, and Sulfone, and Spectrum No. 35 in the Varian Spectra CatalogCaserioN
1967June105Miscellaneous MattersRobertsN
1967June105Miscellaneous MattersWeigertN
1967June105Molecular Geometry from Liquid Crystal SpectraMacLeanN
1967June105Molecular Geometry from Liquid Crystal SpectraHilbersN
1967June105Molecular Geometry from Liquid Crystal SpectraBulthuisN
1967June105N-15 Spectra at 10.135 MHz. Using Nitrogen LockMacielN
1967June105Simultaneous Measurement of NMR Spectrum and IntegralHirtN
1967June105Spectra of 2.6-DimethylmorpholinesBrugelN
1967June105Spectra of Vinyl Acetylenic AlcoholsColebrookN
1967June105The Critical Condition for Two Lines to be Resolved; Coupling Constants to Quadrupolar NucleiCunliffeN
1967June105The Critical Condition for Two Lines to be Resolved; Coupling Constants to Quadrupolar NucleiHarrisN
1967June105Tuning and Performance of a Varian HA-100 SpectrometerSlompN
1967July106Appeal for HelpWalkerN
1967July106Appeal for HelpSutcliffeN
1967July106Appeal for HelpJolleyN
1967July106Bah, HumbugShapiroN
1967July106Calibration of NMR ThermometerTungN
1967July106Calibration of NMR ThermometerOhnishiN
1967July106Calibration of NMR ThermometerRogersN
1967July106Carbon-13 Magnetic Shieldings in Monosubstituted PyridinesFriedelN
1967July106Carbon-13 Magnetic Shieldings in Monosubstituted PyridinesRetcofskyN
1967July106Conformation of a Cycloheptene RingPachlerN
1967July106Conformational Effects on J(C-13H)SardellaN
1967July106F-19 NMR Parameters of some Fluoro-ethylenes and of some "Dewar" Type DerivativesCavalliN
1967July106Frequency Dependent H-1 Broad-Line NMR Spectra; Standard Reference Materials and Standard Reference DataFarrarN
1967July106How Much Information is Stored in the AB-part of an ABX-spectrum?ChuckN
1967July106How Much Information is Stored in the AB-part of an ABX-spectrum?DiehlN
1967July106Knight Shift in Semiconductors; Conduction Electron Polarisation in Rare-earth-Platinum Alloys; F-19 Resonance in Paramagnetic FluoridesVijayaraghavanN
1967July106NMR Evidence for Diastereoisomers with Axial and Centro Dissymetries; Magnetic Non EquivalenceMartinG. J.
1967July106NMR Evidence for Diastereoisomers with Axial and Centro Dissymetries; Magnetic Non EquivalenceMartinM. L.
1967July106NMR Medium Effects; Molecular Complex EquilibriaWilliamsD. E.
1967July106Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the USSRMartinR. B.
1967July106Positive Sign of J(CH3, CH3) in 2,4-hexadiyneEnglertN
1967July106Pseudo-Rotation in (PCF3)5WellsN
1967July106Reaction Field Effects on Proton ShieldingsStothersN
1967July106Ring Inversion in Oxazines; Influence of Lone Pair Orientation on N-15-H-1 CouplingRiddellN
1967July106Ring Inversion in Oxazines; Influence of Lone Pair Orientation on N-15-H-1 CouplingLinscheidN
1967July106Ring Inversion in Oxazines; Influence of Lone Pair Orientation on N-15-H-1 CouplingLehnN
1967July106Ring Inversion in Oxazines; Influence of Lone Pair Orientation on N-15-H-1 CouplingKintzingerN
1967July106Ring Inversion in Tetrasubstituted CyclooctanesZabkiewiczN
1967July106Ring Inversion in Tetrasubstituted CyclooctanesMacNicolN
1967July106RMN de Haute Resolution dans le Champ Magnetique TerrestreBeneN
1967July106Spectral Data for EpifluorohydrinThomasW. A.
