Call for Proposals to Host the 26th ISMAR Conference in 2029

The International Society of Magnetic Resonance calls for proposals from groups of magnetic resonance scientists to organize and host the 26th ISMAR Conference, which will take place in 2029. If you and your colleagues are interested in hosting this Conference, we ask that you submit a preliminary proposal with the following information:

  • Proposed location and dates of the meeting.
  • Brief description of the status of magnetic resonance in the host country or region.
  • Information about the proposed Local Organizing Committee, including names, affiliations, responsibilities, and research areas of committee members. The Local Organizing Committee should have a chair who will serve as the primary point of contact, as well as members who will take responsibility for fund-raising, arrangements with the Conference site, development of a Conference web site, organization of social/cultural/recreational events, arrangements for registration by attendees, arrangements for vendor exhibits, etc.
  • Information about the proposed Conference site, including lecture halls, space for posters and vendor exhibits, lodging options, dining options, travel accessibility for international attendees, etc.
  • Estimated budget, including registration fees, cost of facilities and refreshments/meals, web site and Conference management costs, likely sources of financial support, travel support for plenary and invited speakers, etc.

Based on our experience with previous ISMAR Conferences, the following items should be considered:

  • It is helpful for the ISMAR Conference to be sponsored by one or more magnetic resonance associations in the host country or region. The ISMAR Conference can be combined with regular magnetic resonance meetings in the host country.
  • Selection of plenary speakers and invited speakers will be the responsibility of a Scientific Committee, which is separate from the Local Organizing Committee. Members of the Scientific Committee, including the Chair of the Scientific Committee, will be chosen by ISMAR. These members will represent all active areas of magnetic resonance research (solution NMR, solid state NMR, EPR, MRI, applications in biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, methodological developments, etc.) and all parts of the world, including the host country or region.
  • Attendance at recent ISMAR Conferences has been in the 400-1000 range.
  • ISMAR expects to receive 50 USD for each attendee (25 USD for student attendees). In return, each attendee becomes a full member of ISMAR for the next two years. These contributions to ISMAR must be included in the proposed Conference budget and should be covered by registration fees or other sources of support.
  • ISMAR Conferences take place once every two years. ISMAR attempts to hold its Conferences in various regions of the world on a rotating basis. Recent and upcoming Conferences have been/will be in Brazil (2013), China (2015), Canada (2017), Germany (ISMAR-EUROMAR 2019), Japan (2021), Australia (2023), USA (ISMAR-ENC 2025), France (ISMAR-EUROMAR 2027). No decisions regarding the location of the 2029 ISMAR Conference have been made yet, but a location in Asia would be most consistent with ISMAR's goals.
  • A final decision about the location of the 2029 ISMAR Conference will be made by the ISMAR Council, immediately after presentations to the ISMAR Council by groups that submit full proposals. These presentations will take place during the 2025 ENC-ISMAR Conference in Asilomar on April 6-11 2025. (Members of the ISMAR Council are listed at

Preliminary proposals should be submitted by January 15, 2025 to Alexej Jerschow,
Secretary General of ISMAR (e-mail:

Please direct any questions to Alexej Jerschow or to Stephan Grzesiek, President of ISMAR (e-mail:

The Executive Committee of ISMAR, September 2024