Barry Shapiro’s NMR Newsletters collection is now complete in digital form

All of Barry Shapiro's 516 NMR Newsletters are now completely available in digital form at the ISMAR website We are very glad that we could secure this treasure for the magnetic resonance community and beyond.

ISMAR is extremely grateful to Dr. Clemens Anklin (Bruker) who tirelessly scanned the issues over months and months with some help in the last stages by Alexandra Meng (University of Basel).

The project was initially triggered by a tweet by Dr. Frances Separovic (Melbourne U). We thank Brian Sykes from the University of Alberta, Beth Moscato and Seth Johnson from Corteva, Scott Riley from Tecmag, Matthias Ernst from the ETH Zurich, and Michelle DiMeo of the Science History Institute Philadelphia for the contribution of missing volumes to this collection. We also want to acknowledge the support for this project by Barry Shapiro’s wife Lee Shapiro and his two daughters Catherine Shapiro and Miriam Shapiro Schwartz.