1967July106Spin-Coupling in XMe4-compoundsDreeskampN
1967July106Subspectral Analysis of Liquid Crystal SpectraMacLeanN
1967July106Subspectral Analysis of Liquid Crystal SpectraHilbersN
1967July106Subspectral Analysis of Liquid Crystal SpectraBulthuisN
1967August107Adaptation of Computer Programs to IBM-360'sLustigN
1967August107Aromatic Proton Chemical Shifts in Meisenheimer Complexes of NitroarenesGriffinN
1967August107Automatic Analysis of NMR SpectraLusebrinkN
1967August107Calibrated Frequency Sweep Double Resonance with the Varian A60; Simplified Deuterium Decoupling; Black Box DiagramSprecherN
1967August107Calibrated Frequency Sweep Double Resonance with the Varian A60; Simplified Deuterium Decoupling; Black Box DiagramGarbischN
1967August107Carbonium Ions 3KampenhoutN
1967August107Carbonium Ions 3KranenburgN
1967August107Carbonium Ions 3SekuurN
1967August107CrO4-- - Cr2O7-- ExchangeEgoziN
1967August107CrO4-- - Cr2O7-- ExchangeLoewensteinN
1967August107Decomposition of Unresolved MultipletsGestblomN
1967August107Decomposition of Unresolved MultipletsFreemanN
1967August107Exocyclic cis DienesKosterN
1967August107External Referencing ad NauseamGiachardiN
1967August107External Referencing ad NauseamHallG. E.
1967August107Fluorine Exchange Between PF6- and BF3BrownsteinN
1967August107Hindered Rotation of a CBr2F Substituent. A Possible Nonbonded Br-F Coupling?MartinJ. C.
1967August107Hindered Rotation of a CBr2F Substituent. A Possible Nonbonded Br-F Coupling?GurakN
1967August107Long Range Coupling Involving Exocyclic GroupsSternhellN
1967August107Long Range Coupling Involving Exocyclic GroupsNewsoroffN
1967August107Long Range Couplings in 1,3-dioxolan-4-onesFritzH.
1967August107Long Range Couplings in Phenalene; Temperature Dependence of Field Gradients in Alkali Halide CrystalsAnderssonN
1967August107Long Range Couplings in Phenalene; Temperature Dependence of Field Gradients in Alkali Halide CrystalsScheideggerN
1967August107Modification of the HA-100 Offset Circuitry for Sulfuric Acid Lock; Computer ProgramReavillN
1967August107Modification of the HA-100 Offset Circuitry for Sulfuric Acid Lock; Computer ProgramHaynesN
1967August107Modification of the HA-100 Offset Circuitry for Sulfuric Acid Lock; Computer ProgramLawsonN
1967August107Modification of the HA-100 Offset Circuitry for Sulfuric Acid Lock; Computer ProgramFlauttN
1967August107More Amides but Less Hydrogen BondsRaeN
1967August107Mortimer's RulesReillyN
1967August107Nitrogen Inversion in DiazetidinonesMannschreckN
1967August107NMR of Iminoxyl RadicalsVoevodskyN
1967August107NMR of Iminoxyl RadicalsSagdeevN
1967August107NMR of Iminoxyl RadicalsMolinN
1967August107NMRIT with PLOT; Aliphatic Nitro Compounds SolicitedMonizN
1967August107Nonobservable J-4-Long Range Coupling of Bicyclo[3.1.0]-hexenolsDuerrN
1967August107On the Question of 7-Syn- and 7-Anti- Proton Absorptions in the NMR Spectra of NorbornenesMarchandN
1967August107Ring Currents in Benzene IsomersHeffernanN
1967August107Ring Currents in Benzene IsomersJonesA. J.
