Harden Marsden McConnell passed away October 8, 2014, at age 87. He was a faculty member at CalTech (1956-64) and at Stanford (1964-2000) and chaired the Stanford Chemistry Department (1989-1992). He was a Fellow of ISMAR (2008) and will be remembered for early theories on spin correlations (McConnell equations (1) on spin exchange and (2) on aromatic radical hyperfine splitting), for developing spin labels to understand the dynamic nature of lipid membranes, and for leading, by example, the chemistry discipline to invent sensitive approaches to fundamental questions on new frontiers. He wrote nearly 500 papers with his students and colleagues. A flavor of the experience of doing a project with him can be gleaned from his own historical perspectives in Annual Reviews of Biophysics, 39: 1 (2010) and at HardenMcconnell.org.
Submitted by Betty Gaffney