ISMAR statement on the situation in Israel

The ISMAR Executive Committee unequivocally condemns the recent attacks by Hamas within Israel.  These were acts of pure barbaric terrorism, killing and destroying the lives of many innocent people of all ages.  We extend our most sincere expression of concern and sympathy to all ISMAR members and all others who were affected by these attacks, either directly or indirectly.

We encourage all ISMAR members to express their concerns and opinions through messages to their national leaders, donations, active participation in humanitarian organizations, and other activities.  We sincerely hope solutions will be found in the very near future that allow all people in the Middle East to live in peace and security, so that they may contribute to the future progress of science and civilization.

The ISMAR Executive Committee

Stephan Grzesiek (President), Tatyana Polenova (Vice President), Rob Tycko (Past President), Alexej Jerschow (Secretary General), Rachel Martin (Treasurer)