1967August107Signs of H,F and H,H Coupling Constants in Cyclic DienonesRegelN
1967August107Signs of H,F and H,H Coupling Constants in Cyclic Dienonesvon PhilipsbornN
1967August107Son of EpexegesisShapiroN
1967August107Structure of ThO4H5; Hydrogen Bonding in Hindered Alcohols; Review of Hydrogen Bonding by NMRDavisN
1967August107The "Average-Energy-Approximation" ConundrumCawleyN
1967August107Zur Analyse des KernresonanzspektrumsWendischN
1967September108A Comment on the Dependence of Pseudo-contact Shifts on Correlation TimesFiatN
1967September108A Comment on the Dependence of Pseudo-contact Shifts on Correlation TimesReubenN
1967September108Advanced Workshop and Seminar in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida - January 22-26, 1968BreyN
1967September108Analysis of a Complex Chemical Equilibrium with the Aid of B-11 Magnetic ResonancePastoN
1967September108B-11-NMR-Spektren von einigen neuen Derivaten des DekaboransSedmeraN
1967September108B-11-NMR-Spektren von einigen neuen Derivaten des DekaboransSamekN
1967September108Concerning the Theory of Long-Range CouplingMurrellN
1967September108Cracking Paramagnetic Shift Peanuts with a Field-Frequency Control Steam Roller on the HA-100KurlandN
1967September108Fluorine Exchange in (C6H5CH2)3AsF2GerenserN
1967September108Fluorine Exchange in (C6H5CH2)3AsF2LongN
1967September108Fluorine Exchange in (C6H5CH2)3AsF2MorelandN
1967September108Further J-Bond Order ExamplesSmithW. B.
1967September108Indexes for IITNMRNShapiroN
1967September108Isotopic Effects on Chemical Shifts in the Hydrogen MoleculeLauterburN
1967September108Isotopic Effects on Chemical Shifts in the Hydrogen MoleculeVladimiroffN
1967September108Long Range Coupling in HeterocyclicsPastoN
1967September108Magnetic Fish: Prevention and CureDurhamN
1967September108Modified LAOCOON Computer ProgramRushN
1967September108Modified LAOCOON Computer ProgramRondeauN
1967September108NMR Observation of the Helix-Coil Transition in Left-handed and Right-handed alpha-HelicesBoveyN
1967September108NMR Studies of Enzyme Structure and Binding SitesJardetzkyN
1967September108NMR Studies of Enzyme Structure and Binding SitesCohenN
1967September108NMR Studies of Enzyme Structure and Binding SitesMarkleyN
1967September108NMR Studies of Enzyme Structure and Binding SitesMeadowsN
1967September108Relaxation Effects in DR Spectra at Sub-tickling StrengthsRaoN
1967September108Relaxation Effects in DR Spectra at Sub-tickling StrengthsKumarN
1967September108Replacement of a Superstabilizer with Low Drift, Trouble Free, Solid State Operational AmplifiersBakerN
1967September108Solvent Effects in the NMR Spectrum of 1,2,7,7-TetrachloronorbornaneWeimarN
1967September108Solvent Effects in the NMR Spectrum of 1,2,7,7-TetrachloronorbornaneMarchandN
1967September108Spin-rotation Interaction in PhosphorusMowthorpeN
1967September108Spin-rotation Interaction in PhosphorusChapmanN
1967September108Subject Index for IITNMRNWeinbergerN
1967September108The AA'(BB')(BB')' Spin System: CyclobutanoneWilcottN
1967September108The Chemical Shift of Methylene Protons Adjacent to a Heterocyclic Quarternary NitrogenWaglandN
1967September108Titles for Mellon Institute Bibliography (IITNMRN)GovilN
1967October109(No Title Given)AndersonJ. M.
1967October109(No Title Given)SamuelsJ.
1967October109ABX-system with J(AX).J(BX)AnteunisM.
1967October109ABX-system with J(AX).J(BX)TavernierD.
1967October109Adjustment Aid for Varian A-60 SpectrometerSauerW.
1967October109Al-27 NMR of Al2(SO4)3 SolutionsAkittR. A.
1967October109C-13 Satellite Spectrum of Hexafluoroethane; Variable Temperature Studies of Internal Rotation in Halogenated EthanesNewmarkR. A.
1967October109Characterisation of Aromatic Petroleum Fractions by Absorption Mode Carbon-13 NMRKnightS. A.
1967October109Examples of LAOCN3 Use on IBM 7040WestawayK. C.
1967October109Examples of LAOCN3 Use on IBM 7040GillespieR. J.
1967October109Examples of LAOCN3 Use on IBM 7040BaconJ.
1967October109Geometric Parameters Derived from the Nematic Phase Spectrum of C-13H3NCSpieseckeH.
1967October109H-1 Resonance Spectrum of a "Distylid"RutoloD. A.
