Postdoctoral Position at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) – Developing AI tools for Biomolecular NMR and Structural Biology

Postdoctoral Position at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) – Developing AI tools for Biomolecular NMR and Structural Biology

A postdoctoral position funded through the SciLifeLab PULSE academic postdoctoral program is offered at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Swedish NMR Centre.


The primary focus of the project is to develop AI tools for biomolecular NMR and structural biology. Specific topics are NMR signal processing, spectra analysis, AlphaFold, disordered proteins. See relevant publications from our group at:


The position provides access to the national supercomputer infrastructure and excellent NMR equipment at the Swedish NMR Centre ( .


Applicants should hold a Ph.D. awarded not earlier than March 2022 in Structural Biology, Biophysics, or a related discipline, with a background in computations, AI, and/or biomolecular NMR. Students who just received or are expected to receive their PhD degree are encouraged to apply.


To apply: