PhD studentship at the University of Southampton

Fancy doing a PhD at the University of Southampton (one of the best 100 universities worldwide) on a project half way between magnetic resonance, tissue engineering and micro fabrication technology, which involves fabricating Lenz lenses and tuned RF coils to improve magnetic resonance imaging on tissues growing on 3D-printed supports?


We have an open position and it is waiting for you!

For further info about the PhD project and how to apply read here

If you want to here more or have some questions, feel free to contact me (Giuseppe Pileio) at or my colleague Yasir Noori at

Read more about what we do here and here


Looking forward to hearing from you,



Dr. Giuseppe Pileio, PhD, FHEA
Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,

Chemistry MSc Director of Programmes,
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Chemistry and Frontiers in Physics


Department of Chemistry,
University of Southampton,

Building 27 - Room 2025,
University Road, SO17 1BJ,
Southampton, Hampshire, UK.

Tel.: +44 (023) 80 59 4160
ORCID: 0000-0001-9223-3896

Group Web page