1967October109H-1 Resonance Spectrum of a "Distylid"CasanovaJ.
1967October109International Symposium on Electron and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Melbourne, Australia - 11-14 August 1969!!HeffernanM. L.
1967October109Liquid-Crystal Spectrum of Ethyl Iodide; Equivalence in Anisotropic SpectraWoodmanC. M.
1967October109Liquid-Crystal Spectrum of Ethyl Iodide; Equivalence in Anisotropic SpectraSheppardN.
1967October109Long-range J-4 Couplings in Organostannic CompoundsMaireJ. C.
1967October109M.O. Calculations of Substituent Effects on Directly Bonded C-13-H Coupling ConstantsGilV. M. S.
1967October109Measurement of CCH Coupling Constants in Allyl BromideFeeneyJ.
1967October109Mortimer's Rules: A FootnoteMislowK.
1967October109NMR Spectra of Protonated Sulfur CompoundsWhiteA. M.
1967October109NMR Spectra of Protonated Sulfur CompoundsOlahG. A.
1967October109NMR-Spectra of Monodeuteromethyl CompoundsBohlmannF.
1967October109Non-Equivalence in Some Carbamoyl PhosphonatesBerlinK. D.
1967October109Phenomenes d'Echanges pour le Mercapto-2-EthanolMarciacq-RousselotM. M.
1967October109Phenomenes d'Echanges pour le Mercapto-2-EthanolFreymannR.
1967October109Polarization Effects on J(C-13)-(C-13)GrantD. M.
1967October109Proton Magnetic Resonance Coordination Number MeasurementsFratielloA.
1967October109Reaction Field Effects on Chemical Shifts of Polar SolutesBecconsallJ. K.
1967October109Rotational Barrier in Dimethylacetamide-d3JonasV.
1967October109Rotational Barrier in Dimethylacetamide-d3NeumanR. C.
1967October109Second International Symposium on NMR - San Paulo, Brazil, July 8-11, 1968ReevesL. W.
1967October109Signs of Coupling Constants to Hg-199AnetF. A. L.
1967October109Signs of the Coupling Constants in NH3SaikaA.
1967October109Solvent Effects of CCl3FRowsellD. G.
1967October109Solvent Effects of CCl3FGoldwhiteH.
1967October109Spectra of Fluorotellurium Compounds; Use of LAOCOON 3 on ICT1905ForrestG. C.
1967October109Spectra of Fluorotellurium Compounds; Use of LAOCOON 3 on ICT1905CrosbieK. D.
1967October109Spectra of Fluorotellurium Compounds; Use of LAOCOON 3 on ICT1905BladonP.
1967October109Spinning Sidebands in Liquid Crystal Spectrade LangeC. A.
1967October109Spinning Sidebands in Liquid Crystal SpectraBurnellE. E.
1967October109Tetraallyl Molybdenum: Example of Asymmetric-pi-BondingLiniD. C.
1967October109Tetraallyl Molybdenum: Example of Asymmetric-pi-BondingWiseW. B.
1967October109Tetraallyl Molybdenum: Example of Asymmetric-pi-BondingRameyK. C.
1967October109Utilisation de L'Equation de McConnel dans La Serie de La Pyrazoline-2ElgueroJ.
1967October109Utilisation de L'Equation de McConnel dans La Serie de La Pyrazoline-2JacquierR.
1967October109Varian A-60 Spectrometer; Storage of NMR SolventsGreenG. F. H.
1967October109Varian A-60 Spectrometer; Storage of NMR SolventsPageJ. E.
1967November110A Minor Mystery; the Case of the Disappearing DeuteriumCoxonB.
1967November110Alkali NMR on Radical Ion Pairs in SolutiondeBoerE.
1967November110Alkali NMR on Radical Ion Pairs in Solutionvan WilligenH.
1967November110Alkali NMR on Radical Ion Pairs in SolutionCantersG. W.
1967November110An Audio Amplifier for the HA-100WilliamsonK. L.
1967November110Calculations of Long Range H-H Coupling Constants by a VB Method which Uses a Sum Over Triplet-StatesBarfieldM.
1967November110Chemical Shifts in AmidesNagarajanK.
1967November110Finite Perturbation Theory for Nuclear Spin Coupling ConstantsOstlundN. S.
1967November110Finite Perturbation Theory for Nuclear Spin Coupling ConstantsMcIver JrJ. W.
1967November110Finite Perturbation Theory for Nuclear Spin Coupling ConstantsPopleJ. A.
1967November110Lock and Homogeneity MonitorKowalewskiV. J.
1967November110Long Range Coupling in Alkylthio and Alkoxy Benzenes; Increase of Ortho Proton Coupling with Electronegativity of Substituents in Polyhalobenzenes and ThiophenesZengierskiL.
1967November110Long Range Coupling in Alkylthio and Alkoxy Benzenes; Increase of Ortho Proton Coupling with Electronegativity of Substituents in Polyhalobenzenes and ThiophenesMarkV.
1967November110Measuring Devices for Molecular ModelsApSimonJ. W.
1967November110NMR Determination of Hammett sigma ConstantsSchramlJ.
1967November110Observation of a Helix-Coil Transition by Pulsed-Field-Gradient Spin-Echo NMRMollR. E.
1967November110Observation of a Helix-Coil Transition by Pulsed-Field-Gradient Spin-Echo NMRBaldeschwielerJ. D.
1967November110Origin of Instabilities in Carr Purcell Spin-Echo Experiments with Large Pulse SpacingsAllerhandA.
1967November110P-31 Longitudinal Relaxation TimesDaleS. W.
1967November110P-31 Longitudinal Relaxation TimesHobbsM. E.
1967November110Poly(-vinyl chloride-) Beta,Beta.d2CarraroG.
1967November110Poly(-vinyl chloride-) Beta,Beta.d2CavalliL.
1967November110Proton Shielding Tensor in Trichloroacetic AcidHaddixD. C.
1967November110Proton Shielding Tensor in Trichloroacetic AcidLauterburP. C.
1967November110Relative Sign of Proton-Phosphorus Couplings; P-31-C-13 Spin-Spin CouplingsMavelG.
1967November110Site Factors in NMR Solvent EffectsRummensF. H. A.
1967November110Syringe Filter for Microcell SamplesLundinR. E.
1967November110The Complete R-Value MethodKeskeR. G.
1967November110The Complete R-Value MethodLambertJ. B.
1967November110The Examination of Conformational Changes in Non-Planar Aromatic Systems by NMR SpectroscopySutherlandI. O.
1967November110The Examination of Conformational Changes in Non-Planar Aromatic Systems by NMR SpectroscopyOllisW. D.
1967November110The Examination of Conformational Changes in Non-Planar Aromatic Systems by NMR SpectroscopyMundayR.
1967November110TWOSUM, AGAINMartinJ. S.
1967November110Unusual Chemical Shifts in a ThianoneLansburyP. T.
1967November110Virtual Coupling in FluorobenzenePage JrT. F.
1967November110Wide Sweep Calibrated Spectra in FluorineAllenW.
1967November110Wide Sweep Calibrated Spectra in FluorineKanskiE.
1967November110Wide Sweep Calibrated Spectra in FluorineColsonJ. G.
1967December1119th ENC (Experimental NMR Conference) - February 29 to March 2, 1968 - Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaAndersonJ. M.
1967December111Analysis of Some Norbornene Spectra; Caution in the Use of Molecular SieveThorpeM. C.
1967December111Association Shifts of the Methanol OH ResonanceKruegerU.
1967December111Association Shifts of the Methanol OH ResonancePerkampusH. H.
1967December111Cl-35 NMR with Zn+2 Complexed Nucleotide DiphosphatesRyonR.
1967December111Cl-35 NMR with Zn+2 Complexed Nucleotide DiphosphatesHolderB.
1967December111Cl-35 NMR with Zn+2 Complexed Nucleotide DiphosphatesWardR.
1967December111Cl-35 NMR with Zn+2 Complexed Nucleotide DiphosphatesHappeJ.
1967December111Continous Lock Signal Indication on a Varian HA 100van DeursenF. W.
1967December111Cyanine Dyes- Spectra by DP-IL C-1024LuValleJ. E.
1967December111Cyanine Dyes- Spectra by DP-IL C-1024MarrD. H.
1967December111Difference d'Energie Libre entre Methyles Axiaux et Equatoriaux dans des HeterocyclesDelmauJ.
1967December111Exchange Kinetics of N=acetylglycine N-methylamideLiN. C.
1967December111ITEREX, A Program for Computing Exchange LineshapesTemplemanG.
1967December111J(HCOH) in Cyclohexanols with Transannular Hydrogen BondsStolowR.
1967December111Medium and Temperature Dependences of H-H and H-F Couplings in a Bicyclic SystemSmithS. L.
1967December111Medium and Temperature Dependences of H-H and H-F Couplings in a Bicyclic SystemIhrigA. M.
1967December111Mg(II) Hydration Number in Water-Acetone MixturesSchusterR.
1967December111Mg(II) Hydration Number in Water-Acetone MixturesMishidaV.
1967December111Mg(II) Hydration Number in Water-Acetone MixturesLeeR.
1967December111Mg(II) Hydration Number in Water-Acetone MixturesFratielloA.
1967December111N-14 Chemical Shifts in UreasMathiasA.
1967December111N-14 Chemical Shifts in UreasHampsonP.
1967December111NMR of F2C=CH2 at High Pressure II; Dielectric CavitiesSmidtJ.
1967December111NMR of F2C=CH2 at High Pressure II; Dielectric CavitiesWismanD. H.
1967December111NMRENITPUBLISHManattS. L.
1967December111NMRENITPUBLISHChapmanT. I.
1967December111NMRENITPUBLISHBowersM. T.
1967December111Propiolactone; CYCLISTAbrahamR. J.
1967December111Second-order ABXn SpectraWhippleE. B.
1967December111Signs of Coupling Constants by Heteronuclear Double ResonanceDeanR.
1967December111Solid State Power Supply for Superstabilizer Lamp; High Resolution Derivative SpectraKleinM. P.
1967December111Spectra of Oriented Molecules - Temperature, Concentration and Spinning Speed DependenceKhetrapalC. L.
1967December111Spectra of Oriented Molecules - Temperature, Concentration and Spinning Speed DependenceDiehlP.
1967December111Spin-couplings in FluorothiophenesRodmarS.
1967December111The Anisotropy of a C = C BondFraserR. R.
1967December111The Conformation of CitrininPowellJ. W.
1967December111Tieftemperaturmessung mit dem DA 60KosfeldR.
1968January112A General Approach to Quantitiative Analyses of Multicomponent MixturesCrutchfieldM. M.
1968January112Aluminum-27 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Trialkylaluminum ComplexesPetrakisN
1968January112Applications of Internal Nuclear Overhauser Effects: 1,2,3,4-TetramethylphenanthreneMartinR. H.
1968January112Applications of Internal Nuclear Overhauser Effects: 1,2,3,4-TetramethylphenanthreneNoulsJ. C.
1968January112Association of Phenol with Alkyl Halides, Amine, and PhosphineChojnowskiJ.
1968January112Association of Phenol with Alkyl Halides, Amine, and PhosphineBrandtW. W.
1968January112Can Fluorine Chemical Shifts Be Related to Electron Density Distribution?EmsleyJ. W.
1968January112Chemical Shifts of Aromatic Protons in Phenyl-Substituted AnionsMackorE. L.
1968January112Chemical Shifts of Aromatic Protons in Phenyl-Substituted AnionsKloosterzielH.
1968January112Chemical Shifts of Aromatic Protons in Phenyl-Substituted AnionsHeiszwolfG. J.
1968January112Der Einflus von Losungsmitteln auf die konformative Beweglichkeit eines Sechsringmolekuls. Die Beschleunigung einer Protonenaustauschreaktion bei abnehmender TemperaturStrohbuschF.
1968January112Der Einflus von Losungsmitteln auf die konformative Beweglichkeit eines Sechsringmolekuls. Die Beschleunigung einer Protonenaustauschreaktion bei abnehmender TemperaturZimmermannH.
1968January112Diastereotope Protonen in pi-Tricyclyl-quecksilber-chloridPretschE.
1968January112Diastereotope Protonen in pi-Tricyclyl-quecksilber-chloridSimonW.
1968January112Diastereotope Protonen in pi-Tricyclyl-quecksilber-chloridScheffoldR.
1968January112Dynamic Structure of Vorlander's Compounds; In Vino Veritas?LubochinskyJ.
1968January112Dynamic Structure of Vorlander's Compounds; In Vino Veritas?FrankleW. E.
1968January112Dynamic Structure of Vorlander's Compounds; In Vino Veritas?LaszloP.
1968January112F {C-13} Results for CFCl = CFClKaiserR.
1968January112Hindered Internal Rotation in Quaternary N,N-Dimethylaminosubstituted Azaheterocyclic CompoundsLundN
1968January112Hindered Internal Rotation in Quaternary N,N-Dimethylaminosubstituted Azaheterocyclic CompoundsJakobsenN
1968January112Hydration of Al(NO3)3KnappP. S.
1968January112Hydration of Al(NO3)3MalinowskiE. R.
1968January112J in BF4-KuhlmannK. F.
1968January112Long-range J-4 and J-6 Couplings in 2,6-dimethyl-3,4-dibromophenolGaurH. A.
1968January112Long-range J-4 and J-6 Couplings in 2,6-dimethyl-3,4-dibromophenolHuysmansW. G. B.
1968January112More on the Q RelationSmithW. B.
1968January112N-14 Shifts in NitrobenzenesBothner-ByA. A.
1968January112N-14 Shifts in NitrobenzenesDavisD. G.
1968January112NATO Summer School on NMR at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, September 9-20, 1968MurrellJ. N.
1968January112Nature of the Screening Around C=C and C=O BondsDemarcoN
1968January112NMR and EPR Symposium - 19-21 February 1968 - Freiburg, GermanyFriebolinH.
1968January112NMR of Some Substituted DifluorobenzenesMillerS. B.
1968January112NMR of Some Substituted DifluorobenzenesAndersonJ. M.
1968January112P-31 Contact Shifts; N-15RandallE. W.
1968January112P.M.R. Spectra of Bis (2-amino-2-carboxyethyl) trisulphide and related amino acidsL'AmieR.
1968January112P.M.R. Spectra of Bis (2-amino-2-carboxyethyl) trisulphide and related amino acidsJonesD. W.
1968January112P.M.R. Spectra of Bis (2-amino-2-carboxyethyl) trisulphide and related amino acidsBartleK. D.
1968January112Partial Bond Fixation in a Benzo-CyclopropeneGuentherH.
1968January112Queries and IntegrationSnyderN
1968January112Signs of Long Range H-F Couplings in Fluorotoluenes and BenzotrifluoridesSchaeferT.
1968January112Spectral Parameters of FluorobenzeneCastellanoS. M.
1968January112Stan - If You Don't Dig the Words, Man, Don't Knock the Tune, Like, or, LAOCN3 ueber AA'BB'CCBothner-ByA. A.
1968January112Stan - If You Don't Dig the Words, Man, Don't Knock the Tune, Like, or, LAOCN3 ueber AA'BB'CCCastellanoS. M.
1968January112Stan - If You Don't Dig the Words, Man, Don't Knock the Tune, Like, or, LAOCN3 ueber AA'BB'CCWilliamsonM. P.
1968January112Stan - If You Don't Dig the Words, Man, Don't Knock the Tune, Like, or, LAOCN3 ueber AA'BB'CCMockW. L.
1968January112The Favoured Rotamers for Primary-fluoro CarbohydratesHallL. D.
1968January112The Favoured Rotamers for Primary-fluoro CarbohydratesEvelynL.
1968January112The NMR Spectra of Basic Primary AlcoholsSewellM. J.
1968January112The NMR Spectra of Basic Primary AlcoholsBassR. J.
1968January112Time Averaging with General Purpose ComputersErnstR. R.
1968January112Use of J-3(POCH) in Conformational AnalysisNesbitM. R.
1968January112Use of J-3(POCH) in Conformational AnalysisMichalskiJ.
1968January112Use of J-3(POCH) in Conformational AnalysisKatritzkyA. R.
1968February113'Partial-Saturation' Using Nuclear Magnetic Double ResonanceBernstein<